Security Day

Last updated on June 6, 2024

Guardians of the Cloud: Innovations in Authentication and Cybersecurity

Security Day - Guardians of the Cloud - Promo Image* N.B. Security Day is 2 half-days: Each spring and fall.

The Province organizes and hosts two “Security Day” events each year (spring and fall), free of charge. 

Cybersecurity impacts all of us - professionally and personally.

That's why Security Day is open to everyone.

We encourage everyone to attend via webcast. This includes, but is not restricted to: government employees, broader public sector representatives, school districts, post secondary institutions, municipalities, crown corporations, and any individual interested in security.

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Security Day: Guardians of the Cloud Presentations: May 28, 2024

Authentication: The Past, Present and Future

Antti Keinaenen, Cloud Security Architect, Cybersecurity and Digital Trust Branch, B.C. Government, discusses what authentication is, how it has evolved, and what are the most current trends and technologies.


Cybersecurity in the Age of the Quantum Advantage

Cybersecurity faces constant challenges in terms of keeping up with the rapid rate of technology adoption. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the rapid advancement on quantum technologies. In the past decade the world has poured trillions of dollars into quantum development, which will have serious ramifications for the encryption standards we use. In this presentation, an updated version of the research originally delivered at the Global Forum on Cyber Excellence's Global Conference on Cyber Capacity Building in Accra, Ghana in November, 2023, Quantum Algorithm Institute's Timothy King and Louise Turner offer an accessible look at what quantum technologies are and how cyber professionals can prepare for a future that is coming faster than you imagine.



Digital Credentials and Their Humans

In this presentation, Andrew Hughes, FaceTec's VP of Global Strategy, examine ways to connect the right credential to the right human to prevent impersonation.




Delivering a Better Digital Future

In the evolving landscape of digital interactions, British Columbia is leading the development of digital trust ecosystems. Driving adoption with award winning open-source software, the Cybersecurity and Digital Trust (CDT) branch of the B.C. Government is at the forefront of integrating digital credentials to establish secure and reliable digital trust ecosystems. Notable examples include the City of Vancouver's enhancement of municipal services and the Law Society of British Columbia's digital credential project, which streamlines lawyers’ access to court materials. Similarly, the Energy and Mines sector has embraced digital trust to bolster transparency and efficiency in sustainability reporting. The CDT team is developing an open last night in Parisecosystem toolkit that empowers entities to create their own robust digital ecosystems, fostering a future where digital interactions are enhanced by trust and authenticity.



Security Day: Guardians of the Cloud Workshops: May 29, 2024

Getting to Quantum Safe

Quantum Algorithms Institute Cybersecurity Aficionado Kyle Loree discusses the urgent need for quantum-safe cryptography in the face of impending quantum computing advancements. He delves into the challenges and strategies involved in transitioning from classical cryptographic systems to quantum-resistant algorithms, emphasizing the importance of proactive measures to secure sensitive data in a post-quantum world.


The Latest Authentication Threats and Attacks

Antti Keinaenen, Cloud Security Architect with the B.C. Government's Cybersecurity and Digital Trust Branch, discusses the latest cloud authentication threats and attacks.


B.C. Services Card and B.C. Wallet in Action

Do you need to access your health record, require disaster financial assistance, or do you want access to one of 85 unique government services? There’s an app for that. Do you want to store and handle your information in a safe and secure method on your phone? There’s an app for that, too. B.C. Government's Director of Product Development, Aaron Unger, with the Cybersecurity and Digital Trust Branch, and Director of Service and Technical Operations, Service B.C., Deborah Buckle, with Service B.C. discuss the BC Services Card app and BC Wallet app in action and teach how you and your organization can leverage this technology.