
Last updated on August 16, 2024

Enforcement of the legislation includes activities such as retailer education, public education, stakeholder relations, inspections, surveillance operations, and administrative tribunals.

These activities are conducted by enforcement officers employed by health authorities, and are guided by the Compliance and Enforcement Policy Manual (PDF, 389KB)

Contraventions of the Tobacco and Vapour Products Control Act

Under the Tobacco and Vapour Products Control Act, it is illegal to sell, offer to sell, distribute, advertise or promote the use of tobacco or vapour products to individuals under 19 years of age. Other offences include failing to post age warning signs as required, selling cigarettes in packages of fewer than 20 cigarettes, selling cigarettes from open packages, using tobacco or vapour products on school property, smoking or vaping in a prohibited place, or displaying or promoting tobacco or vapour products in a prohibited manner.

Penalties and Administrative Reviews for Retail Contraventions

In cases where violations of the Tobacco and Vapour Products Control Act or Regulation are considered to have been made by retailers, the violation may be referred to either the provincial court system or to the Administrator of the Tobacco and Vapour Products Control Act for an administrative hearing.

Penalties for contraventions under legislation vary, based on the violation type, retail history and by enforcement method.

Administrative Hearing Decisions

This page includes all B.C. tobacco administrative hearing decisions issued since the launch of the process in 2011. 

These decisions are posted in accordance with Section 50(4) of the Administrative Tribunal Act. Rule 14 of the Rules for Administrative Hearings under the Tobacco and Vapour Products Control Act (PDF, 468.7 KB) specifies that decisions be posted on the administrator’s website.

To view decisions and orders, please see below: 


Decision Number Decision Date Business Name and Contravention Decision/Order
2023 – FHA – 1- Delta New Stand and Smoke Shop Komal Enterprises Ltd. dba Delta News Stand & Smoke Shop 

TVPCA Section 2(2) Sell tobacco or vapour products to person under 19 

TVPCA Section 2.4(1) Prohibition on display or promotion of tobacco or vapour products

Decision and Order(PDF, 306KB)

Administrative Penalty Notice (PDF, 134KB)

 2023 – FHA -2 - Juicy Vapes 1275356 BC Ltd. dba Juicy Vape Shop

TVPCA Section 2(2) Sell tobacco or vapour products to person under 19

TVPCA Section 2.4(1) Prohibition on display or promotion of tobacco or vapour products

Decision and Order(PDF, 327KB)

Administrative Penalty Notice(PDF, 132KB)


Decision Number Decision Date Business Name and Contravention Decision/Order
IsLHA-1-2022 February 21, 2023 Simatech Satellite Services Inc. (dba Simatech Vapour Shop)

TVPCA Section 2(2) Sell tobacco or vapour products to person under 19

TVPCA Section 2.4(1) Prohibition on display or promotion of tobacco or vapour products
Decision and Order (PDF, 489KB)

Administrative Penalty Notice (PDF, 37KB)


Decision Number Decision Date Business Name and Contravention Decision/Order
FHA-7-2019 September 24, 2021 Buddy’s Smoke Shop Ltd. (dba Buddy’s Smoke Shop)

TVPCA Section 2.4(1) Prohibition on display or promotion of tobacco or vapour products
Decision and Order (PDF, 5.3MB)

Administrative Penalty Notice (PDF, 274KB)
FHA-5-2019 August 18, 2021 Al’s Smoke Shop Corp. (dba Al’s Smoke Shop)
TVPCA Section 2(2) Sell tobacco or vapour products to person under 19

TVPCA Section 2.4(1) Prohibition on display or promotion of tobacco or vapour products
Decision and Order (PDF, 350KB)

Administrative Penalty Notice (PDF, 140KB)


Decision Number Decision Date Business Name and Contravention Decision/Order
VCH-1-2020 May 14, 2020 Storm Ventures Company Ltd. (dba 22 Carrat Smoke and Vape Shop)
TVPCA Section 2(2) Sell tobacco or vapour products to person under 19

TVPCA Section 2.4(1) Prohibition on display or promotion of tobacco or vapour products
Decision and Order (PDF, 117KB)

Administrative Penalty Notice (PDF, 155KB)
FHA-1-2019 Jan. 3, 2020 Buddy’s Smoke Shop Ltd.
TVPCA Section 2(2) Sell tobacco or vapour products to person under 19

TVPCA Section 2.4(1) Prohibition on display or promotion of tobacco or vapour products
Decision and Order (PDF, 100KB)

Administrative Penalty Notice (PDF, 57KB)


Decision Number Decision Date Business Name and Contravention Decision/Order
IHA-1-2018 Jan. 22, 2019 0749470 B.C. Ltd. (dba Kimberley Shell)
TVPCA Section 2(2) Sell tobacco or vapour products to person under 19
Decision and Order (PDF, 63KB)

Administrative Penalty Notice (PDF, 62KB)


Decision Number Decision Date Business Name and Contravention Decision/Order
FHA-1-2018 Oct. 4, 2018 Cana Fuel Inc. (dba Cana Fuel)
TVPCA Section 2(2) Sell tobacco or vapour products to person under 19
Decision and Order (PDF, 40KB)

Administrative Penalty Notice (PDF, 38KB)


Decision Number Decision Date Business Name and Contravention Decision/Order
FHA-2-2017 March 23, 2018 Cana Fuel Inc. (dba Cana Fuel)
TVPCA Section 2(2) Sell tobacco or vapour products to person under 19
Decision and Order (PDF, 41KB)

Administrative Penalty Notice (PDF, 42KB)
FHA-1-2017 Dec. 10, 2017 101 Trading Co. Ltd. (dba Willoughby Market)
TVPCA Section 2(2) Sell tobacco or vapour products to person under 19

TVPCA Section 2.4(1) Prohibition on display or promotion of tobacco or vapour products
Decision and Order (PDF, 64KB)

Administrative Penalty Notice (PDF, 57KB)
Jan. 30, 2017 FHC Enterprises Ltd. (dba Fields)
TCA Section 2(2) Sell tobacco to person under 19

Decision and Order (PDF, 115KB)

Administrative Penalty Notice (PDF, 72KB)

Amended - Administrative Penalty Notice (PDF, 377KB)


Decision Number Decision Date Business Name and Contravention Decision/Order
FHA-2-2016 Sept. 19, 2016 Sungsoo Kim (DBA Willoughby Market)
TCA Section 2(2) Sell tobacco to person under 19
Decision and Order (PDF, 35KB)

Administrative Penalty Notice (PDF, 30KB)


Decision Number Decision Date Business Name and Contravention Decision/Order
Feb. 8, 2016 Kelland Foods Ltd. (dba Quality Foods)
TCA Section 2(2) Sell tobacco to person under 19
Decision and Order (PDF, 123KB)

Amended-Decision and Order (PDF, 121KB)

Administrative Penalty Notice (PDF, 155KB)

Amended-Administrative Penalty Notice (PDF, 2.0MB)
FHA-3-2015 Dec. 15, 2015 Abby Dollar Plus Inc. (dba Specialty Smoke Shop)
TCA Section 2.4(a) Prohibition on display or promotion of tobacco products
Decision and Order (PDF, 48KB)

Administrative Penalty Notice (PDF, 60KB)
IslHA-6-2015 Nov. 27, 2015 Haike Investment Co.  Ltd. (dba Happy Valley Market)
TCA Section 2(2) Sell tobacco to person under 19
Decision and Order (PDF, 68KB)

Administrative Penalty Notice (PDF, 53KB)
FHA-4-2015 Nov. 7, 2015 Seung Ho Rho and Kwang Eun Bae (dba Habits We Have Smokeshop)
TCA Section 2.4(a) Prohibition on display or promotion of tobacco products
Decision and Order (PDF, 42KB)

Administrative Penalty Notice (PDF, 76KB)
FHA-1-2015 Sept. 28, 2015 Ali Zulfiqar. (dba Sunfood Market)
TCA Section 2(2) Sell tobacco to person under 19

Decision and Order (PDF, 54KB)

Administrative Penalty Notice (PDF, 86KB)

FHA-2-2015 Sept. 22, 2015 0973703 B.C. Ltd. (dba Ed’s Confectionary)
TCA Section 2(2) Sell tobacco to person under 19

Decision and Order (PDF, 138KB)

Administrative Penalty Notice (PDF, 79KB)

NHA-1-2015 June 15, 2015 0976559 B.C. Ltd. (dba Dawson Creek Petro Canada)
TCA Section 2(2) Sell tobacco to person under 19

Decision and Order (PDF, 49KB)

Administrative Penalty Notice (PDF, 68KB)

IHA-1-2015 April 29, 2015 0749470 B.C. Ltd. (dba Kimberley Shell)
TCA Section 2(2) Sell tobacco to person under 19
Decision and Order (PDF, 38KB)

Administrative Penalty Notice (PDF, 81KB)

To view older decisions: