Indigenous Governing Bodies

Last updated on March 3, 2025

Indigenous Governing Bodies for the purpose of providing notice under section 12 of An Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis children, youth and families

Section 12 of the federal Act respecting First Nation, Inuit and Métis children, youth and families requires the director under the Child, Family and Community Service Act to provide notice of significant measures to the Indigenous Governing Body to which a child belongs. Current Ministry of Children and Family Development policy interprets significant measures as being broader than court proceedings.

The same provision requires the Indigenous Governing Body to inform the Ministry of Children and Family Development that it is authorized to act on behalf of a section 35 rights-holding collective for the purposes of notice.

Documentation can be submitted to Denise Devenny, Assistant Deputy Minister, Partnerships and Indigenous Engagement Division, Ministry of Children and Family Development:
by email to:
or by mail to:

Denise Devenny, Assistant Deputy Minister 
Partnerships and Indigenous Engagement Division
Ministry of Children and Family Development
PO BOX 9745 STN PROV GOVT         
Victoria, BC
V8V 0C5


Please be aware that there may be out-of-province IGBs that require section 12 notification. This website only lists IGBs that have made themselves known to MCFD. In addition to the list below, staff should also consult the federal repository of section12 IGBs.

Indigenous Governing Bodies


British Columbia

Name of IGB

Band Council of Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nation

Effective: November 29, 2021

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nation

Contact information for IGB

Primary Contact: Bette Belanger

Title: Namima Case Manager

Alternate Contact (if primary does not respond via phone or email within 24 hours): Eleanor Wilson

Title: Case Manager, Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Health and Family Services

Name of IGB

Binche Whut’en

Effective: June 19, 2023

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Binche Whut’en

Contact information for IGB

Jessica Erickson

Title: Senior Manager

Name of IGB

Boston Bar

Effective: February 11, 2025

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Boston Bar First Nation

Contact information for IGB

Primary Contact: Diana Thomas 

Secondary Contact: Debbie O'Handley

Name of IGB

Council of the Tl'etinqox Government

Effective: November 30, 2021

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Tl'etinqox (Anaham)

Contact information for IGB

Primary Contact: Caprice Billyboy

Title: Band Representative

Secondary Contact: Crystal McDermott

Title: Prevention Manager

Tertiary Contact: Yvonne Hare

Title: Director of Community Development

Name of IGB

Cowichan Tribes
Chief and Council

Effective: April 30, 2020

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Cowichan Tribes

  • Kw’amutsun
  • Qwum’yiqun’
  • Hwulqwselu
  • S’amuna’
  • L’uml’umuluts
  • Hinupsum
  • Tl’ulpalus

Contact information for IGB

Cowichan Tribes General Manager

  • Phone: 250-748-3196
  • Fax: 250-748-1233
  • Mailing Address: 5760 Allenby Road, Duncan BC, V9L 5J1

Name of IGB

Esk’etemc Stsmémelt ell K̓wesélkten Planning Committee

Effective: September 29, 2023

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Esk’etemc First Nation

Contact information for IGB

Alice Tresierra

Title: First Nations Representative

Name of IGB

Huu-ay-aht First Nations

Effective: July 21, 2023

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Huu-ay-aht First Nations

Contact information for IGB

Shannon Zimmerman

Title: Director of Child and Family Wellness

Name of IGB

Ka:'yu:'k't'h'/Che:k'tles7et'h' First Nations

Effective: July 21, 2023

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Ka:'yu:'k't'h'/Che:k'tles7et'h' First Nations

Contact information for IGB

Primary Contact: Colleen Rudderham

Title: Director of Community Services

Secondary Contact: Daniel Blackstone

Title: Family Services Manager

Name of IGB

Kitasoo Xai'xais Nation

Effective: September 16, 2024

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Kitasoo Xai'xais Nation

Contact information for IGB

Megan Markloff

Title: Representative Services Liaison

Name of IGB

Lake Babine Nation

Effective: November 23, 2020

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Lake Babine Nation

Contact information for IGB

Please attempt to contact by phone first. If no answer, please try email, and fax last.

Primary Contact: Fern Abraham

Title: Child and Family Services Team Leader

Alternative Contact: Yvette Pierre

Title: Child & Family Prevention Worker

Name of IGB

Lheidli T’enneh Chief and Council

Effective: April 23, 2024

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Lheidli T’enneh

Contact information for IGB

Primary contact: Tasheena Seymour
Title: Family Development Coordinator

Secondary contact: Towfig Islam
Title: Acting Executive Director 

Name of IGB

Lhtako Dene Nation 

Effective: August 23, 2024

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Lhtako Dene Nation

Contact information for IGB

Please attempt to contact by phone first. If no answer, please try email, and fax last.

