Child Care Operating Funding - Base Funding

Last updated on December 16, 2024

Child Care Operating Funding (CCOF) Base Funding assists eligible licensed family and group child care providers with the day-to-day costs of running a facility.




To be eligible to receive CCOF Base Funding, providers must:

  • Have a valid Community Care and Assisted Living Act Facility Licence (Note: Funding is not available for occasional child care, child minding, residential care or recreational care)
  • Be open and currently providing child care
  • Be in good standing with the Ministry of Education and Child Care and, if registered, with BC Registries and Online Services
  • Agree to provide services to families receiving the Affordable Child Care Benefit
  • Make every reasonable effort to provide an inclusive and supportive environment for all children, including children with extra support needs
  • Complete the annual Provider Profile Survey

Emergency closures

Child Care Operating Funding base funding may be paid when a centre is temporarily closed due to an emergency. Eligible circumstances include:

  • Unplanned closures due to an evacuation order or similar restrictions issued by a First Nation, provincial, federal, municipal government or health authority
  • Natural disasters
  • External circumstances outside the provider’s control, at the ministry’s discretion

Emergencies that were preventable or originated within the centre, and permanent closures are not eligible.

To ensure consistent fee reductions for parents, closures outside of the provider’s control may also be eligible for Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative funding if the centre is approved to collect parent fees.

Early childhood educator wage enhancement funding is also available during periods of unplanned temporary closure if the provider continues to pay staff wages.

To report an emergency closure and request funding, please email The ministry will review your request and advise on the next steps. Include the following information when you contact the ministry:

  • Name of child care centre
  • Facility ID (e.g. F/G-XXXXXX-XXXXXX)
  • Closure date
  • Expected reopen date
  • Reasons for closure
  • Type of funding being requested



Apply or Renew 


Providers can estimate their monthly CCOF Base Funding payment by multiplying the applicable rate for their licence and service type by the number of enrolled children reported on their Monthly Enrolment Report.


Group Child Care Rates

Rates for providers with a Group or Multi-Age Licence for more than eight children, or if the facility is in a location other than the licensee's personal residence.

Rate category (per enrolment)  

4 hours or less  

More than 4 hours

Under 36 months (3 years)



3 years to Kindergarten



Grade 1 to 12 years







Family Child Care

Family Licence for seven or fewer children in the licensee's personal residence.

Rate category (per enrolment)  

4 hours or less  

More than 4 hours

Under 36 months (3 years)



3 years to Kindergarten



Grade 1 to 12 years




 In-Home Multi-Age & Multi-Age Child Care Rates

Group rates apply if the facility:

  • Has a Group or Multi-Age Child Care Licence for more than eight children, or
  • Is in a location other than a personal residence

Rate category (per enrolment)  

4 hours or less  

More than 4 hours

Under 36 months (3 years)



3 years to Kindergarten



Grade 1 to 12 years






The below rates apply if the facility:

  • Has an In-Home Multi-Age or Multi-Age Child Care Licence for eight or fewer children in the licensee’s personal residence. These rates are 20% higher than the Family Child Care rates in recognition of the Early Childhood Educator credential.

Rate category (per enrolment)  

4 hours or less  

More than 4 hours

Under 36 months (3 years)



3 years to Kindergarten



Grade 1 to 12 years



The factors determining group or family rates funding are the number of children and whether the child care is in a personal residence. Other factors, such as renovating the child care space or adding additional staff, do not affect the rate category.


Contact information

CCOF Program Contact Centre

  • Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm