The goal of the BC Wildfire Service (BCWS) Prevention Program is to reduce the negative impacts of wildfire on public safety, property, the environment and the economy using the seven disciplines of the FireSmart program.
British Columbia is experiencing a serious and sustained increase in extreme wildfire behaviour and fire events particularly in the wildland-urban interface. More human activity and development is taking place in or near forests, creating greater consequences for the socioeconomic health and safety of citizens and visitors. At the same time, the impacts of climate change are increasing, fire size and severity are increasing, and fire seasons are becoming longer. Prevention is more than stopping new, human-caused fires. FireSmart is based on the premise of shared responsibility and on promoting the integration and collaboration of wildfire prevention and mitigation efforts. All partners and stakeholders have a role to play.
Find out what fire bans and restrictions are in effect in your area, what they mean, and why they are important for mitigating wildfire risk in British Columbia.
Are you looking to get funding for a wildfire prevention initiative in B.C.? There are funding programs available that you may be eligible to take advantage of.
Are you involved with industry or a commercial operator in BC? You have legal obligations and responsibilities with respect to fire use, prevention, control, and rehabilitation.
Cultural and prescribed fire is one of many land stewardship practices that can help reduce the intensity of naturally occurring wildfires while returning an integral and culturally significant process to the land base.
Learn about the role that fuel management plays in wildfire prevention. One of the best ways to mitigate wildfires in high-risk areas is to treat the landscape ahead of time.
Learn more about the Wildfire Act and Wildfire Regulation as well as other related legislation.
FireSmartTM is a shared responsibility. It is about living in a fire-prone ecosystem and taking the necessary steps to protect your family, property, and community from wildfire.