We can protect biodiversity with two general approaches to forest management.
The ecosystem or coarse filter approach is divided into three subheadings:
The coarse filter approach:
The coarse filter approach focuses on managing ecosystems and their natural processes. Most stand level elements (including stand structure, wildlife trees, and coarse woody debris) are maintained through the maintenance (or mimicking) of ecosystem processes and disturbance patterns.
An example of the coarse filter approach: By managing the extent and distribution of a particular age class of forest in a watershed, numerous smaller habitats, communities and associated life forms and processes also are maintained.
The expectation is that the needs and functional capacity of most organisms and processes are fulfilled (or filtered out) by managing habitats at the landscape level. This umbrella style approach is often called coarse filter management.
The coarse filter approach attempts to manage a broad range of habitats that are necessary to maintain the natural diversity of species, ecosystems, and ecosystem processes. This approach:
The essence of the coarse filter approach in a single statement: The coarse filter approach tries to manage a forest so that some natural habitats are maintained.
For example, in a watershed or TFL, valuable stream habitat is protected in riparian management areas. Not only does this protect water quality and fish, but it helps all the other animals and plants that live there too.
Because of the tremendous ecological variation found in British Columbia, it would be too complex to try to manage for all species on every hectare of land, nor can we manage for each species individually. A more workable and ecologically sound approach is to adopt an ecosystem management or coarse filter strategy.
Ecosystem management (coarse filter strategy) assumes that:
Ecosystem management focuses on managing ecosystem processes and attributes rather than managing individual components. This approach involves maintaining:
A fundamental premise for maintaining biological diversity is to implement strategies at both the landscape and stand scales. See illustration, left.
There is a link between how much retention of stand structure is required at the stand scale and how much should be retained across the landscape.
When landscape units have been designated and landscape level biodiversity objectives are established, the requirement for maintaining biodiversity in individual stands can be reduced. Government mandated levels of retention can be determined from Table 1-A (left).
As a result, the development of landscape unit objectives will allow for greater flexibility at the stand level. When no landscape unit biodiversity objectives have been established, appropriate stand scale retention levels should be determined from Table 1-B (left).
Ideally, stand level practices should reflect the naturally occurring patterns of disturbance found on the landscape. For example:
The choice of silvicultural system, and the location, pattern and size of reserves should reflect natural disturbances and overall management objectives. This will influence stand structure and consequently the maintenance of stand level biodiversity.