BC Timber Sales - Sunshine Coast Natural Resource District Forest Stewardship Plan #672

Last updated on March 5, 2025

The Sunshine Coast Forest Stewardship Plan (FSP), in the BC Timber Sales (BCTS) Chinook business area, shows the location of forest development units in the Sunshine Coast natural resource district.

The Sunshine Coast FSP provides the results and strategies BCTS will follow to ensure sustainable forest management and meet the legal requirements of the Forest and Range Practices Act and regulations.

Natural Resource District: Sunshine Coast
Plan: BCTS - Sunshine Coast FSP #672
Effective Date: May 27, 2018 to May 27, 2025

BCTS Sunshine Coast Operating Plan for 2023 to 2027

The operating plan indicates the location of planned cutblocks and associated roads over a 5 year period and indicates which year BCTS plans to auction cutblocks under timber sale licences. The plan is updated annually based on the results of field data collection, professional assessments, and input received from First Nations, stakeholders and the public.

Operating Plan Data Table: Sunshine Coast Operating Plan Data Table 
Operating Plan Maps: Sunshine Coast Operating Plan Maps
Shapefiles: Sunshine Coast Operating Plan Shapefiles
KMZ File: Sunshine Coast KMZ Files​

Sunshine Coast Operating Areas: community engagement information

BCTS is committed to sustainable forest management and developing, building and maintaining strong relationships with communities. Our field teams are always balancing environmental, social and economic values in the regions where we operate.

Learn more about the Sunshine Coast forest development operations


Contact information

Contact the Chinook business area about BCTS forestry activities.

Contact the planning forester if you have questions or comments about the Sunshine Coast FSP.

BC Timber Sales
Chinook Business Area
7077 Duncan Street
Powell River, BC
V8A 1W1