Community tools

Last updated on June 28, 2024

image or rural community alongside the water, with a tree-covered hill in the background

The Community Information Tool and the Community Investment Opportunities Tool are free online resources. They offer easy access to data-driven insights and investment opportunities for communities across B.C.

The tools provide central access points for data. They help planners, policymakers, and economic developers. They thrive. They also help investment organizations thrive in the digital economy.

Topics covered on this page:

Community Information Tool

A report of the Cariboo Regional District on the Community Information Tool (CIT)

The Community Information Tool (CIT) offers insight into communities across B.C. 

It has integrated data on their socio-economic, connectivity, and community assets. The tool supports community, regional, and province-wide planning. This is vital to building thriving, healthy communities.

  • View and compare community and regional profiles
  • Discover insig­hts and patterns across B.C. communities
  • Filter data with specific search criteria

Need some help to get started? See the introductory guide (PDF, 1.4 MB) and video tutorial.


Community Investment Opportunities Tool

The Community Investment Opportunities Tool (CIOT) map

The Community Investment Opportunities Tool (CIOT) connects investors with industrial, commercial and agricultural properties that are available for investment across the province.

  • Post-investment properties available for sale or lease to investors
  • Filter investment opportunities with specific search criteria

Need some help to get started? See the introductory guide (PDF, 1.4 MB), video for community representatives and video for investors.

Guides and learning resources

Community Information Tool

Community Investment Opportunities Tool

Contact information

Please email us for more information.