Under the Managing Government Information Policy (MGIP), section 4.4, ministries must “work with the CRO to ensure that all physical and digital records in the custody or control that are eligible for archival transfer are transferred to the appropriate government archives.”
The term “government archives” refers to the entirety of government information assets that have been appraised as having permanent value to government and society and are preserved and made publicly accessible. Government’s physical archival records are held by the Royal British Columbia Museum. The CRO is responsible for government’s digital archival holdings.
Government information scheduled for full retention under an approved information schedule, will be transferred to the government archives when it reaches final disposition and the information schedule is applied.
Government information, scheduled for selective retention under an approved information schedule, will be transferred to the government archives if it is selected for full retention by an authorized archivist when it reaches final disposition and the information schedule is applied.
The CRO delegates responsibility for administering archival transfers to the Government Records Service (GRS).
Records become inactive when their scheduled active and semi-active retention periods have expired, and they have reached the final phase of the records lifecycle, referred to in information schedules as “Final Disposition” (FD). Records scheduled for “Full Retention” (FR), are immediately eligible for transfer to the archives. Records scheduled for “Selective Retention” (SR) are subject to archival selection by GRS archivists before any transfer can occur.
Government Records Service administers the transfer process in partnership with the records’ custodians and offsite storage service providers. This ensures that records transferred by ministries to the government archives maintain their integrity, reliability, security and confidentiality during the transfer process and meet any additional requirements set by the CRO.
All archival transfers, regardless of format, require appropriate documentation to support their preservation and the development of effective archival access tools.