BCFIRB Members, Staff & Appointments

Last updated on January 28, 2025

BCFIRB is made up of part-time members appointed by the Lieutenant General in Council (board), who are supported by staff.

Members and staff have skills and expertise in areas such as:

  • Agri-food production, marketing or processing
  • Consumer representation
  • Land-use planning
  • Animal welfare
  • Facilitation and mediation
  • Regulatory or quasi-judicial environments

On-going training and education opportunities focus on building and updating member and staff skills and expertise.


BCFIRB Members

 Chair, Ms. Gunta Vitins

 Ms. Vitins' appointment term is December 31, 2024 - December 31, 2029.

 Ms. Vitins served as Vice Chair of BCFIRB from November 2023 - December   2024 and as Chair of the BC Egg Marketing Board for six years, from     November 2017 until November 2023. She has been spearheading innovative   agri-food initiatives in the public and private sectors for over 30 years working in the areas of business and industry development, sales and marketing, trade, product development, and regulatory affairs.  

Originally from Quebec with degrees in Agriculture, a MBA from McGill University, and agri-food industry experience, Gunta joined the BC Ministry of Agriculture in 1991. She moved to the private sector in   1996 and held senior management positions with Pro Organics and SunOpta Inc., global leaders in organic and natural foods with world-wide operations. Representing the interests of food distributors and   retailers, Gunta was actively involved in the 2004/2005 Specialty Review in the BC supply managed sectors, which led to significant growth of specialty production to meet market demand, positioning BC as a leader in market-responsiveness and innovation.

Guntas dedication to the advancement of agriculture extended to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canadas Organic Value Chain Roundtable where she served as Industry Chair, Chair of the Market Development Working Group, and as representative of the food distribution sector from 2007 - 2015. Gunta’s volunteer activities also included board membership and leadership roles with the Canada Organic Trade Association, the US-based Organic Trade Association, the Pacific Agricultural Certification Society, and the Certified Organic Associations of BC.

Gunta runs an agri-food consulting business serving Canadian and international clients. She lives with her family in New Westminster, BC.  


Neil Turner

 Vice Chair, Mr Neil Turner

 Mr Turner's appointment term is June 24, 2022 to July 31, 2026.

 Neil is a Professional Agrologist, scientist, strategic planner and leader in project  and programme delivery, with more than 30 years experience working  in British Columbia and internationally. He is an Executive contributor with extensive  experience working within private businesses, governments, academic institutions, and environmental nongovernmental organizations.

Over his career Neil has worked at a senior level for all levels of government and also in the private sector as a consultant and senior scientist. He has travelled extensively to provide technical and scientific   support, including expert opinion in Russia, Brazil, and the UK.

Neil holds a B.Sc. (Agr) from the University of Guelph, and an M.Sc. with Distinction from the University of London in Rural Resources and Environmental Policy.

Neil and his partner have developed and manage a certified organic market garden business in the Comox Valley, on Vancouver Island. Also, Neil volunteers as a firefighter for his local community.

Dennis LapierreMember, Mr Dennis Lapierre

Mr. Lapierre's appointment term is March 11, 2019 to July 31, 2025.

Dennis is a purebred sheep producer operating Habitat Farm, which he established in 1992, following a 26 year career with the Calgary Police Service. Retiring as a Staff Sergeant, career highlights included managing the Court Unit, the Citizen’s Complaint unit, which reported directly to the Chief of Police, and the Criminal Intelligence Unit as a specialist in organized crime investigations. Mr. Lapierre’s experience in BC includes participating in land and resource management planning processes, leading local government as Chair of a Regional District board, chairing an agricultural advisory committee, and representing the Community Agriculture sectors on both the BC Agriculture Council and the Investment Agriculture Foundation. In 2004, he earned an MA in Applied Communications from Royal Roads University.

Pawan Joshi photo

Member, Mr Pawanjit (Pawan) Singh Joshi

Mr Joshi's appointment term is March 11, 2019 to July 31, 2025.

Pawan Joshi is a practicing lawyer with Joshi lawyers. He focuses in the areas of family law, land disputes, insurance law and civil litigation. He was previously a practicing lawyer in India working for several years in the areas of family law and civil litigation before moving to Canada. Pawan is actively involved in his community and is currently involved with the Pro Bono Students Canada (supervising lawyer), Abbotsford Community Services- Family Legal Advocacy Program (supervising Lawyer) Access pro bono BC Clinics (volunteer lawyer), CBA-BC (lawyer referral service). He was previously involved with College of Dental Technicians of BC (board member), British Columbia Pubic Interest Advocacy Centre, the Punjab and Haryana Bar Council, the Agricultural Workers Advisory Committee, Farm Workers’ Program (funded by the Law Foundation). Pawan is a member of the Law Society of British Columbia, Canadian Bar Association, the Trial Lawyers Association of BC and the Punjab and Haryana Bar Association (India). He holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) and Bachelor of Laws from India. He was called to the Bar of British Columbia in 2008, after successfully completing his Canadian Bachelor of Laws requirements through the National Committee of Accreditation, Ottawa.

Member, Mr David Zirnhelt

Mr Zirnhelt's appointment term is November 25, 2019 to July 31, 2025.

David Zirnhelt has been operating a family ranch in Big Lake, BC for forty five years. Over the past thirty years David has been consulting with a variety of community stakeholders on various agriculture and forestry projects. The main focus of his consulting is around economic development projects in communities within the Cariboo Chilcotin, including feasibility studies and business plans related to agriculture ventures.

David spent ten years when elected to the provincial legislature serving on the treasury board of the Government of British Columbia. David is familiar with reviewing all aspects of large and small scale infrastructure projects, business and operations plans. During David’s time in office he served on the executive council and held positions as Minister of Economic Development, Small Business and Trade. He also served two years as the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. David spent four years as the Minister of Forests. He also served as the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs.  

Dr. Jane Pritchard

 Member, Dr. Jane Pritchard

 Dr. Pritchard's appointment term is August 1, 2023 to July 31, 2025.

 Dr. Pritchard retired from the BC Public Service in 2021 where she was employed for 17 years. With the Ministry of Agriculture and Food she held the positions of Executive Director, Plant and Animal Health Branch; Director, Animal Health Centre; and Chief Veterinarian for the province   of BC. She also held the positions as Manager of the Regulatory Unit with oversight of dairy farms, bees, fur farms and game farms; Manager of the Plant Health Unit; and Public Health Veterinarian.

 After retirement, Dr. Pritchard served for 18 months as the interim registrar for the College of Veterinarians of BC (CVBC) which is the licensing/regulatory body for veterinarians practicing in BC. Following this she was elected to the Council for the CVBC, and subsequently elected as   the President of the Council, a position she currently holds.

Dr. Pritchard was born in BC but has lived and worked across Canada, in Europe, China and in Alberta where she briefly farmed (mixed cattle and grain). Currently she is actively involved in training her young dog in agility, obedience, and scent work.

 Member, Ms Wendy Holm

 Ms Holm's appointment term is July 12, 2021 to July 31, 2026.

 Wendy Holm is a Canadian Agrologist, agricultural economist, farm journalist, writer, speaker and educator with over 30 years of professional experience in Canada and internationally. 

 Wendy holds an M.Sc. in Agricultural Economics (UBC, 1974) and a Master of Management, Cooperatives and Credit Unions (Saint Mary’s University, 2014).  Named BCIA Agrologist of the Year 2000, Wendy is a Distinguished Alumni of UBC and a 2009 recipient of Farm Credit   Canada’s Rosemary Davis Award for passion in agriculture.  A former President of the BC Institute of Agrologists, Wendy received two Queens Medals (1992, 2002) for her service to community.  Editor/contributing author of Water and Free Trade (1988) and Damming the Peace – the   Hidden Costs of the Site C Dam (2018), Wendy has received ten national journalism awards (Canadian Farm Writers Federation) for her columns in support of sustainable Canadian farm policy. 

A past Director of Vancity Credit Union, Vancity Community Foundation and the Okanagan Valley Tree Fruit Authority, Wendy also taught courses in sustainable agriculture and emerging global economies at the University of BC and Saint Mary’s University, respectively.  A professional speaker, Wendy has delivered keynote addresses to agricultural organizations across Canada.

