Tranquille Wildlife Management Area

Last updated on January 21, 2025

Date Designated: June 10, 1987

Purpose: Management of valuable wetland habitat for waterfowl and other wetland-dependent species.

Size: 254 hectares

Region: Thompson/Okanagan

Nature and culture

Fish and Wildlife: Tranquille WMA provides staging and resting habitat for the spring and fall migration of Canada Goose, swans and other wetland species. Mallard, Goldeneye and Wood Ducks nest in the area. In addition, shorebirds and passerine species are abundant. The presence of large numbers of prey species attracts raptors, including Bald Eagle, Golden Eagle, Osprey, and Prairie, Gyr and Peregrine Falcon. Mule Deer, Beaver, Muskrat, Coyote, Black Bear and River Otter have been recorded in the area, but only Coyote are sighted frequently. The flooded meadows support Carp spawning habitat, and some salmonid rearing habitat. Rare species present include Tall Beggarticks, Awned Cyperus, Small-flowered Ipomopsis.

Physiography, Climate and Vegetation: This is a generally flat area at the head of Kamloops Lake made up of meadow, pond and shrubby riparian communities. A number of shallow channels bisect the flats, which are flooded annually from late-May until mid-July. In spring and early summer, flooded pond and meadow areas support rich communities of submerged and emergent vegetation. Western Water Hemlock grows in thick mats along the creek borders and Horsetail is common in sandy sites. Upland portions support Willow, Rose, Chokecherry, Sagebrush, Red Osier Dogwood, Black Cottonwood and Manitoba Maple.

Planning and management

Information on management direction and possible restrictions on visitor activities are available from the Conservation Lands regional contacts.

Location and Maps
map of Tranquille

The Tranquille WMA lies 18 km west of Kamloops south of Lac du Bois Grasslands Protected Area on Kamloops Lake.