Primary Contact: LeDonna Bussineau

Title: Coordinator of the Lhtako Family Centre

Alternative Contact: Terry Boucher

Title: Family Support Worker

Name of IGB

McLeod Lake Indian Band 

Effective September 15, 2021

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

McLeod Lake Indian Band

Contact information for IGB

Primary Contact: Chris Branigan

Title: Family Worker

Alternate Contact (if primary does not respond via phone or email within 24 hours): Meaghan Van Somer

Title: Health Director

Name of IGB

Nak'azdli Whut'en

Effective: December 18, 2024

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Nak'azdli Whuten

Contact information for IGB

Primary Contact: Aileen Prince
Title: Chief

Alternative Contact: Council

Name of IGB

Nisga’a Lisims Government

Effective: April 1, 2020

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Nisga’a Lisims Nation

  • Gitlaxt'aamiks (formerly New Aiyansh) Village
  • Nisga'a Village of Gitlakdamix
  • Laxgalts’ap Village (Lakalzap Band)
  • Gingolx Village (Gingolx First Nation)


Contact information for IGB

Primary Contact: Janet Nisyok

Title: Manager

Alternative Contact: Mary Temple

Title: Coordinator

Alternative Contact: Grace Clayton

Title: Administrative Assisstant

Name of IGB

Quatsino First Nation

Effective: March 10, 2023

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Quatsino First Nation

Contact information for IGB

Primary Contact: Ronna Brand

Title: Director of Family Social Services

Alternative Contact: Melinda Sheard

Title: Social Development Manager

Name of IGB

Simpcw Chief and Council

Effective: June 1, 2020

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Simpcw First Nation (Simpcw North Thompson Indian Band; North Thompson Indian Band)

Contact information for IGB

Primary Contact: Carmen Hance

Title: Social Development Manager

Alternate contact: Marissa Eustache

Title: Family Support Worker 

Name of IGB

ɬaʔamɩn Nation

Alternate name: Tla'amin Nation

(Formerly known as Sliammon First Nation)

Band number: 554

Effective: October 31, 2022

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

ɬaʔamɩn Nation

Contact information for IGB

Please attempt to contact by phone first. If no answer, please try email, fax and personal cell last.

Primary Contact: Ryan Pielle

Title: Child Welfare Reform Coordinator

Alternative Contact: Bianca Pyle

Title: Child, Youth and Family Advocate

Name of IGB

Taku River Tlingit First Nation

Effective: November 6, 2024

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Taku River Tlingit First Nation

Contact information for IGB

Primary Contact: Spokesperson

Alternative Contact: Health and Wellness Manager 

Name of IGB

Toquaht Nation Government

Effective: January 6, 2022

Band number: 666

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Toquaht Nation

Contact information for IGB

Primary Contact: Lisa Morgan

Name of IGB

Tŝilhqot’in National Government 

Effective: March 18, 2022

Alternate names: 

  • Tl’esqox (Toosey)
  • ?Esdilagh First Nation
  • Xeni Gwet’in First Nations Government
  • Yunesit’in Government
  • Tsideldel First Nation

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Tl’esqox (Toosey)

?Esdilagh First Nation

Xeni Gwet’in First Nations Government

Yunesit’in Government

Tsideldel First Nation

Contact information for IGB

Primary Contact: Christa Smith

Title: Executive Director of Denisiqi Services Society

Name of IGB

Uchucklesaht Tribe

Effective: July 21, 2023

Effective Date: July 21, 2023

Band number: 667

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Uchucklesaht Tribe

Contact information for IGB

Christina Lucas

Title: Director of Human Services

Name of IGB

West Moberly First Nations Chief and Council

Effective: February 18, 2022

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

West Moberly First Nations

Contact information for IGB

Primary Contact: Clorrisa Bigfoot

Title: Health Director

Name of IGB

Yuułuʔiłʔath Government

Effective: July 21, 2023

Alternate name: Ucluelet First Nation

Band number: 668

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Yuułuʔiłʔath Government

Contact information for IGB

Primary contact: Gloria Valentine
Title: Community Wellness Worker

Secondary contact: Simblejeet Kaur
Title: Director of Health & Social Services



Name of IGB

Cowessess First Nation

Effective: April 1, 2021

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB


Contact information for IGB

Contact Information (SharePoint)

Name of IGB

Piapot First Nation

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Piapot First Nation





Name of IGB

Manitoba Métis Federation

Effective: February 26, 2020

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Manitoba Métis Community

Contact information for IGB

Contact Information (SharePoint)

Name of IGB

Dakota Tiwahe Services Inc.

