Wildlife Information and Licensing Data system (WILD)

Last updated on March 3, 2025

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WILD System

The Wildlife Information and Licensing Data system (WILD) is the B.C. government’s online service for submitting hunting applications, purchasing licences and submitting reports. The following applications, licences and reports can be accessed through WILD:

Applications for all other fish and wildlife licences, permits and authorizations are processed through FrontCounterBC and Freshwater Fishing.

Accessing WILD

To access WILD, you must have a basic BCeID. You can register here:

BCeID registration

Once you have your BCeID, you can login to WILD here:

WILD login

Please use the current version of your internet browser or you may experience issues with using WILD. If you are able to access the site, but experience an error when attempting to pay, it may be an indication that you need to update your browser to the most current version.

Fish and Wildlife ID

A Fish and Wildlife ID (FWID) is a permanent number linked to your personal online profile in WILD. There is no cost to get a FWID.

For step-by-step instructions on obtaining a FWID and accessing WILD, view the how-to guide:

Keep your FWID profile up to date.

  • Your legal name must appear on your FWID profile. Nicknames are not acceptable. If you have changed your legal name, you will be required to provide supporting documentation to make the update to your FWID profile.
  • You can update your contact information at any time.

Know your FWID while hunting.

  • There is no FWID card. You must carry photo ID and be able to produce your FWID number while hunting in B.C. 
  • You can print your FWID or download a copy onto your mobile device if you choose, but there is no requirement to carry this.
  • Conservation Officers can ask you to provide photo ID and your FWID number to view your profile on their mobile devices.
  • If you had a B.C. resident Hunter Number Card, your Hunter Number has been replaced with a FWID.

If you have forgotten your FWID number, contact FrontCounterBC.

Age Restrictions

A person must be 10 years of age or older to obtain a FWID and hunt wildlife in B.C.

Angler Number

The FWID does not replace the Angler Number. Freshwater anglers will continue to use their Angler Number to purchase angling licences.

First Nations Hunters

First Nations hunters need a FWID only if they wish to apply for limited entry hunting or access other services through WILD.

Digital licensing

Hunting licences in British Columbia are electronic. Digital licences include: resident, non-resident, non-resident alien, initiation and youth licences. You can choose to print these licences from your FWID profile but it is not required. You can buy your licences online through WILD, or in person at a FrontCounter BC office, Service BC office or a vendor location.

Species licences are issued on waterproof, tearproof paper and cannot be printed by hunters. All current year species licences must be carried while hunting. Species licences are issued over the counter at FrontCounter BC offices, Service BC offices or vendor locations, or by mail if purchased online through WILD.

When you buy a licence, the licence information is associated to your online FWID profile. Conservation Officers can access your FWID profile on their mobile devices or on their in-car computers, allowing them to view your credentials, licences, permit to accompany and limited entry hunting authorizations. Your species licence also has a barcode that can be scanned, allowing the Conservation Officer to verify if the licence is valid.

Support for WILD

For more information on online licencing, reporting, and how to apply please see the Frequently Asked Questions and How-to Guides.

For direct questions about WILD, please contact FrontCounter BC