Public Accountability & Reporting Program

Last updated on August 15, 2024

The Public Accountability and Reporting Program (PARP) is an ongoing BCFIRB supervisory project engaging BC’s eight regulated and supply-management marketing boards and commissions (commodity boards).

PARP’s goal is to support and publicly demonstrate effective governance and sound leadership of B.C’s regulated agriculture sectors.

To achieve this goal, the BC Farm Industry Review Board (BCFIRB) worked with B.C.’s eight regulated and supply managed commodity boards to establish annual reporting criteria and performance measures.

Learn more about PARP's background.

PARP Summary Reports

Find BCFIRB’s current and past Reports summarizing B.C.’s commodity board sector performance targets, their use of governance tools, and quota management and movement data on the PARP Summary Reports webpage.

Commodity Board PARP Reports

Find individual commodity board PARP Reports on the Commodity Board PARP Reports webpage.

Contact BCFIRB



1 250 356-8945


PO Box 9129 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC V8W 9B5