Flexible scheduling refers to an employee’s participation in job share arrangements, part-time work, modified workweeks (such as 'flex-time') or planned leaves.
Flexible scheduling is not the same thing as flexible work and telework, and involves different approval processes.
Flexible scheduling is about when you work; flexible work and telework is about where you work.
For more information about flexible work options, review Flexible workplaces for BC Public Service employees.
Two employees establish a formal agreement to share the responsibility of one position.
Paul and Grace each work 2.5 days per week to fulfil the duties and obligations of a single position.
Key success factors:
An employee works less than full-time and their pay is based on the reduced number of hours.
Jenna reduces her normal work schedule to four hours per day from Monday to Friday.
Key success factors:
A variety of paid and unpaid leave options are available. Discuss with your supervisor.
Daily scheduled work hours can be increased to allow for time off on a regularly scheduled basis. Modified work weeks are negotiated at the local level by the worksite manager and shop steward for that worksite in accordance with the terms of the applicable collective agreement(s).
John works an additional 30 minutes each day and takes every third Friday off.
Key success factors:
Other example work schedules include:
Modified work weeks are inconsistent with the terms and conditions of employment for excluded employees and therefore inappropriate for excluded staff.
Schedule A excluded staff are an exception and may pursue such arrangements as business and operational requirements permit.
For bargaining unit employees, refer to individual collective agreements for modified work week entitlement, schedules and administration.
All statutory holiday credits in the Time and Leave system are based on a seven hour daily shift length for full-time employees.
Employees on a modified work week schedule must make up the shortfall between their daily shift length and the seven hours credited by the system.
If you think a flexible schedule is for you, review Flexible schedule planning and monitoring.