Feed BC in kindergarten to grade 12 schools

Last updated on July 2, 2024

Boy holding apple

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food is working together with the Ministry of Education and Child Care to integrate Feed BC into Kindergarten to Grade 12 (K-12) school food programs through the Province’s Feeding Futures initiative.Top 10 B.C. foods purchased by school food programs

More B.C. food in school food programs increases students access to quality, local, fresh food and, helps B.C. farmers, food producers and processors thrive.

Every dollar spent on B.C. food in government institutions brings a two-fold impact to B.C.’s economy including new local jobs and local economic activity (Feed BC B.C. Input-Output model (BCIOM) study).

B.C. food in schools helps build student knowledge of local food systems and creates connections with producers, processors, ranchers, fishers and harvesters.


Getting Started: A Guide to Sourcing B.C. Food in Kindergarten to Grade 12 School Food Programs

This Feed BC guide (PDF, 2.2 MB) is designed to provide school districts, schools, and food program delivery partners across British Columbia (B.C.) with information and resources to support the use of B.C. food in school food programs, with a focus on sourcing B.C.


Are you a food business interested in selling to school food programs?

This overview provides information on how B.C. food and beverage businesses can prepare for opportunities to sell to K-12 schools.

Woman holding a tray
Photo Credit: Sprout Kitchen Food Hub