Flexible work arrangements allow BC Public Service employees who are approaching retirement, or who have already retired, the opportunity to have a mix between retirement and continuity of work.
For some employees, flexible work arrangements offer opportunities to work a flexible schedule before they fully retire.
For others, it provides options to keep working full or part-time in a flexible workplace.
Not all options are appropriate for all positions or all employees.
Flexible work arrangements must be agreed upon by both the employer and the employee. If you're interested in flexible work options, speak with your supervisor.
Learn more about work arrangements.
The BC Public Service supports flexible work options wherever the arrangement benefits both the employee and the employer.
Flexible work arrangements can help employees stay engaged and support a work and home life balance.
This means different things to different people.
Depending on the specific arrangement, benefits of flexible work arrangements might include:
As part of our succession management approach, the BC Public Service supports potential opportunities for flexible work arrangements for employees approaching retirement.
Benefits include:
If you're interested in flexible work arrangements, speak with your supervisor. Work with your supervisor to find out if there is an option that meets the needs of both you and your work unit.
Flexible work arrangements may take time to put in place, so approach your supervisor in a timely manner.
The Public Service Pension Plan is based on the number of years you contributed to the plan and the average of your 5 highest years of salary (not necessarily your last 5 years).
Visit the Public Service Pension Plan website to learn more about planning for retirement, including when you can retire, how your pension is calculated and more.
Visit the Government of Canada website to learn more about the Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security pension, including:
When considering a flexible work option proposal, there are several things to consider:
The Flex work: manager's resources can help you evaluate a flexible work option proposal.
For more information regarding the steps you need to take to set up flexible work arrangements for your employee, submit an AskMyHR (IDIR restricted) service request.
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Submit an AskMyHR (IDIR restricted) service request.
If you're a government employee without an IDIR, call the BC Public Service Agency to submit your service request.