Animals and crops

Last updated on February 28, 2025

B.C. farmers grow a wide variety of crops and animals. Some growers and producers are also focusing on high-quality, value-added products, such as wine, baked goods, soups and sauces.

Resources are available for growers, including financial programs, diagnostic services and information on production and pest management practices.

Animal health

Monitoring animal health and diagnosing animal diseases are an important part of a strong agrifood industry in B.C. The Office of the Chief Veterinarian is responsible for managing serious animal diseases in the provinceThe Animal Health Centre is a diagnostic veterinary laboratory supporting the healthy production of livestock and poultry in the province.

Animal welfare

In addition to the provincial Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act having among the toughest penalties in Canada, and providing funding to animal welfare efforts and organizations around the province, the B.C. government supports animal welfare with contributions through Growing Forward 2 programs.  

Animal production

From the predominant dairy, poultry and beef industries to the less visible horse, sheep and goat sectors, managing livestock and fowl is an important part of agriculture in our province. Just as every animal is unique, each industry has its own business requirements, practices and standards.

Crop production

B.C. farmers grow a wide variety of crops, which include fruits, vegetables, grains, ornamentals, and feed for livestock. Some growers and producers are also focusing on high-quality, value-added products, such as wine and botanical personal care products:

AgriService BC Crop and Livestock Reporter Program

This volunteer program is for any agricultural producer or allied tradesperson who enjoys monitoring agricultural production conditions in their area and would like to be part of a network of people contributing timely, local agricultural intel to raise awareness of growing conditions throughout B.C. and support agricultural information sharing.  Learn more.

Wood fibre use for animal and crop production

Residual wood fibre from B.C.’s forest industries is used in different aspects of production by B.C.’s agriculture sectors and is also in demand from other consumers. Learn more about supply and demand of wood fibre and it’s use in agriculture by viewing Wood Fibre Use in B.C. Agriculture report (PDF, 4MB)

Plant health

Plant pests, including insects, diseases and weeds, threaten agricultural crops and the environment. Read more about how to identify and manage insects, plant diseases and weeds in agricultural crops and home gardens:

Organic food and beverages

Organic production and processing uses a system of care, based on preventive management and development of sustainable management approaches. If you're an organic farmer, understanding this fast growing industry and its regulations is an important part of your business.

See organic food and beverages.

Agricultural licences and forms

Licences are required for some agriculture operations:

  • Dairy
  • Fur farming
  • Game farming
  • Honeybees
  • Livestock
  • Poultry and veterinary drugs

​Learn more about licences and forms

Grow BC, Feed BC, Buy BC
GROW BC, FEED BC, and BUY BC initiatives strengthen B.C.’s agrifood and seafood sectors, and expand the domestic market for B.C. food and beverage products.
Trusts and councils

Trusts provide opportunity for industry sectors to lead, manage, and finance their own development by providing partial funding for development activities.

Industry development councils work on promotion, market development and research that benefits their industry.

Learn about trusts and councils

Contact information

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