The Ministry of Agriculture and Food is working together with the Ministry of Education and Child Care, B.C. school districts, and food supply chain partners to integrate Feed BC into Kindergarten to Grade 12 (K-12) school food programs through the Province’s Feeding Futures initiative.
Feed BC is a program that supports K-12 school food programs to source and incorporate more B.C. foods, with a goal of working towards 30% B.C. food purchases, while also creating more opportunities for students to learn about local food and producers and processors.
This work aligns with Feeding Future’s Guiding Principles by supporting B.C. foods to grow local communities, economies and food system resilience.
More B.C. food in school food programs increases students’ access to quality, fresh, local food and creates opportunities for B.C. food producers and processors. Every dollar spent on B.C. food by public institutions brings a two-fold impact to B.C.’s economy including new local jobs and local economic activity (Feed BC B.C. Input-Output model (BCIOM) study (PDF, 856 KB)).
To learn more about B.C. foods and local food literacy in Feeding Futures, visit the B.C. foods and local food literacy webpage.
While many school districts are in the early stages of developing their school food programs, here are some steps interested food businesses can take to prepare for opportunities to sell to K-12 schools:
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