Lieutenant Governor

Last updated on January 30, 2025

The Lieutenant Governor of B.C. represents the King at the provincial level in Canada and is the legal head of state in British Columbia, which means he or she acts as chief public representative and has the highest ranking position in the provincial government.

The Lieutenant Governor is appointed by the Governor General of Canada, who in turn, acts on the advice of the King’s Privy Council for Canada. In practice, the Lieutenant Governor usually acts on the advice of the Premier, although there are occasions when the Lieutenant Governor may refuse to act on this advice. Lieutenant Governors are normally appointed for periods of five or more years.

The Lieutenant Governor
Portrait of the Honourable Wendy Cocchia, CM, OBC, LLD

Get to know your Lieutenant Governor.

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Get to know your Governor General.

Learn about the Monarch's role in Canada.

Order of British Columbia

The Order of B.C. recognizes those persons who have served with the greatest distinction and excelled in any field of endeavour benefiting the people of the Province or elsewhere.