Who to talk to about BC Public Service employee ethics

Last updated on March 5, 2025

As BC Public Service employees, we are all required to abide by the Standards of Conduct and work with integrity in all that we do, across the BC Public Service.

Ethics management framework roles and responsibilities

The BC Public Service has established an ethics framework that outlines responsibilities at all levels in six key areas.

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Who to contact

Employees who have concerns about inappropriate or unethical conduct are encouraged to come forward in addition to our duty to report wrongdoing as outlined in the Standards of Conduct.

If you have a concern or question that you wish to bring forward, there are resources and people in place to help.

Ask your supervisor or manager if you have questions about ethics. You may also choose to talk with your organization’s ethics advisor.



Your supervisor is most familiar with your job duties, team and the workplace. As such, they are often in the best position to respond to your question or concern. Supervisors have an obligation under the Standards of Conduct to look into any concerns or issues brought to their attention.


Ministry ethics advisor

If you do not feel that you can speak with your supervisor, you may approach your ministry ethics advisor. Each ministry has an appointed ethics advisor who is available to answer questions or address concerns related to the Standards of Conduct and the Public Interest Disclosure Act.

Ethics advisors are members of your organization’s executive team who have been appointed by the deputy minister to be available to work with employees in response to questions and to help us navigate processes and systems.

They're also responsible for being an ethics champion and leader in their organization. and BC Public Service more broadly.


Contact your ethics advisor

Ethics advisors provide advice, help navigate and make referrals on issues related to the Standards of Conduct.

They do not conduct investigations, intervene in workplace relationship or behaviour issues, and will not review operational or personnel decisions. 

Ethics advisors are available to any employee, no permission is required, and supervisors do not need to know or attend.

As an employee, you do not need to seek supervisor permission to contact your ethics advisor.

Each ethics advisor has a unique and confidential email address where employees can direct their questions or concerns. 

Ministry or Agency Contact
Agriculture and Food Paul Squires
Attorney General
BC Public Service Agency Dr. William Lakey
Children and Family Development Fisnik Preniqi
Citizens’ Services Holly Cairns
Crown Agencies Secretariat
Education and Child Care Cloe Nicholls
Emergency Management and Climate Readiness
Energy and Climate Solutions Nat Gosman
Environment and Parks
Finance Jim Hopkins
Forests Matt Austin
Government Communications and Public Engagement
Health Ian Rongve
Housing and Municipal Affairs Tara Faganello
Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation Ann Marie Sam
Infrastructure Corporate Advisory Service
Intergovernmental Relations Secretariat Doug Caul
Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation Brian Urquhart
Labour Lorie Hrycuik
Liquor Distribution Branch Gayle Corah
Mining and Critical Minerals Tania Demchuk
Office of the Premier Doug Caul
Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills Joanna White
Public Safety and Solicitor General Megan Harris
Public Sector Employers' Council Secretariat Robert Pauliszyn
Social Development and Poverty Reduction Karen Blackman
Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport Nick Grant
Transportation and Transit Heather Hill
Water, Land and Resource Stewardship James Mack

All information provided under the Corporate Ethics Advisory Service is kept confidential and is only used in order to respond to your inquiry in accordance with section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and Information Management Act.  If you have any questions, please contact the Corporate Ethics Advisory Service.

Ethics management framework contact information

If you have a specific concern relating to any of the topic areas listed below, you may wish to contact the relevant agency responsible under the BC Public Service Ethics Management Framework.

Ministry of Finance


Treasury Board


Office of the Comptroller General

Public Service Agency (PSA)


Human resource information and advice

Website: BC Public Service Agency

Ministry of Citizens' Services


Corporate Information and Records Management Office


Information Management (IM) Policy Requirements


Privacy Advice

The Corporate Privacy Helpline

Your Ministry Privacy Officer


Records Management Advice


Report an Information Incident

To report an information incident, dial 250-387-7000, option 3, or toll free at 1-866-660-0811 (available 24 hours a day)


Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO)


OCIO Policies (General Information)


Ministry Chief Information Officers