Phase 3 - 21 km of improvements from 264th Street to Highway 11 are currently in advance construction.
July 12, 2024 - The Bradner Rest Area is being reconfigured and upgraded. To safely make these improvements, the rest area is closed for construction as of July 26, 2024.
Upgrades to this rest area will include better supports for commercial vehicle drivers as well as improvements to make it safer and more functional for the general public.
Sani-dump alternatives
The Bradner Rest Area has been a popular stop for RVers and other travellers, with its free sani-dump facility. While the Bradner Rest Area and its sani-dump will be temporarily closed during construction, there are lots of other options for travellers.
At least five free and 20 fee-for-use sani-dumps are located between North Vancouver and Hope and open to the public.
Improvements to Highway 1 between 264th Street and Highway 11 in Abbotsford (a total of 21 km) are being developed in two parts: 264th Street to Mt. Lehman Road and Mt. Lehman Road to Highway 11.
The first section of improvements is to 13 km of Highway 1 between the 264th Street Interchange (rendering above) and Mt. Lehman Road. Improvements include:
Construction began summer 2024.
This section will be delivered through three major construction contracts:
This section has approved provincial funding of $2.34 billion.
This section will include improvements along an 8 km length of Highway 1 from Mt. Lehman Road Interchange to Highway 11:
This section is in design.
An artist’s rendering of the future Highway 1 – East of 264th Street. Rendering is conceptual and subject to change.
Advanced works for Highway 1 between Mt. Lehman Road and Highway 11 began in fall 2023 and include:
This section has approved provincial funding of $2.65 billion.
Improvements to King Road between McKenzie Road and Riverside Drive will make room for the new HOV/EV and bus-on-shoulder lanes being added to Highway 1. These improvements include:
Construction began in October 2024 and includes:
This work will continue through to summer 2025.
A contract valued at $5 million has been awarded to Regehr Contracting Ltd.
The objectives for the improvements between 264th Street and Highway 11 include:
The work involves collaboration between the Ministry of Transportation and Transit, First Nations, municipal and regional governments, transportation agencies, and active transportation and goods movement stakeholders to plan for the future of transportation for all users through and across the corridor.
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Highway 1 - 216th Interchange Project
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