Hours of work (HOW) for the ETO component

Last updated on August 12, 2024

As part of the negotiation of the 19th Environment, Technical and Operations (ETO) Component Agreement (PDF, 717KB), the Employer and the Union fully revised the hours of work (HOW) language in Article 7. 

The table Hours of Work Schedules for ETO Component (XLSX, 11KB) lists details for schedules 1 to 24 for the hours of work (HOW) for the ETO component taken from Article 7.2 of the agreement.

The pilot started April 1, 2019 and moved to permanent state April 1, 2021, as part of the negotiation of the 18th ETO Component Agreement.

ETO component vs E.T.O.

  • 'Environment, Technical and Operations Component' will be referred to as ETO component
  • 'Earned time off' will be referred to as E.T.O.

On this page



Term Definition
ETO component vs E.T.O.

'Environment, Technical and Operations Component' will be referred to as ETO component.

'Earned time off' will be referred to as E.T.O.

point of assembly Every employee will be assigned a regular point of assembly. Unless otherwise specified in the agreement, an employee will start and end each day’s work at their point of assembly (see Clause 13.2).
work group A functionally linked position or number of functionally linked positions, that work from a common point of assembly and perform work of a similar nature in a defined geographical area. If more than one work group works from a common point of assembly, the work groups will be defined by the Employer.
Annual work schedule (AWS)

The work schedule developed and agreed to by the Employer and the individual employee following agreement on hours of work that covers the work schedule for a 12-month period. The individual employee AWS must:

  • Comply with the agreed to hours of work schedule
  • Include days of rest, start and finish times
  • Include any seasonal periods, vacation and ETO scheduling

It is understood that employees using a work schedule based on either a two-week, 70-hour period or four-week, 140-hour averaging period will update their actual working times and days of rest after each work cycle.

  • These agreements will be completed by April 1st annually and shall reflect any subsequent additions or revisions
  • The AWS will be held at the local level
days of rest In relation to an employee, this means a day other than a holiday on which an employee is not ordinarily required to perform the duties of their position. This doesn’t include employees on a leave of absence.
hours of operation The hours established by the Employer to provide adequate service to the public and to fulfil the functions of the work unit.
rest period A paid interval which is included in the workday, and is intended to give the employee an opportunity to have refreshments or a rest.

A period of 24 consecutive hours commencing with the starting time of any shift. For the purpose of calculating compensatory overtime rates only, the time worked prior to, but adjoining to, a shift shall be deemed as time worked after a shift.

work schedule Means the roster of work hours and days to meet the annual hours of work.

Earned time off: who’s eligible

Employees must work full-time in order to be eligible to be set up with this type of schedule in Time and Leave.

Please refer to the table below that lists some of the different employee types and their eligibility and the ETO Component Hours of Work (HOW) Agreement form section for more information.

Employee Type Eligible Rationale
full-time employees yes Must work full-time hours to be eligible.
new employees yes Follow the same schedule as that of their work group.
auxiliary employees yes Must work full-time hours to be eligible.
‘as and when’ (hourly) employees: working an ‘as- and when- needed’ basis no May work up to the daily hours of their assigned work group, up to 35 hours per week. After 35 hours, they’re compensated at applicable overtime rates.
‘as and when’ (hourly) employees: offered work on a full-time basis, 35 hours per week yes Working a full-time basis equivalent to a full-time employee’s schedule, will be eligible to bank earned time off (E.T.O.) hours for hours worked above 35 hours per week.
part-time employees no Hours worked in excess of 35 hours per week will be compensated at applicable overtime rate and aren’t eligible to bank earned time off (E.T.O.).
Youth Employment Program (YEP) no Eligible for overtime, as applicable.
temporary moves to another schedule e.g. BC Wildfire Service, TEAMS no Move to a regular seven hour schedule, earned time off (E.T.O.) isn’t earned and Time & Leave must be updated.

Averaging and flextime schedules: MOU 6

Employees can still work flextime schedules per ETO Component 7.4 and as defined by BCGEU Main Agreement 14.8 (PDF, 2MB).

New flex schedules must be:

  • Signed off by an excluded manager after consulting the BC Public Service Agency (PSA)
  • Submitted and approved by ETO component executive

Averaging schedules are restricted to specified work groups included in ETO Component MOU 6. These work groups can use the HOW averaging schedules listed in MOU 6 or opt to use a schedule from the Hours of Work Table found in the 19th Environment, Technical and Operations (ETO) Component Agreement (PDF, 717KB) with agreement from the Employer.

The ETO Component HOW Agreement form (MOU 1) (PDF, 90KB) must also be completed.

Workgroups currently eligible under MOU 6:

  • Air audit techs
  • Area vehicle inspectors
  • Carrier safety inspectors
  • Commercial transport enforcement officers and supervisors
  • Commercial transport inspectors – portable
  • Conservation officers
  • Mine inspectors
  • Natural resource officers
  • Park officers

ETO Component Hours of Work (HOW) Agreement form

The ETO Component HOW Agreement Form (MOU 1) (PDF, 90KB) must be completed by all ETO Component employees on a HOW schedule.

The form is completed for each employee by the work group Union Representative and the responsible excluded manager.

