Prospective jurors are randomly selected from the provincial voters list and are mailed a document called a summons. A jury summons is an order to attend court on a specific date and time to participate in the jury selection process.
Receiving a jury summons does not mean you have been selected to serve as a juror. Only individuals selected at the jury selection hearing will stand as jurors.
Before responding to your summons, it is very important to read all the documents included in the summons package.
There are two ways to respond to a summons:
After reading the summons package and the information on this page, if you have questions about responding to the summons, please contact the BC Sheriff Service either by email or by calling 1-855-660-0605, between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm, PST (please note there is no voicemail).
Use the Court Services eResponse website to respond to your summons electronically.