If you do not file your logging tax return by the filing due date, you will be charged penalties and interest.
If you're require to make instalment payments, you'll need to pay by the instalment payment due dates. If you miss any of these payment dates or have deficient payments, you'll be charged interest.
Late filing penalties are assessed if you did not file your return and pay your tax by the filing due date. The penalty is calculated as:
Penalty = (5% x A) + (1% x A x B)
A = the balance owing for the taxation year on the filing due date
B = the number of months, up to a maximum of 12 complete months, from the filing due date to the earlier of:
Late filing penalties for repeated failure to file are assessed if you:
Were issued a written demand to file your return and did not file your return within the time specified in the written demand to file the return, and
Had been assessed late filing penalties in any of the 3 previous calendar years.
In this case, the penalty is calculated as:
Penalty = (10% x A) + (2% x A x C)
A = the balance owing for the taxation year on the filing due date
C = the number of months, up to a maximum of 20 complete months, from the filing due date to the earlier of:
If you do not notify us when you start logging operations in British Columbia, you will be assessed a penalty equal to $500.
If you do not notify us when you stop logging operations, you will be assessed a penalty equal to $500.
Interest is assessed at a rate of prime plus 3 percent for:
If you make a voluntary disclosure that you owe tax, and meet certain conditions, the penalties for late or incomplete tax payments, or for not filing a return, may be waived.
You can make a payment in full, or contact the collection officer looking after your account to arrange a payment plan.
Contact us with your questions about the logging tax.