Subdivision servicing bylaws

Last updated on July 24, 2024

Regional districts and municipalities may establish a subdivision servicing bylaw that regulates and sets out the requirements for the provision of works and services that are needed as part of the subdivision of land.

The servicing bylaw may:

  • Regulate and prescribe minimum standards for dimensions, locations, alignments and gradients for highways or roads in connection with the subdivision
  • Require and specify location and construction approval for roads, sidewalks, boulevards and crossings, transit bays, street lighting or underground wiring in the subdivision
  • Require and specify location and construction approvals for systems for water distribution, fire hydrants, sewage collection and disposal, and drainage and storm drainage collection and disposal in the subdivision

The requirements may be different depending on circumstances, areas, land uses, zones and classes of highways or roads.

Strata Developments

In strata developments, the owners own their individual strata lots and together own the common property and common assets as a strata corporation.

A local government must not impose certain requirements for a strata subdivision. For example, in a bare land strata, the internal works and services are the property of the strata. For example:

  • Roads
  • Sidewalks
  • Street lighting or underground wiring
  • Water distribution
  • Fire hydrants
  • Sewage collection and disposal systems
  • Drainage collection and disposal systems

Depending on the situation, a strata corporation's internal works and services may or may not meet the same standards as the local government and it may or may not connect into adjacent local government or other systems.

If a strata corporation chooses to terminate, a local government is not required to take over these services.