Drivers & Cyclists

Last updated on July 8, 2024

Drivers have a critical role to play in keeping cyclists safe on our roads. Here are some common things to look out for when sharing the road with cyclists.

  • Allow one metre between your vehicle and the cyclist
    Even though cyclists are required to ride as near as practicable to the right side of the of the road, they may need to veer towards the centre of the lane in order to avoid obstacles such as stones, potholes, manhole covers or a slippery patch of road.
  • Change lanes to pass
    When passing a cyclist, change lanes if safe to do so to create as much separation as possible.
  • Be cautious when opening car doors
    When exiting a vehicle parked along a curb, always check your mirrors and blind spots before slowly opening your car door. A collision with a parked car can result in serious injuries for cyclists.
  • Keep your distance
    Cyclists do not have brake lights to warn you when they are slowing or stopping. Always keep a safe distance.
  • Keep out of bike boxes
    Bike boxes help prevent collisions between bicycles and motorists at intersections. Drivers must stop behind bike boxes at intersections, leaving the space available for cyclists.
  • Check your blind spot when turning right
    When making a right turn at an intersection, always use your indicator, and check your mirrors and blind spot before making a right turn. When cars are lined up for a right turn, cyclists can sometimes come up quickly between stationary or slow-moving cars and the right edge of the road. Always check your mirrors and blind spot before making the turn.
  • Share sharrows
    A symbol showing two chevrons painted above a bicycle means the whole lane is shared between vehicles and bicycles. These are often used to help cyclists reduce the risk of hitting road edge hazards, such as the open door of a parked vehicle.
  • Respect bike lanes
    Bike lanes are reserved for cyclists. Do not drive in bike lanes and always yield to cyclists when crossing bike lanes to access driveways or parking spots.



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