In preparing to develop a treatment plan to mitigate wildfire threat near values at risk, users may find the tools described below helpful in quantifying threat, developing treatment options, and prescribing a treatment plan.
The Forest Professionals of BC (FPBC) play an integral role in the management of fire and fuels in B.C. forest ecosystems. Reference this document for professional considerations related to fire and fuel management.
Fuel management is the planned manipulation and (or) reduction of living or dead forest fuels for forest management and other land use objectives (such as hazard reduction, silvicultural purposes, wildlife habitat improvement) by prescribed fire, mechanical, chemical or biological means, and (or) changing stand structure and species composition.
Best management practices for fuel treatment by fire weather zone
A fire weather zone is a geographic area defined by specific climatic, topographic, and fuel conditions that influence fire behavior. The best management practices for fuel treatment by fire zone were developed for professionals working in fuel management. They provide examples and considerations for fuel treatments for each of B.C.'s six zones.
Fuel management data collection and monitoring
Wildland Urban Interface Wildfire Risk Reduction Plans are the next generation of Tactical Plans. To better reflect the purpose of these plans, and to eliminate confusion with response/operational plans, the plan title and associated guidance and standards have been updated. WUI WRR Plans still serve as the primary wildfire risk reduction planning mechanism for Provincial Crown land in the Wildland Urban Interface.
The Fuel Management Prescription Template and Guidance documents have been revised to better incorporate the data requirements to support prescribed fire as a fuel management treatment. Spatial and Mapping requirements for Fuel Management Prescriptions have now been standardized and details are available in the newly created Fuel Management Prescription Spatial Requirements document below.
Currently, the wildfire risk reduction protocol calls for forestry consultants to develop stand treatment prescriptions to meet wildfire behaviour targets for wildfire risk reduction. The wildfire behaviour targets are developed for conditions at the 90th percentile Forest Fire Weather Index values. The newly developed 90th percentile calculator provides a consistent rationale and dataset for calculating this percentile.
A tool used to determine the desired crown base height (CBH) pruning targets. Input field data can find the target canopy-based height, canopy bulk density and surface fuel.
Stocking standards provide the basic linkage between the harvest of a forest stand and the regeneration of a new stand. The purpose of a fire management stocking standard is to develop and maintain forest stand conditions that achieve fire management objectives. This commonly means reducing fire behaviour by reducing the likelihood of crown fire and/or fast-moving high intensity ground fire.
Wildfire threat assessment material was developed to help forest professionals in B.C. consistently quantity wildfire threat. The process was developed to be consistent with wildfire behaviour principles from the Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System (CFFDRS).