Tenancy policy guidelines by number

Last updated on March 6, 2025

The Residential Tenancy Branch (RTB) issues policy guidelines to help RTB staff and the public in addressing issues and resolving disputes under the Residential Tenancy Act and the Manufactured Home Park Tenancy Act.

This policy guideline may be revised and updated with new guidelines. Policy guidelines on this page are listed by their number. 

  1. Landlord & Tenant – Responsibility for Residential Premises (PDF, 241KB) 

    • Landlord and tenant responsibilities for maintenance, cleaning and repairs of residential property and manufactured home parks (January 2004) 

    1. Ending a Tenancy for Occupancy by Landlord, Purchaser or Close Family Member (PDF, 213KB)

      •  When a landlord can end a tenancy to occupy a rental unit (August 2024)

    2. Ending a Tenancy to Demolish, Renovate, or Convert a Rental Unit to a Permitted Use (PDF, 338KB)

      • When a landlord can end a tenancy to demolish or convert the rental unit (July 2024)

  2. Claims for Rent and Damages for Loss of Rent (PDF, 245KB) 

    • Situations where a landlord can hold a tenant liable for loss of rent after the end of a tenancy agreement (August 2021)

  3. Liquidated Damages (PDF, 74KB) 

    • A clause in a fixed-term tenancy agreement that requires the tenant to pay to end the tenancy early (January 2004)

  4. Duty to Minimize Loss (PDF, 171KB) 

    • The legal obligation of tenants and landlords to minimize financial loss when a tenancy agreement is breached (May 2020)

  5. Entitlement to Quiet Enjoyment (PDF, 74KB) 

    • The tenant’s right to quiet enjoyment of the property or unit they are renting (August 2016)

  6. Locks and Access (PDF, 92KB) 

    • Legal rights and obligations for landlords and tenants regarding entry or access to a rental unit (January 2004)

  7. Unconscionable, Unlawful,  and Material Terms (PDF, 32KB)

    • Deals with material terms in a tenancy, or terms that are grossly unfair (August 2024)

  8. Tenancy Agreements and Licenses to Occupy (PDF, 200KB) 

    • Distinguishes a tenancy agreement from a license to occupy (May 2020)

  9. Bias and Conflict of Interest (PDF, 85KB) 

    • What happens when a party claims that a dispute resolution arbitrator is in a conflict of interest or is biased (January 2004)

  10. Amendment and Withdrawal of Notices (PDF, 205KB) 

    • Amending or withdrawing the Notice to End Tenancy (May 2020)

  11. Service Provisions (PDF, 408KB) 

    •  How legal documents or orders must be served according to the Residential Tenancy Act and the Manufactured Home Park Tenancy Act (August 2024)

  12. Rights and Responsibilities of Co-tenants (PDF, 181KB) 

    • The rights and responsibilities of multiple tenants renting a property together under one tenancy agreement (May 2024)

  13. Type of Tenancy: Commercial or Residential (PDF, 81KB) 

    • How arbitrators determine if a tenancy is residential or commercial (January 2004)

  14. Summons to Attend or Produce Evidence (PDF, 40KB)

    • What happens when a person is summoned to testify or provide evidence for a dispute resolution hearing (September 2024)

  15. Compensation for Damage or Loss (PDF, 308KB)

    • The different types of claims that can be made as part of a dispute resolution proceeding and the criteria arbitrators may consider when awarding damages (August 2016)

  16. Security Deposit and Set off (PDF, 111KB) 

    • The definition and context used for the term set-off and how security deposits should be managed (February 2024)

  17. Use of Forms (PDF, 164KB) 

    • Whether an order can be issued based upon a previous form or a current one (August 2024)

  18. Assignment and Sublet (PDF, 530KB) 

    • Policies and issues related to assigning and subletting tenancy agreements (May 2024)

  19. Illegal Contracts (PDF, 75KB) 

    • When a property is rented that is not permitted under a statute (January 2004)

  20. Repair Orders Respecting Strata Properties (PDF, 94KB) 

    • An order requiring the landlord to make repairs to a rental unit that is also a strata property (January 2004)

  21. Termination or Restriction of a Service or Facility (PDF, 84KB) 

    • Conditions under which a landlord may terminate a service or facility enjoyed by a tenant (December 2016)

  22. Amending an Application for Dispute Resolution (PDF, 192KB) 

    • Circumstances under which an Application for Dispute Resolution may be amended (July 2024)

  23. Review Consideration of a Decision or Order (PDF, 228KB)

    • Circumstances under which an application for review of an arbitrator's decision may be made (March 2025)

  24. Requests for Clarification or Correction of Orders or Decisions (PDF, 168KB)

    •  The power of residential tenancy arbitrators to clarify or correct decisions or orders (April 2022)

