Rent increases for manufactured homes

Last updated on December 11, 2023

Landlords in manufactured home parks can only increase rent if they provide tenants with 3 full months' notice. Landlords can increase rent every 12 months, and the increase cannot exceed the yearly rent increase limit. Rent can also be increased due to rising expenses for the park owner or for capital expenditures.

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Rent increase rules

Standard annual rent increases are generally the same for manufactured home tenancies and residential tenancies.

Rent can be increased once every 12 months

Landlords can only increase rent if it has been at least 12 months since:

  • Rent was set at the beginning of a tenancy, or
  • Rent was last legally increased during an existing tenancy

Rent can only be increased by the yearly limit

Landlords can only increase the rent by the yearly rent increase limit set by the Residential Tenancy Branch (RTB). Landlords can only apply rent increases for the current year, even if the landlord:

  • Didn't apply a rent increase in the previous year 
  • Increased the rent by only part of the allowable amount last year

For example, last year's rent increase limit was 1.5%. The landlord increased rent by 1%, instead of the full 1.5%. This year, the landlord wants to increase the rent by the remaining 0.5% from last year in addition to the full amount allowed this year.  

The landlord is not allowed to do this because it is above this year's annual rent increase limit.  

A rent increase cannot exceed the annual limit. Landlords can't round up when calculating the allowable rent increase.

Tenants must get at least 3 months' notice

Landlords must provide tenants with three full months' notice of a rent increase. This written notice must include: 

  • The exact dollar amount of the increase 
  • The date the rent increase goes into effect 

Landlords can to let tenants know about standard rent increases using the Notice of Standard Rent Increase - Manufactured Home Site (PDF, 209KB) - RTB Form 11a. 

Rent increase limits for 2023 and 2024

The 2023 rent increase limit for manufactured home site tenancies is 2% plus a proportional amount for changes in local government levies and regulated utility fees.

The 2024 rent increase limit for manufactured home site tenancies is 3.5% plus a proportional amount for changes in local government levies and regulated utility fees.

Proportional amount

Manufactured home park landlords can increase the rent by the annual allowable amount, plus an additional amount to cover a portion of local government levies and regulated utility fees.

The proportional amount is:

The change in local government levies, plus the change in regulated park utilities, divided by the number of manufactured home sites in the park.

This means that each park tenant pays for a part of the year's increase in taxes and fees.

Eligible levies and utility fees

Only government levies and regulated utility fees for the park's common property can be included. Government levies include:

  • School taxes
  • Hospital levies 
  • Garbage collection fees on a local government tax notice

Utility fees include charges for public utilities such as:

  • Electricity 
  • Natural gas 
  • Water 
  • Telephone and cable 
  • Internet

Other expenses like increased fuel costs for electricity generation can't be included in rent increases.

Notifying tenants

Landlords must notify manufactured home site tenants about proportional rent increases using the Notice of Rent Increase - Manufactured Home Site (auto-calculating version) (PDF, 2.2MB) - RTB Form 11a at least three months in advance.

Additional rent increase for expenses

Landlords may apply to the RTB to increase rent above the yearly rent increase limit if they have incurred financial loss due to increased operating or financing costs for the rental property. These costs must be related to services included in the rent.

​ Examples include:

  • Significantly higher utility bills or property taxes
  • Unforeseen financing costs when buying a property, including appraisal fees and closing costs

The Manufactured Home Park Tenancy Regulation permits a landlord to request an extra rent increase in specific situations, including when they've made substantial and essential repairs or renovations to the park that meet the following criteria:

  1. They are reasonable and necessary
  2. They are not expected to happen again within a reasonable timeframe

Landlords apply to the RTB for an order using an Application for Additional Rental Increase Form (PDF, 1.9 MB) - RTB Form 52.

Note: This form cannot be filed online. It must be submitted to the Residential Tenancy Branch directly, or through Service BC.

Landlords must submit the following information with the application:

  • An application fee of $300 plus $10 for each affected unit to a maximum of $600 
  • The amount of rent for the past three years  
  • Proof of changes to the operating expenses 
  • Any Residential Tenancy Branch decision about the property or any tenant living on the property during the past 12 months  
  • Information about any changes to services or facilities at the property in the past 12 months

How to dispute unlawful rent increases

Tenants do not have to pay rent increases that are higher than the amount allowed by law. The tenant can give the landlord documentation regarding the permitted amount, or apply for dispute resolution asking for an order requiring the landlord to comply with the law. Dispute resolution is a process to help resolve conflict between landlords and tenants. 

If proper notice was not given for the rent increase, it takes effect on the earliest date that would comply with notice requirements.

Deducting overpayments

If tenants have paid a rent increase higher than the legal amount, they can deduct the overpayment from future rent. Tenants should explain in writing the reason they are not paying the amount the landlord asked for.


Rent assistance programs

BC Housing Rental Assistance Programs

Canada-BC Housing Benefit (CBCHB) Program

  • The CBCHB can help make rent more affordable for eligible tenants who do not qualify for other rental assistance programs

BC Rent Bank

  • The rent bank offers financial assistance and advice for low-to-moderate-income renters 

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