Wendy Holm lives in Fanny Bay, BC.



BCFIRB Organizational Chart Staff

The Executive Director is responsible for the strategic operational management of BCFIRB in fulfilling both its regulated marketing and farm practices mandates, and for directing BCFIRB's overall conflict resolution role.

Martha Anslow


The Senior Manager, Sector Policy & Planning, develops policy advice and recommendations on agricultural regulatory federal/provincial agreements and long-term issues, and oversees and supports the commodity boards as they develop their strategic and governance processes.

Olivia Mattan


A/Justine Lafontaine




The Policy Analyst manages and resolves operational ad hoc issues before BCFIRB, and manages formal BCFIRB reviews of regulated marketing and farm practices issues.


Matthew Huijsmans

Emma Strazhnik




The Senior Case Manager manages and oversees all regulated marketing appeals (NPMA), animal seizure and cost appeals (PCAA) and farm practices complaints (FPPA) within BCFIRB. The Case Manager leads and manages alternative dispute resolution measures (e.g., negotiating agreements, settlements, mediation).  The Case Manager manages the provision of tribunal hearing services to BCFIRB, including management of evidence and case documents.

Sara Thiesson




The Case Manager administers all intake and administrative services for appeals and complaints submitted to BCFIRB.

Molly Gagne

Erica Day



The Board Services Coordinator is responsible for all aspects of board administration and ensures that administrative support is provided to members and staff.

Shauna Appleyard 778-405-5443

The Board Services Assistant assists with board administration, finances, and provides support to members and staff. 



Board Appointments

Appointments by the Lieutenant Governor in Council (Cabinet) to BCFIRB and agricultural commodity boards (chairs, and in some cases members) provide an opportunity for public service. Positions are part-time.

How to Apply

The merit-based appointment process is managed by BCFIRB in accordance with the guidelines for administrative tribunals established by the Crown Agencies and Board Resourcing Office (CABRO).

If you are interested in an appointment to BCFIRB or an agricultural commodity board, submit an online application to CABRO or send your cover letter and resume to BCFIRB.

  • Find out more about B.C.’s public agencies, positions, and appointment process, or submit an online application directly to the CABRO.

Appointments to BCFIRB

Candidates for appointment as BCFIRB members must have:

  • Proven leadership skills
  • Strong writing, analytical, communication and conflict resolution skills

Candidates should not have interests that conflict with the performance of their statutory duties and must show balanced judgment and possess the ability to make fair, consistent and timely decisions.  

Candidates should have experience in one or more of the following areas:

  • Agri-food production, marketing or processing
  • Consumer representation
  • Land-use planning
  • Animal welfare
  • Regulatory or quasi-judicial environments

At least one appointee should have administrative law experience.

Candidates must have a demonstrated ability to work with people from a range of backgrounds with competing interests. Successful candidates will be able to gain confidence of those they interact with through effective communication and consensus building.

Appointees must be able to travel, and must have a home office. 

For a list of duties and qualifications, see the following position descriptions:

B.C.'s Farm Industry Review Board member remuneration is set in accordance with the Treasury Board Directives which sets remuneration guidelines for appointees to administrative tribunals and regulatory boards.

Appointments to Agricultural Commodity Boards

B.C.’s agricultural commodity boards are responsible for regulating the production and marketing of certain agricultural products in the province. Marketing boards and commissions are made up of producer-elected members and appointed chairs. The B.C. Chicken Marketing Board also has two additional members appointed by Cabinet. The B.C. Milk Marketing Board and B.C. Cranberry Marketing Commission both have a non-producer, industry-appointed member.

Cabinet appointments to a commodity board are typically for a term of two years, which may be extended. All positions are part time. Time commitment and compensation are different for each board.


Candidates for appointment as a marketing board chair must be decisive, analytical, results-oriented individuals who have extensive experience at a senior level (industry or government) in production, marketing or processing. Superior organizational, management, negotiation, conflict resolution and decision-making skills, along with an ability to travel, are essential for these sensitive, high-profile positions.

For a complete list of duties and qualifications, see the following position descriptions:

Read more about the process for appointments and reappointments (PDF)

Contact BCFIRB


Becoming a Board Member