Step 5 - Creating alternate or replacement submissions

Last updated on September 13, 2022

Finding previous submissions

Manage submissions

manage submissions

Click to view larger image

1. On the main menu, select Sourcing then click Manage Submissions, or select Submissions in Progress on the Supplier Dashboard.

2. On the Manage Submissions page, search and filter for the desidred opportunity.

3. Click the Submission Progress to view the opportunity.

Submission history

submission history

Click to view larger image

1. When viewing the opportunity, in the left-hand menu, select Submission History.

2. Using the Search Submissions field, use the filter to locate a submission.

3. Click on the Title to view the details of that submission.


Create a new submission

Creating a new submission will create a new (blank) proposal. To see the Create a new Submission button, the original submission must have been submitted via e-Bidding. The create a new submission button will not be visible if the submission was submitted via an offline method, use Copy a Submission to submit alternate and replacement submissions.

create a new submission

Click to view larger image

1. While viewing the opportunity, click Create a new Submission.

alternate or replacement

Click to view larger image

2. On the E-bidding tab, in the Submission information:

a. Create a Title for this submission.

b. Identify if this is an Alternate Submission or a Replacement Submission.

c. If Replacement Submission is selected, indicate which previous submission this is replacing. 

3. Proceed in drafting the proposal. See Start Submission or Start Submission (ITQ or Timber Auction) for more information.


Copy a submission

Copying a submission will create a copy of a previous proposal for editing and submission (in addition to a previous submission or replacing a previous submission).

copy submission

Click to view larger image

1. While viewing the opportunity, click the Other Actions drop-down list.

a. Click Copy an existing submission.

choose submission to copy

Click to view larger image

i. In the dialog window, the list of previous proposals will be listed.

Note: The Opportunity Description and Status fields may need to be updated. They default to the current opportunty amendment and received status.

ii. Click on the Copy Submission icon beside the proposal to be copied.

iii. Click OK to confirm the proposal to be copied.

copy last submission

Click to view larger image

b. Click Copy last submission.

alternate or replacement

Click to view larger image

2. On the e-Bidding tab, update the Submission Information.

a. Create a Title for this submission.

b. Identify if this is an Alternate Submission or a Replacement Submission.

c. If Replacement Submission is selected, indicate which previous submission this is replacing.

d. Click Save.

3. Proceed in drafting the proposal as needed. See Start Submission or Start Submission (ITQ or Timber Auction) for more information.


Withdraw an e-bid submission

withdraw ebid

Click to view larger image

1. When viewing the opportunity, on the left-hand menu, click Submission History.

2. In the Withdraw Submission column, use the drop-down list to select Submission Withdrawn.

3. Click Save.

4.Confirm that the Status has changed from Received to Cancelled.

Note: to withdraw a submission sent via an offline submission method, contact the Official Contact of the opportunity through the Enquiries tab.


Cancel an in-progress submission

cancel submission

Click to view larger image

1. While viewing the opportunity, click Cancel Submission.

2. In dialog box, click OK to confirm cancellation of the submission.

confirm submission cancelled

Click to view larger image

3. Click on the E-bidding tab.

4. Confirm that the Submission Status is Cancelled (previosuly In Progress).