PAC stands for Portable Assessment Credit and can be applied to technical exploration and development.
If you are a recorded holder, contact our office to apply for a PAC account. For more information, see section 9 of the Mineral Tenure Act Regulation.
Contact our office to request a copy of your PAC statement.
There are 2 ways of applying PAC to your claim:
See Information Update 20 - Claim Maintenance PAC for more details about using portable assessment credits.
Yes, under certain conditions. See Information Update 20 - Claim Maintenance PAC for details.
As a recorded holder of a mineral title, you can request a PAC account. If a PAC account is set up, credits can be earned and credited to your PAC account when you register technical exploration work on your claims.
Only a recorded holder of the claim can apply the PAC credit.
If there is more than one recorded holder on a claim, the other recorded holder’s PAC credits may be applied.
If the other PAC account holder is not a recorded holder of the claim, then their PAC credit cannot be applied.
As of May 01, 2022, PAC credits are not longer transferrable. Current legislation does not authorize the transfer of PAC credit.
If you are a recorded holder of any claim in BC, you can apply to have a PAC account created in your name by sending an email request to Mineral Titles Branch at
Any of the recorded holders of a claim or the person doing the technical exploration and development can credit or debit their PAC account.
The recorded holder(s) must contact the Mineral Titles Branch and let us know which PAC account is to be used for any debits or credits once a technical report has been approved.
Both recorded holders can earn PAC credits or apply PAC credit from their accounts to the claims. In addition, the person who did the technical exploration and development can also earn PAC credits if they have a PAC account.
Recorded holder(s) must contact the Mineral Titles Branch and let us know which PAC account is to be used for any debits and credits once a technical report has been approved.
Under section 9(1) of the Mineral Tenure Act Regulation, only a recorded holder can apply to have a PAC account created in their name.
If you are a recorded holder of any claim in the province of BC, you can apply for a PAC account.
If you have an existing PAC account, you can earn PAC credit as defined under Section 9(2) of the Mineral Tenure Act Regulation.
Once Mineral Titles Branch receives a BC Registry certificate regarding a company change of name or amalgamation, all associated PAC accounts will be updated to reflect the new name.
Once a free miner has deceased, their PAC credits are no longer available, and their PAC account is closed.