Mineral Titles Online (MTO) undergoes periodic updates to incorporate various enhancements including client suggestions, new and amended legislation, and improvements in computer technologies. After the release of each upgrade, a new version number is assigned to MTO. A record of MTO versions and brief description of changes are provided below.
Do you have any suggestions or comments for improvements to MTO? If so, please email us at Mineral.Titles@gov.bc.ca
MTO Version (PDF) | Description of Changes | Production Date |
4.1.3 |
Mandatory BCeID authentication removed for printing from the CWM map viewers Lists of input title numbers are now numbered in all events Data entered in MTO will be auto capitalized Changes to the Title Overlap Reports PAC wording has been Updated in the Claim Exploration and Development Work events. Various other bug fixes and performance updates. |
January 23, 2024 |
3.3.0 |
Fixed the broken images at the top of the MTO search screens. The BC government logo, Help icon and Contact Us images will now display. Updated a payment option in MTO for FrontCounterBC (FCBC) over the counter payment options. Note: This payment option is not currently implemented at FCBC offices and will be implemented soon. Do not use this payment option at this time.
April 29, 2022 |
3.1.0 |
Mapping: Updated many CWM mapping layers that had changes to their source code to ensure proper display (Crown Grants, Industrial/Metallic Mineral Potential, NTS Contours Coal updates
October 7, 2021 |
2.2.0 |
Mapping: Upgraded Common Web Mapping (CWM) to the latest version, 1.9.0 Mapping: Updated the Integrated Cadastral Fabric (ICF) information to ParcelMapBC (PMBC) Mapping: Fixed the blank current time on the CWM maps for event registrations Updated search screens for coal licence applications by including linkages between applications and issued licences Improved many of the auto-generated confirmation emails to provide the user with more summary details of the event and/or linkages back to MTO |
October 8, 2020 |
2.1.0 |
Updated Google’s recaptcha to version 3 Updated content and source of data in the Title Overlap Report Updated error messages for FMC renewals, Bill of Sale Initiation/Completion and Uploading reports Updated the Common Web Mapping Layers with corrected source layers or additional layers
January 16, 2020 |
2.0.0 | Additions to MTO are all administrative. | May 22, 2019 |
1.12.3 |
Updated content of the Title Overlap Report Upgrades to the shopping cart to reduce duplicate event registrations and added a check for events with the same title in the shopping cart |
February 26, 2019 |
1.12.2 |
Updated some broken metadata links on Common Web Mapping viewers Updated the MINFILE URL in Common Web Mapping Fixed the issue with some clients trying to file SOW on claims that had a protection order registered on it |
September 28, 2018 |
1.12.1 |
Payment options updated to include Visa Debit and Debit Mastercard Minor text and warning message updates for Lease Term Extension Application events Fixing metadata broken links |
July 12, 2018 |
1.12.0 |
Common Web Mapping update to version 1.8.0 New features include mark-up tools, bookmarks, and save session. Improvements to the search for geographic location and coordinate; Import user defined layers now includes KML/KMZ, GPX, GeoJSON and Geomark files. Text update for Amalgamation events to bold text that reminds clients the event is irreversible and All exploration and development work that is underway or completed must be registered on the claims before amalgamation Lease Term Extension Application event created to replace Lease Term Extensions to more closely follow the Mineral Titles Branch procedures to review applications and follow a referral process. |
May 24, 2018 |
1.11.8 | A few administrative and Common Web Mapping (CWM) source data updates and additional layers. The captcha code also had the count-down timer increase to 60 seconds; as well, a server clock now exists on the cell acquisition map selection screen. | October 25, 2017 |
1.11.7 | Internal updates for government user logon. | June 8,2017 |
1.11.6 | Change to claim acquisition (CEXT) at the captcha code stage. Introduction of Google's reCAPTCHA. | March 30, 2017 |
1.11.4 | Minor change to claim acquisition (CEXT) at the captcha code stage | February 9, 2017 |
1.11.0 | A few administrative and Common Web Mapping updates including agent-profile management, find titles by client and links from Crown Granted Mineral Claims to Tantalis GATOR. | December 8, 2016 |
1.10.0 |
The MTO map viewers are being upgraded to Common Web Mapping (CWM). More information is found on our branch website. Update to the look and feel of the MTO application landing page. We’ve reduced the clutter and made the buttons obvious and accessible to our branch website, legislation, information updates, and data and GIS. We’ve also added a ‘New Client’ button to help out brand new clients to Mineral Titles. For Coal Licence applications, the application date has now been added to the Title Events detail section of the title search. |
May 31, 2016 |
1.9.0 | Captcha codes are used in MTO to ensure that a human is registering the event. The captcha code in MTO has been updated. | May 21, 2015 |
1.8.8 | Infrastructure upgrades (Oracle and ArcSDE versions updated) to MTO were implemented in order to ensure MTO will work with the BCGW once the BCGW is upgraded on March 7, 2015. | March 1, 2015 |
1.8.7 | Administrative updates to MTO include some text changes to the First Nations disclaimer, confirmation email updates and a new spatial adjacency tool for exploration and development work submissions. Mapping updates include source updates for metadata and large scale viewing of international and interprovincial boundaries. For more details, please click on the PDF link to the left. | January 14, 2015 |
1.8.0 |
On the SOW entry screens the PAC amounts will now accept large number formatting. The Reserve Restriction on the Site Details screens now displays full English words (ex. Surf. Restrict. Was changed to Surface Restriction; Desig. Claim was changed to Designated Placer Claim Area. The FMC printable certificate now has a PRINTER VERSION button located in the top right hand-corner. SOW – 30% PAC Withdrawal text update: The word “performed” has been updated to “required”: PAC Withdrawal (up to 30% of technical work required). This is available on the MTO Event Detail screen, the MTO Auto-generated Email and the MTO SOW event – data input form. |
September 2, 2014 |
1.7.4 | Updated the Coal Viewer. Coal titles are now searchable and viewable from MTO. Replication of data comes from the MiDA production server on a nightly basis | May 22, 2013 |
1.7.3 | Legislative Changes for the Mineral Tenure Act Regulation (OIC 229, April 19, 2012; BC Regulation 89/2012) introduces a new fee structure and revised annual exploration work requirements; authorizes a subdivision tool and allows the maximum claim size to be 100 cells. | July 1, 2012 |
1.7.2 | Administrative updates specific to client needs: Credit Card Payment receipt update; updated Payment Report allows a client (owner/agent) to run a report of all receipts in MTO by date or a selected date range - report is organized by code/event type; value-added confirmation emails. The Tenure Overlap Report has been updated with the addition of a few new mapping layers, including: Treaty Related Lands, Permitting Region and Federal Transfer of Administration and Control layers) Selection buttons (Yes, I wish to continue; No, I do not wish to continue) have been added to the Cell Acquisition screen and the Amalgamation screen. The selection buttons have a description of the event registration based on the information set out in the Mineral Tenure Act and Regulations. This selection option confirms the client understands the implications with the event registration if they choose to proceed. |
November 29, 2011 |
1.7.1 | Mapping and Administrative updates including new logon screens, updated attributes for spatial data downloads, new resource and administrative layers for maps, print options, reserve site searching, Tenure Overlap report, and ability to upload work reports for exploration and development work registrations. | May 20, 2009 |
1.7.0 |
Mapping and administrative updates including searching, FMC reports, history layer, erase markup tool, informative cell status display. |
December 2, 2008 |
1.6.5 | Upgrade the credit card payment provider from Eigen to BC Express Pay. | August 12, 2008 |
1.6.4 |
Mining Lease over Placer Lease / Placer Claim check Section 6.7 of the Mineral Tenure Act describes where overlapping mineral title registrations are permitted. This section establishes that a mining lease is the only form of title that may occupy the area of a cell; no other forms of titles may overlap a mining lease. The MTO system now emails to the lease applicant, a list of cell key identifications from the lease application area that are overlapping an existing title. Client details entry, updating and viewing Section 61 of the Mineral Tenure Act requires a client to notify the chief gold commissioner of a change in the holder's address. The MTO Free Miner Certificate Registration and Edit Client Information screens have been enhanced to allow for the entry and update of all client details. Please ensure that you take the time to update your information, especially your email address if you wish to receive event transaction confirmation notices as well as any special notices issued by Mineral Titles Branch. Exploration and Development Work claims listing Section 7(4) of the Mineral Tenure Act Regulation authorizes that "Exploration and development work conducted on a claim may be applied to adjoining claims or any claims in a sequence of adjoining claims". MTO has updated the claims listing display of Exploration and Development Work/Expiry date change event transactions to include the list of all contiguous claims, regardless of whether work was applied to them or not. |
March 1, 2008 |
1.6.2 |
Fixed the “Show Gator Details” link when identifying a survey parcel in the map viewer. Fixed the “Show Minfile Details” link when identifying a MinFile occurrence. |
1.6.1 |
Added the “MINFILE” layer of information to the map viewers. In “Exploration and Development/Expiry Date” event, the GPS Survey option as a work type has been removed in accordance with repeal of Section 20 of the regulations. Added new features to the Internet Mapping Framework (IMF) such as mark-up tools, search by attribute information, ability to customize shade colors of points, lines and polygons, ability to save your mapping session. Abandoned cells will not be available for registration of a new claim until midnight of the good to date of the abandon claim. Cells removed from a cell claim via the Reduction event, will not be available for registration of a new claim until midnight of the good to date of the reduced claim. |
1.6.0 |
Added hotlinks to more events to allow access to additional information for that event. Events added are: BSLI, BSLC, CEXT, CIL, CONV, ECUM, FORF, LAPP, LEXT, LISS, LPAY, RFUN, SOW. FORF, LAPP, LISS, LPAY, RFUN, SOW. When searching for free miners or recorded holders by name, the results are now displayed in the "Last name, First Name" format. Under the profile management event, the agent list is now in alphabetical order. Created a report found under the Reports tab to allow a client to see their free miner certificate history. Added "Logged in" identification information under the current time clock Adjusted date for when the status of cells becomes open after an abandonment event is submitted. Moved the cell status information higher up on the list of information when using the Drill Down tool in the map viewer |
1.5.1 |
Added Electoral Boundaries layer. Upgrade the Interent Mapping Framework (IMF) from version 4.0.6 to version 5.0 Added Analytical Tools and Markup Tools in map viewers. Lightened the default colour of the placer claim designated areas. Changed thickness of tenure boundary. Added additional paper sizes for printing maps through map viewers. Added UTM Coordinates to display in conjunction with mouse cursor movement in map viewers. Added North arrow to maps printed from viewers. |
1.5.0 |
Created a web page published on the MTO Information web site that lists all the event - codes and what they mean. Added an automated email that is sent to the seller of a tenure when the purchaser has completed the transfer. Added a “Generate Sequence” tool for various events where multiple tenure number may be entered. Added the “Welcome” tab as the default tab for when users log onto MTO. Changed the Log Off function so that you have the option to stay on the Internet or exit and close your browser. Text regarding First Nations was added to the CEXT, CONV, AMAL, and BSLI, BSLC events. When renewing your FMC, information was added to indicate the dates of your existing FMC or last FMC that you held. Created a more official looking Free Miner Certificate. Added a search function for event numbers. Added a search function for tenure expiry date. |