  25. Advocates, Agents and Assistants (PDF, 37KB) 

    • The role of advocates, agents and assistants in dispute resolution proceedings (June 2018) 

  26. Jurisdiction (PDF, 319KB) 

    • The jurisdiction of residential tenancy arbitrators (July 2024)

  27. Pet Clauses (PDF, 260KB) 

    • How pet clauses can be used in residential tenancy agreements (January 2016)

  28. Security Deposits (PDF, 88KB)  

    • How security deposits are used and managed for residential tenancies (January 2004)

  29. Fixed Term Tenancies (PDF, 235KB) 

    • Fixed-term residential tenancy agreement information – especially as it relates to ending and renewing this type of agreement (August 2024)

  30. Pet Damage Deposits (PDF, 84KB) 

    • When pet damage deposits may be required, what they’re intended to cover and when the landlord can keep all or part of the deposit (January 2004)

  31. Illegal Activities (PDF, 240KB)

    •  What activities and circumstances are considered illegal and how this impacts a tenancy agreement (June 2019)

  32. Ending a Manufactured Home Tenancy Agreement – Landlord use of Property (PDF, 231KB) 

    • Ending a manufactured home tenancy so that the landlord can use the property for another purpose (June 2018)

  33. Frustration (PDF, 65KB) 

    • What happens when tenancy agreements become frustrated contracts and how this impacts a tenancy (January 2004)

  34. Transition – Security Deposits (PDF, 67KB)

    • Information about security deposits and the transition between the old and the new Residential Tenancy Act ​(March 2004)

  35. Extending a Time Period (PDF, 89KB) 

    • The exceptional circumstances under which an arbitrator may extend or modify a time limit established by the Residential Tenancy Act or the Manufactured Home Park Tenancy Act ​(April 2004)

  36. Permitted Rent Increases (PDF, 204KB) 

  37. Repeated Late Payment of Rent (PDF, 39KB) 

    • How a landlord can end a tenancy when a tenant is repeatedly late paying rent (April 2004)

  38. Landlord's Direct Requests (PDF, 229KB)  

    • The key elements that need to be considered when making a landlord's direct request (July 2024)

  39. Useful Life of Building Elements (PDF, 193KB)

    •  The life span of specific building components (e.g., doors, windows, flooring, fences, appliances, etc.) used when arbitrators make decisions about additional rent increases or damage claims (February 2025)

  40. Administrative Penalties (PDF, 294KB) 

    • When and how administrative penalties are used (May 2022)

  41. Digital Evidence (PDF, 250KB) 

    • How to submit digital evidence (February 2023)

  42. Naming Parties (PDF, 199KB) 

    • How parties to dispute resolution should be named (September 2022)

  43. Format of Dispute Resolution Proceedings (PDF, 216KB) 

    • Considerations when determining whether to schedule a proceeding in a format other than by telephone conference call (March 2025)

  44. Adjourning and Rescheduling a Dispute Resolution Hearing (PDF, 34KB) 

    • Key considerations when determining whether to adjourn or reschedule a dispute resolution hearing (October 2015)

  45. Emergency Shelter, Transitional Housing, Supportive Housing (PDF, 211KB) 

    • The differences between emergency shelter, transitional housing and supportive housing and how the Residential Tenancy Act applies (February 2024)

  46. Access to Records and Information (PDF, 186KB) 

    • Considerations for employees and the public when dealing with requests for access to records (May 2024)  

  47. Currently no Policy Guideline 48

  48. Tenant’s Direct Request (PDF, 197KB)

    • Considerations for employees and the public when dealing with requests for access to records (October 2023)

  49. Compensation for Ending a Tenancy (PDF, 246KB)

    • Addresses the requirements for a landlord to pay compensation to a tenant (May 2024)

  50. Expedited Hearings (PDF, 183KB)

    •  A faster hearing process for an early end to tenancy, order of possession for a tenant and emergency repairs (September 2023)

  51. COVID-19 Repayment Plans and Related Measures (PDF, 239KB) 

    • How to structure a repayment plan for unpaid rent or utilities incurred during the specified period of March 18, 2020 to August 17, 2020 (August 2020)

  52. Publishing Administrative Penalties (PDF, 59KB) 

    • What information can be included in published administrative penalty decisions (June 2020)

  53. Ending a tenancy: Order of Possession (PDF, 198KB) 

    • Factors that may be considered in determining an effective date of an order of possession (May 2024) 

  54. Ending a Tenancy for Cause: Significant Interference and Risk, Unreasonable Disturbance, Serious Jeopardy, and Extraordinary Damage (PDF, 272KB)

  • Addresses ending a tenancy for cause in situations where the tenant, or a person permitted on the property by the tenant, negatively impacts the health, safety, lawful right or interest of other occupants or the landlord or poses a significant risk to or causes extraordinary damage to the landlord’s property. (September 2024)