Natural Resource Major Projects

Last updated on January 31, 2024

Major projects range in scope, scale, and complexity. They typically have a significant capital investment, involve multiple complex provincial and federal government applications and authorizations. These cover the different activities and uses of natural resources on the land and consider all significant environmental or social values.

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Coordinated authorizations

British Columbia’s Natural Resource Ministries have adopted the vision that British Columbia’s land base be managed in a coordinated and seamless way. These ministries are working collaboratively with their counterparts in other provincial, federal, local government agencies, and with Indigenous peoples to streamline permitting decisions and encourage economic development. This coordinated approach will allow British Columbia to better understand and manage potential impacts to it’s environmental, social, and cultural values.

Starting a natural resource major projects in British Columbia

Natural resource major projects use a coordinated approach to manage the multiple government permits, approvals, and authorizations required for each project. Opportunities to develop natural resources are usually identified by organizations in B.C.'s industry sectors. Companies submit proposals to the government and apply for permission to develop these resources in a sustainable way that respects the environment and local communities.

Information requests, applications, and authorizations for most major projects can be submitted to FrontCounter BC.

Applications and proposals for Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) projects are submitted to the B.C. Oil & Gas Commission.

Learn more about starting a natural resource major project.

Fees for major projects

Fees vary depending on the work involved in each major project. A representative from the major projects team will help to identify specific fees associated with any project during the pre-application permitting phase.

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