B.C. residents may request reimbursement for items they paid for that are eligible for PharmaCare coverage and were not submitted directly by a pharmacy or device provider. This could include items that were purchased from PharmaCare-approved border pharmacies in Alberta or offline medical device suppliers (e.g., ostomy supplies). You can send your requests by mail or fax.
If you are covered by Fair PharmaCare and you have not met your deductible, PharmaCare may reimburse only some (or none) of the amount you're claiming. You can request reimbursement any time during the year the items were purchased and as late as March 31 of the following year. You can include up to 100 eligible purchases in one claim submission. Claims are usually processed within 21 business days.
PharmaCare will return receipts and any other supporting documents that are mailed as part of a claim. We will also send a remittance statement showing the items and amounts we reimburse, along with a cheque, if applicable.
If you are covered by Plan W and made purchases outside of the province from a provider not enrolled with PharmaCare, please refer to the FNHA web page, Accessing Pharmacy Benefits Outside of BC.
Note: A provider may also fax or mail the claim on your behalf. Discuss this option with your provider.
Mail or fax the receipt(s) along with a letter that explains why you paid for items that were eligible for coverage. This could be because you bought them at a PharmaCare-approved pharmacy in Alberta. Include your PHN (personal health number) in the letter.
In most cases, the device supplier will submit your invoice and the PharmaCare-approved application form (for claims over $400). To submit the claim yourself, the supplier will give you the PharmaCare invoice and a receipt, and you will need to mail or fax the invoice, receipt(s) and the PharmaCare-approved page 2 of the Application for Financial Approval - Prosthetic Benefits (PDF, 702KB) or Application for Financial Approval - Orthotic Benefits (PDF)l (orthotic benefits) to PharmaCare.
A Fair PharmaCare beneficiary may submit a claim for a prosthetic or orthotic device or service directly to PharmaCare only if they paid the entire cost of the device or service to the provider.
PO Box 9655 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC V8W 9P2
250-405-3587 — Make sure all receipts are clearly visible on the fax. Write PRIVATE FAX on your form so we know we can securely fax responses or other related documents.