Seedlot search for CBST alternatives (module 2, pg 6)

Last updated on March 28, 2024

If you want to locate seed or vegetative lots that could be used in an Alternative to the Chief Forester's Standards for Seed Use, then the Seedlot Search for CBST Alternatives is a good choice.

Unlike the Suitable Seedlot Search for CBST, this search identifies seedlots that fall below the genetically suitability that is set for the species of interest.

Please note: licensees should obtain approval from the Chief Forester to use an alternative seedlot prior to submitting and approving a seedling request.

On this page

Reasons to use the Seedlot Search for CBST Alternatives

If you are unable to find seedlots that comply with Climate Based Seed Transfer (CBST), the Seedlot Search for CBST Alternatives screen can be used to locate seed or vegetative lots to be used as an alternative to the Chief Forester's Standards for Seed Use for your planting site. The filters you enter in your search will determine the type of information you will receive. Each variable and combination will provide a slightly different picture of the information available.

During your search you will notice that your screen will change to display the search results at the bottom. If you require more information, you can click on the CBST button to view information about the seedlot CBST Areas of Use, or the DT button to view the Details screen.

How to begin your search

Click on the Search tab and select Seedlot Search for CBST Alternatives.

screenshot of the Search tab where the Seedlot Search for CBST Alternatives screen can be accessed

Step-by-step instructions

View sample Seedlot Search for CBST Alternatives screen

  1. Enter the mandatory fields (with the asterisk beside them) Species, Site BEC Zone, BEC Subzone and Variant so SPAR can locate accurate site-specific information.
  2. Enter any additional filters you want to include in your search using the Drop Down Lists and Text fields. (See How to Enter Data in the Search Basics part of this tutorial if you are unsure how to use these types of fields.)
  3. Click Go.
  4. Review the results displayed at the bottom of the screen. If you would like to adjust your search at this point, add or change the information in the search fields and click Go again.
  5. Click the DT button to view the Detail screen for that lot.
  6. Click the Back button in SPAR (not on your browser) to return to the Suitable Seed/Vegetative Lot Search for CBST form to refine your search or select a new task from the main menu.

Now that you know how search filters work, we'll take a look at ways you can use them.

Adjusting your search

The more information you include in your search the shorter the list of results. If you add too many filters in your search you may receive the message "No records found". Remember, the skill to searching is finding the balance between just enough information to get your results, but not so much information the system cannot locate matching records.

Viewing and understanding the Seedlot Search for CBST Alternatives results

The results of your search are displayed at the bottom of the search screen.


Sorting order

The following image is the bottom half of the Seedlot Search for CBST Alternatives screen with search results displayed. The results are sorted based on the genetic suitability, and the genetic class and worth. Seedlots with the highest genetic suitability and genetic worth appear at the top of the screen.

Genetic suitability is used to describe the adaptive capacity of climatically-suitable seed and vegetative lots selected under CBST. Genetic suitability under CBST is a measure of the relative height growth associated with transferring seed (climatic distances) between each pair of BEC units (associated with the projected climate space of that species). For more information, please refer to the genetic suitability and climate based seed transfer bulletin (PDF, 336KB)  posted on the Climate Based Seed Transfer webpage.

This image shows the output from a seedlot search for CBST Alternatives

There are several items you should be aware of when viewing search results.

  • The Refresh button is only used if you are changing the way you want info to be displayed. For example, displayed by number of trees instead of grams/cuttings.
  • CBST button takes you to the Seedlot CBST Area of Use screen. This screen shows the list of BEC zones, Subzones and Variants that
  • DT button takes you to the Seedlot Detail screen if you select a seedlot or the Vegetative Lot Details screen if you select a vegetative lot.

Seedlot detail screen

View sample Seedlot Detail screen

For more information about the Seedlot Detail screen, go to the Lot Search - Viewing Results section in this module.


Seedlot Search for CBST Alternatives training video

To learn how to access the screen, enter search criteria and interpret search results, please watch the Seedlot Search for CBST Alternatives Training Video (MP4, 7.4MB).

Contact information

If you are having problems using SPAR and can't find the answers in this Tutorial or on SPAR's online Help Guide, contact: