Emergency Support Service responder resources

Last updated on February 24, 2025

Forms, guides and manuals for Emergency Support Service (ESS) response teams.

Paper forms

Paper forms are necessary in case of power and connectivity disruptions during an emergency event. Some forms can be downloaded and printed; others can be ordered through your regional office.

Check the forms below to ensure you are using the latest version.


ESS forms

Printable forms

Printable forms can be downloaded for use. Please print enough to support your team during an event. 

Printable form
Name Purpose Link

Claim for Shelter Allowance

ESS responders and evacuees are to complete this form. It is valid only when it is submitted with a completed white copy of the referral form EMBC2395A (list evacuee as supplier).

EMCR2350 (PDF, 225KB)

Follow-up Card Documentation unit workers use this card to show an ESS file (above) needs follow-up. EMBC2576A (PDF, 89KB)

Rate Sheet

ESS volunteers give this sheet to evacuees along with the referral form EMBC2395. It shows the amounts of money evacuees can receive for their basic needs. 

EMBC2395R (PDF, 163KB

Referral Form Record Documentation unit workers use this form to record when they issue a referral form to a referrals unit worker or a level one ESS responder. EMBC2395A (PDF, 416KB)

Supplier Consent

Resource acquisition workers use this form when they reach an agreement with a private provider of emergency services. It describes the goods and services we can reimburse and the rates. It is not a legal agreement.

EMBC2396 (PDF, 902KB)

Registration  Form

Registration responders complete this form in-person or over the phone to record the identity, location and needs of households affected by an emergency. The form guides the conversation to identify evacuees immediate needs and provide services. The form is retained by the ESS team and forwarded to a Documentation Unit. The form data can be entered into the Evacuee Registration and Assistance (ERA) tool.

EMBC2576 (PDF, 408KB)

Sample forms

These forms are carbon-layered paper forms and must be ordered.

Order by:

  1. Completing the supply order form (PDF, 129KB)
  2. Returning it to your emergency management regional office
Sample forms




Referral Form

Referrals unit workers or level one ESS responders use this form to refer evacuees to suppliers of food, clothing, lodging etc. It instructs suppliers to invoice the provincial government.

EMBC2395 sample (PDF, 308KB)

ESS Out Card

Documentation unit workers in reception centres use this when a completed ESS file (above) is taken from the master file.

EMBC2576B sample (PDF, 14KB)

Change of Information Form

Registration unit workers in reception centres use this form to update information of people who've already registered.

EMBC2622 sample (PDF, 86KB)

Guidance and resources

These resources help ESS programs build and support their teams.

Program foundations 


Vision statement

Emergency Support Services is a provincial program delivered by First Nations and Local Authorities that meets the basic needs of British Columbians impacted by disasters by providing short-term support in a compassionate manner.


Program guide

The Emergency Support Services Program Guide (PDF, 1.5MB) is for local Emergency Program teams.  

All ESS responders, ESS directors and leadership should always have access to this guide.


Branding guide and logos

The branding guide (PDF, 294KB) provides instructions for using the Emergency Support Services (ESS) program logo. Download the ESS logos zip folder for various file types that are available.


Evacuee registration and assistance (ERA) tool 

The ERA tool can be used by evacuees to self-register for support services, by responders to register evacuees and by suppliers to submit invoices.

More details on using the ERA tool is on the Launch ESS page and in the ERA tool overview video.

ERA tool

ERA Videos and User Guides

Evacuee Portal

Responder Portal


Reception centre operational guidelines

The Reception Centre Operational Guidelines (PDF, 5.6 MB) provides workers with information and resources to run a centre. It includes:

  • Guiding principles
  • Organization charts
  • Management team
  • Activation levels
  • Checklists, and
  • Forms

Referral unit supervisor's guide

Referral units operate at reception centres during large disasters. (They can also be active during level one emergencies.) They connect evacuees to food, lodging, clothing, emotional support, family reunification.

The Referral Unit Supervisor's Guide (PDF, 1.5 MB) offers tools and tips for:

  • Tracking resources
  • Identifying evacuees
  • Scheduling volunteers’ shifts
  • Completing referral forms
  • Billeting

Documentation units often operate at reception centre during large disasters and can also be active in level one emergencies. Units record information about evacuees. The Documentation Unit Supervisor's Guide (PDF, 1.3 MB) offers tools and tips for:

  • Implementing and operating a unit
  • Distributing, collecting and reviewing forms
  • Reuniting families
  • Gathering and collating statistics

Group Lodging Operational Guidelines

The Group Lodging Operational Guidelines (PDF, 1.6 MB) is for group lodging workers. It includes guiding principles, organization charts, activation levels, checklists and forms.

Team resources 


Direct Payment Guidelines

To support First Nations communities and local authorities in the delivery of the ESS program, the Province may approve direct purchase options to provide more options for evacuee supports. 

Direct Payment Guidelines (PDF 228KB)


Level One Emergency Support Services (ESS) Supervisor Guidelines

A level one emergency is a local event that can be managed using a smaller number of resources.

The Level One Emergency Support Services (ESS) Supervisor Guidelines (PDF, 38KB) offers an overview of a supervisor’s responsibilities, suggested training and experience for the position, and a list of aids.


Fraud awareness presentation

The Fraud Awareness presentation is to support ESS volunteers in understanding and recognizing fraud as it relates to Emergency Support Services and Evacuation Registration and Assistance. It provides practical tips and a reporting mechanism for ESS teams and can be used as a training presentation to be conducted by an ESS Director or Emergency Program Coordinator (EPC).

Fraud Awareness PowerPoint (PPTX, 11.3MB)


Maximizing Stress Resilience Manual

The Maximizing Stress Resilience Manual (PDF, 324KB) is for organizations, agencies and businesses. They can use it to assess whether a new emergency social service recruit will cope in a disaster.

Current responders may also find the manual useful, especially the sections Trauma and Disaster Work: A Self-Assessment and Your Health and Disasters.

The British Columbia Disaster Worker Care Committee developed the manual with the support of the Emergency Support Services Office and the ESS Advisory Committee.


Policy 5.03 Evacuee Living Assistance

Policy 5.03 Evacuee Living Assistance:

  • Sets program eligibility criteria and evacuee responsibilities
  • Forms the framework under which emergency support services programs operate
  • Is the basis for local and provincial government decision making

Public Safety Lifeline Volunteer Code of Conduct

The Public Safety Lifeline Volunteer Code of Conduct (PDF, 34KB) defines the rights and responsibilities of volunteers. Before assisting in an emergency, volunteers must read the code and complete a Public Safety Lifeline Volunteer Registration form. You can get the form from your team leader.


Supplier quick reference sheet

Any supplier with a current ESS supplier arrangement, that provides goods and services to evacuees during an emergency event can use this document as guidance to complete their reimbursement submission.

Supplier quick reference sheet (PDF, 195KB)