BC is more ecologically diverse than any province or territory in Canada. Biodiversity in BC reflects the complex topography and climate.
- BC has 14 biogeoclimatic zones (large geographic areas with a broadly homogeneous climate).
- BC has nine terrestrial eco provinces (areas of similar climate, topography and geologic history).
- BC contains 6 of the 10 forest regions in Canada, as well as a variety of grasslands, meadowlands, wetlands, rivers and lakes, and inter-tidal and sub-tidal zones.
For example, a variety of habitat types or successional stages are required to maintain a range of native mammals.
In British Columbia, there are:
- 454 bird species — this is more than 70% of all Canadian bird species. About one third of these breed only in BC
- 143 mammal species — this is nearly 80% of the total or Canada. 25 of these species occur only in BC
- 20 amphibians species (frogs, salamanders)
- 80 species of birds, mammals and amphibians depend on wildlife trees for some component of their life history requirements (feeding, nesting, denning, shelter, perching)
- 19 reptile species
Conservation efforts and management in British Columbia