Effective January 2020, the 2020 Traffic Management Manual for Work on Roadways is to be used for all work on Ministry roadways unless otherwise stated in Technical Circular 08/19: 2020 Traffic Management Manual for Work on Roadways.
The 2015 Interim Traffic Management Manual for Work on Roadways (2015 TMM) brings about significant changes over the previous 1999 Traffic Control Manual and 2001 Traffic Management Guidelines for Work on Roadways.
As a consequence, it was introduced as a 4-year interim manual to facilitate users becoming familiar with changes over the previous manual and to provide a time window to flag and correct errors and inconsistencies. It also presented an opportunity to obtain feedback from industry and other users.
The 2015 TMM consolidates past manuals, guidelines, enhancements and technical circulars. It includes innovative methods and devices for traffic control. It draws from provincial, national and international resources. Individuals and organizations shared their technical expertise, experience, and applied innovations. Complete Document
Individual parts are provided for quicker download and to enable the replacement of individual parts of updated materials as required.
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On March 1, 2016, the 2015 Interim Traffic Control Manual was introduced at RoadBuilders
Contact us for information about traffic management.