3.2 Destruction - RIM Manual

Last updated on August 21, 2024


The Information Management Act (IMA) requires ministries and other government bodies to dispose of government information only if authorized to do so in accordance with 

  • an applicable information schedule, or if no information schedule applies, 
  • approval from the Chief Records Officer (CRO). 

Under the Managing Government Information Policy (MGIP), section 4.6, ministries must “use destruction methods that protect security and confidentiality in compliance with applicable policy and procedures.”


Destruction of government information in all formats and media must be 

  • authorized, 
  • carried out by authorized persons, and 
  • documented appropriately. 

To ensure compliance with this list, align ministry destruction procedures with policies, guidance and processes established by Government Records Service (GRS). 

Suspend destruction of government information if a relevant litigation, legal action, request made under FOIPPA, or investigation is underway or anticipated. Do not destroy or alter government information and metadata normally preserved in enterprise government backups.

Confirm Authority

Only persons or agents who have been authorized to carry out destruction may do so. Authorized agents may be employees of the ministry or agency or contracted service providers.

Destruction service providers include government agencies (e.g. the Asset Investment Recovery Branch provides Asset Disposal services) and non-government agencies that have a contract or corporate supply arrangement with government that specifies records destruction services (e.g. an approved records storage facility or an approved records disposal agency).

While individual government employees are authorized to destroy transitory information, all other destructions require additional authorization, including Records Officer approval.

Meet Conditions

  1. The records are covered by an approved information schedule or CRO approval.
  2. The records have a final disposition of “DE” (destruction) or, if scheduled as “SR” (selective retention), they were not selected for archival transfer and a GRS archivist has authorized their destruction.
  3. The records are not subject to a “hold” due to a current or upcoming legal matter, an access request under FOIPPA, or other requirements.
  4. Destruction is conducted by an authorized government employee or an approved service provider.
  5. Destruction is carried out in a secure, confidential manner that provides the same or stronger access protections as those required when the information was active.
  6. Destruction ensures the complete obliteration of the information and prevents its subsequent reconstitution.
  7. Documentation of destruction is created and retained as specified by government-wide and ministry-specific requirements.


The following government-wide requirements apply, depending whether government information is to be: