Protecting soil, water, air and biodiversity is essential for the agricultural sector. Government provides tools and information to help farmers and grower ensure sustainable and environmentally friendly use of these resources.
Agroforestry is a land management approach that purposefully integrates the growing of trees with crops or livestock.
Air management, along with effective nutrient, waste and manure management contribute greatly to improving air quality and preserving our environment. British Columbia is proud to be a leader in sustainable environmental management, with air and water quality that ranks among the highest in the world.
Biologically diverse ecosystems provide a number of critically important goods and services that benefit humans. While conserving and enhancing biodiversity may come at a cost to producers, there are immeasurable benefits to farmers and ranchers.
Government is taking action to adapt to climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in each of the province’s major economic sectors, including agriculture. View what agricultural producers can do to adapt to climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Soil is one of British Columbia's most important resources. It:
Nutrient management is about supplying crops with the appropriate amount, form, placement, and timing of nutrients (whether as manure, commercial fertilizer, or other nutrient sources) to optimize crop growth and minimize environmental risks.
Learn more about:
The Strengthening Farming program promotes strong working relationships between local and provincial governments and the farming community. The program supports fair resolution of land use conflicts and effective community planning for a sustainable agriculture and aquaculture industry in British Columbia. Learn about:
Effective agricultural waste management procedures and solutions contribute a great deal to preserving our environment. Maintaining responsible and efficient agricultural waste management practices is important for farmers and citizens of British Columbia.
About 97% of water licensed in British Columbia is for power production. The remaining 3% of water licensed is for consumptive uses such as industrial, commercial, drinking water or agriculture.
Environmental farm planning helps producers identify both environmental strengths and potential risks on their farms.
Read the guides:
Crown range lands and grasslands support a substantial proportion of the province’s grazing industries.
Learn more about rangelands, their legislation and policies.