Forest Tenure Administration

Last updated on February 25, 2025

The B.C. government administers and maintains the forest tenures system and the legislation, regulations, agreements, policies and procedures that address the occupation of Crown land and harvesting of Crown and private timber.

Allowable Annual Cut, Apportionment & Commitment Reports

The allowable annual cut (AAC) of each timber supply area (TSA) and tree farm licence (TFL) is determined by the chief forester at least once every ten years. The chief forester may also specify partitions—portions of the allowable annual cut—to different types of timber and terrain within a management unit.

Annual Rent & Fees

Annual rent and fees for tenures and permits asserts the government's interest in its property and resources and provides compensation.

Cut Control Administration

Agreements under the Forest Act may provide rights to harvest Crown timber as a specified cutting area, a maximum volume within an area or an allowable annual cut.

Decked Timber Administration

The B.C. government sells residual timber left on a site once harvesting by the primary harvester has been completed.

Electronic Submission Framework

The Electronic Submission Framework (ESF) is a secure extranet Web portal for data exchange designed to accept standardized XML/GML attribute and
spatial data submissions from forest clients external and internal to MOF. ESF currently supports submissions for FTA (Forest Tenures), RRS (Roads), RESULTS (silviculture), and Waste applications.

Old Growth Designated Areas

The B.C. government recently announced new protections and regulations around old growth and special trees.

Special Tree Protection

Residual Fibre Recovery

The B.C. government is working to improve the use of post-harvest waste timber left on road side and cut block landings which would otherwise be burned.  

Subdividing or Consolidating Forest Tenures

Tree farm licence, pulpwood and forest licence agreement holders can subdivide or consolidate timber harvesting agreements.

Surrender of Forest Tenure Agreements

Agreements issued under Section 12 of the Forest Act can be surrendered in accordance with the Surrender Regulation. The process and requirements that must be met are described in the Surrender Regulation Guidelines.

Timber Harvesting Contract & Subcontract Mediation

You must use the mediator or arbitrator appointed to you by the ministry when resolving disputes.

Timber Tenure Transfers

Licensees who hold a timber tenure can transfer them to another party, with notice.

Forest Management Unit Map
Map of forest management units

Map of tree farm licences, timber supply areas, natural resource regions, and districts.

Contact information

Contact us if you have questions about timber tenure administration.