Ministry of Finance

Last updated on March 4, 2025

The Ministry of Finance plays a key role in establishing, implementing and reviewing government’s economic, fiscal, financial management and taxation policies. It is also responsible for provincial tax administration and debt collection.

Featured topics

  • BC Budget
    Reader-friendly, plain-language overview of the provincial Budget including tax changes.
  • BC Assessment
    BC Assessment is an independent, provincial Crown corporation that develops and maintains real property assessments throughout British Columbia in addition to providing real property information.
  • BC Home Flipping Tax
    The BC home flipping tax is separate and distinct from the federal property flipping rules and is not harmonized or administered with the federal or B.C. income tax. It is intended to discourage short-term holding of property for profit as part of the Homes for People Plan (PDF, 5.93MB).
  • Speculation and Vacancy Tax
    The speculation and vacancy tax is an annual tax based on how owners use residential properties in areas in B.C. affected most by the current housing shortage crisis. 
  • Public Accounts
    The Province of British Columbia’s audited financial statements and other key financial information for the past fiscal year.
  • Crown Agencies and Board Resourcing Office
    Information about British Columbia's public agencies, the people who are appointed to serve on them and the appointment process. 
  • Public sector planning and reporting
    Public sector organizations work with government to plan and report out through the year, including executive compensation.
  • Gender Equity Office
    The Gender Equity Office provides leadership and support across government to promote equity for British Columbians. This includes implementing  the Pay Transparency Act to help close the gender pay gap, helping to address gender-based violence and supporting the implementation of gender-based analysis plus (GBA+) in government programs, policies and services.
  • Gaming
    The British Columbia Lottery Corporation is a Crown corporation that conducts and manages gambling in a responsible manner while focusing on innovation, strategic partnerships and community outreach.
  • Anti-money laundering
    Money laundering is the process of covering up or “cleaning” the source of money generated through illegal activities such as drug trafficking, human trafficking, fraud or tax evasion. The Anti-Money Laundering Secretariat coordinates efforts across government to eliminate money laundering in B.C.

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Parliamentary Secretaries

Parliamentary Secretary Jennifer Blatherwick

Jennifer Blatherwick, MLA

Parliamentary Secretary for Gender Equity

Parliamentary Secretary Steve Morisette

Steve Morissette, MLA

Parliamentary Secretary for Rural Development

Deputy Ministers

Deputy Minister Douglass S. Scott

Douglas S. Scott

Deputy Minister and Secretary to Treasury Board, Ministry of Finance

Deputy Minister Debbie Godfrey

Debbie Godfrey

Deputy Minister, Head of the BC Public Service Agency, Ministry of Finance

Associate Deputy Minister Elenore Arend

Elenore Arend

Associate Deputy Minister, Crown Agencies Secretariat, Ministry of Finance

Acting Deputy Minister Sage Aaron

Sage Aaron

Acting Deputy Minister, Government Communications and Public Engagement, Ministry of Finance

Associate Deputy Minister John Davison

John Davison

Associate Deputy Minister, President and CEO, Public Sector Employers’ Council Secretariat, Ministry of Finance

Associate Deputy Minister Jonathan Dubé

Jonathan Dubé

Associate Deputy Minister, Ministry of Finance

Associate Deputy Minister Jordan Goss

Jordan Goss

Associate Deputy Minister, Ministry of Finance