On this page
Eligible applicants
An eligible applicant for the CCBC program is:
- A corporation, either for profit or not-for-profit, that is incorporated in Canada;
- An Indigenous entity including:
- A profit or non-profit organization run by and for First Nations, Métis, or Inuit Peoples;
- A band council within the meaning of section 2 of the Indian Act;
- An Indigenous government authority established by a self-government agreement or a comprehensive land claim agreement;
- A public sector body that is established by statute or by regulation or is wholly owned by a provincial, municipal or regional government, which provides services to communities; or
- A partnership, joint venture or consortium that is composed of parties identified above.
And, that:
- Builds, owns, and operates broadband infrastructure; or
- Enters into a contractual arrangement with an entity identified above to design, build, own and operate broadband infrastructure.
Steps to apply
Eligible applicants can submit an application for funding by following the steps below.
PLEASE NOTE: Incomplete applications that are missing the required documentation or information will not be considered for funding.
1. Review the Application Guide
Download the Application Guide (PDF, 871KB) for more information about the program and instructions on how to apply.
2. Download the program templates
Download and complete the program spreadsheet templates below in Excel. These will need to be completed and uploaded into the Applicant Portal. All templates are mandatory, except templates 5, 7 and 8 which are optional and depend on the project being submitted (see the Application Guide for further details).
Download the individual program templates:
- Template 1: Eligibility and impacts calculator (.xlsx, 40KB)
- Template 2: Detailed budget - v3 December 20 (.xlsx, 66KB)
- Template 3: Financial forecast (.xlsx, 108KB)
- Template 4: Last-mile internet service offering (.xlsx, 42KB)
- Template 5: List of points of presence and wholesale pricing (.xlsx, 74KB)
- Template 6: Community and rural development benefits (.xlsx, 46KB)
- Template 7: Wireless addendum - optional (.xlsx, 309KB)
- Template 8: Supporting connectivity evidence (.xlsx, 39KB)
- Template 9: Backbone and geographic names (.xlsx, 576KB)
- Template 10: Equipment details (.xlsx, 25KB)
3. Review the application questions
Please review the application questions (PDF, 534KB). This is a PDF list of all questions in the Applicant Portal.
4. Review the supplemental data
Please review connectivity spatial data in the BC Data Catalogue related to project zones.
5. Log in to the Applicant Portal
To create your account, please log in to the Applicant Portal.
Applicant Portal