Effective: January 29, 2020

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Sioux Valley Dakota Nation

Contact information for IGB

Contact Information (SharePoint)

Name of IGB

Island Lake First Nations/ Island Lake Anishininew Nation

Effective: July 21, 2020

For more information, contact Island Lake First nations CFS/AFLFS Transition Coordinator Mary Anne Clarke at or 204-982-3300

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Garden Hill First Nation

Contact information for IGB

Contact Information (SharePoint)

Name of IGB

Island Lake First Nations/ Island Lake Anishininew Nation

Effective: July 21, 2020 or 204-982-3300

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Red Sucker Lake First Nation

Contact information for IGB

Contact Information (SharePoint)

Name of IGB

Island Lake First Nations/ Island Lake Anishininew Nation

Effective: July 21, 2020

For more information, contact Island Lake First nations CFS/AFLFS Transition Coordinator Mary Anne Clarke at or 204-982-3300

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

St. Theresa Point First Nation

Contact information for IGB

Contact Information (SharePoint)

Name of IGB

Island Lake First Nations/ Island Lake Anishininew Nation

Effective: July 21, 2020

For more information, contact Island Lake First nations CFS/AFLFS Transition Coordinator Mary Anne Clarke at or 204-982-3300

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Wasagamack First Nation

Contact information for IGB

Contact Information (SharePoint)

Name of IGB

Sagkeeng First Nation Chief and Council

Effective: August 12, 2020

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Sagkeeng First Nation

Contact information for IGB

Contact Information (SharePoint)

Name of IGB

Peguis First Nation

Effective: August 12, 2020

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Peguis First Nation

Contact information for IGB

Contact Information (SharePoint)

Name of IGB

Norway House Cree Nation Chief and Council

Effective: September 23, 2020

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Norway House Cree Nation

Contact information for IGB

Contact Information (SharePoint)

Name of IGB

MKO Child Welfare Secretariat (authorized by Shamattawa First Nation)

Effective: October 9, 2020

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Shamattawa First Nation

Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak Inc.

Contact information for IGB

Contact Information (SharePoint)

Name of IGB

Opaskwayak Cree Nation

Effective: November 10, 2020

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Opaskwayak Cree Nation

Contact information for IGB

Contact Information (SharePoint)

Name of IGB

Pinaymootang First Nation (Treaty 2)

Effective: May 13, 2021

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Pinaymootang First Nation

Contact information for IGB

Contact Information (SharePoint)



Northwest Territories

Name of IGB

Inuvialuit Regional Corporation (Non-Legal Significant Measures)

Effective: January 18, 2021

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB


Contact information for IGB

Contact Information (SharePoint)

Name of IGB

Inuvialuit Regional Corporation Maligaksat

Effective: January 18, 2021

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Inuvialuit Regional Corporation

Contact information for IGB

Contact Information (SharePoint)




Awaiting consent to share IGB information


Nova Scotia

Awaiting consent to share IGB information


New Brunswick

Awaiting consent to share IGB information


Newfoundland & Labrador

Name of IGB

Mushuau Innu First Nation

Effective: January 01, 2020

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Mushuau Innu First Nation

Contact information for IGB

Contact Information (SharePoint)



Prince Edward Island

Awaiting consent to share IGB information



Awaiting consent to share IGB information



Awaiting consent to share IGB information



Name of IGB


Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Contact information for IGB

Opted out of process; please investigate IGBs independently

Name of IGB

Biigtigong Nishnaabeg

Effective: June 19, 2023

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Biigtigong Nishnaabeg

Contact information for IGB

Contact Information (SharePoint)

Name of IGB

Lac Seul First Nation Child Advocate Program

Effective: February 10, 2023

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Lac Seul First Nation

Contact information for IGB

Contact Information (SharePoint)

Name of IGB

Northwest Angle #33

Effective: June 19, 2023

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Northwest Angle Indian Reserve 33B

  • Angle Inlet, Whitefish Bay Indian Reserve 33A
  • Dog Paw Agency Indian Reserve 30

Contact information for IGB

Contact Information (SharePoint)

Name of IGB

Shoal Lake Band No 40. 

Effective Date: February 20, 2024 

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Shoal Lake Band No. 40 

Contact information for IGB 

Contact: Doreen Moellenbeck-Dushnitsky
Title: First Nations Representative

Name of IGB

Tataskweyak Cree Nation Chief and Council 

Effective Date: February 20, 2024 

Community, group or people with rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act that is represented by the IGB

Tataskweyak Cree Nation

Contact information for IGB 

Contact: Lillian Saunders
Title: Director of Child and Family Services                                       

Alternate: Doreen Spence
Title: Councilor 




Awaiting consent to share IGB information