For each employee:

  • Record HOW table schedule choice and estimated number of surplus hours


  • Ensure a new form is completed each time there is a schedule change
    • Note: Schedules can only be changed by mutual agreement or by either side initiating an hours of work umpire hearing request per Art. 14.2 of the Main Agreement
  • Advise new employees of existing work group’s schedules with ETO HOW agreements in place and that they must follow the same schedule as that work group
    • Note: Each ministry decides whether they’ll allow an employee on probation to access a modified schedule
  • Include whether a sunset provision is being implemented and its expiry date
  • Identify the default schedule at the end of the trial schedule
  • Submit the completed and signed form to be added to the employee’s personnel file through an AskMyHR (IDIR restricted) service request
    • Use the categories My Team or Organization > Employee & Labour Relations > Employee Personnel File
    • Subject: ETO HOW Agreement Records (# of employees)
    • Batches of 10 employees maximum per service request
    • List employee names and numbers

Sunset provision

The sunset provision is a shift schedule that’s implemented on a trial basis that cannot last longer than six months, but can be extended for a further six months by mutual agreement.

Once the sunset provision expires, the shift schedule reverts to the previous agreed schedule, unless mutually agreed to and confirmed by the signed Hours of Work Agreement Form (MOU1).


Annual Work Schedule (AWS) BCPSA 100

Once the ETO Component HOW Agreement Form (MOU 1) (PDF, 90KB) is completed, each employee in the work group must create an Annual Work Schedule (AWS) BCPSA 100 (XLS, 142KB) in consultation with their supervisor and complete it by April 1 annually as per Article 7.1(a)(2).

  • Earned time off (E.T.O.) is earned on a calendar year similar to vacation 
  • All earned time off (E.T.O.) from the previous year must be scheduled by January 15 and taken by March 31 annually
    • Therefore, the AWS covers April to March
  • The AWS BCPSA 100 (XLS, 142KB) is a self-serve template tool for employees and local managers
    • Includes days of rest, start/finish times, seasonal periods, vacation scheduling and earned time off (E.T.O.)
    • Must reflect any subsequent additions or revisions including scheduled and re-scheduled E.T.O.
  • The AWS is held at the local level. Do not submit to the PSA
  • The AWS does not take the place of an actual schedule change/set up request

Time and Leave ETO component HOW schedule change/set up requests

Time and Leave schedule change/set up requests are still required to be completed via an online form.

  • To initiate a schedule request using the online form, go to My Time and Pay portal > Forms tab > Employee Information Form
  • Note: This form cannot be accessed from My Time and Pay: from home
  • My Time and Pay: from work (IDIR restricted)
  • Use the Special Code 'ETO Accumulator' when completing the schedule request
  • Failure to do so will result in an incorrect schedule being changed/set up
  • MOU 6 employees who require an averaging schedule must select one of the Averaging Special Codes instead

10 or more employees (optional)


Ability to overdraw E.T.O. leave bank

Some ministries may allow their employees the option of scheduling leaves using earned time off (E.T.O.) hours before the time off has been earned. The draw-down selection may be one of two values: zero or -35.

  • Maximum allowable amount is -35 hours and must have expense authority approval
  • Submit an AskMyHR (IDIR restricted) service request
    • Use the categories My Team or Organization > Leave & Time Off > Submit a Leave Form
    • Include employee’s information and written expense authority approval to change their earned time off (E.T.O.) overdraft limit from zero to -35
  • Ministries and employees are responsible for monitoring any negative earned time off (E.T.O.) bank values
  • Overdrawn earned time off E.T.O. banks can result in overpayment which must then be recovered

Accessing surplus hours

All earned time off (E.T.O.) credits will be earned and approved by pay period in the Time and Leave system based on the accumulating schedule for your workgroup.

This means surplus hours cannot be accessed before they’re earned. An exception to this is when an employee has the ability to overdraw their leave bank for 35 hours. 

Employees can only work hours that are in their agreed upon schedule. Any additional hours worked would be considered overtime and must be approved.

If an employee has overdrawn their leave bank and does not later earn the E.T.O. credits, they'll be in an overpayment situation and must pay back the unearned hours used.  Overdrawn ETO credits may be offset against wages or other monies owed to the employee.

When an employee has been overpaid ETO credits, the provisions of Main Agreement Article 27.28 shall apply.



ETO component HOW schedules with shortages

Four of the ETO component HOW schedules have shortages. 

When a schedule has a shortage, the employee needs to make up the time by scheduling the needed hours by mutual agreement. These hours are tracked at the local level.

For detailed Time and Leave entry instructions, please refer to the Earned Time Off Accumulator Schedule Overview (IDIR restricted).


Shift premiums and table schedules

If an employee cannot choose their own start and finish times for the table schedules, applicable shift premiums will apply.

If an employee has the ability to choose their schedule, shift premiums will not apply.


ETO component accumulator leave banks

ETO accumulator (ACC) schedules are established by pay period.

Earned time off (E.T.O.) credits are accumulated by day based on the scheduled shifts in the pay period.

  • The timesheet must be approved by the expense authority
  • After payrun is complete for that pay period, these credits will be reflected in the earned time off E.T.O. leave bank
  • For more information on managing this type of schedule, please refer to the Earned Time Off Accumulator Schedule Overview (IDIR restricted)

Paid leave of absences: vacation, regularly scheduled day off (RSDO), E.T.O. surplus time, CTO

  • Vacation leave and other paid leaves using leave banks, such as compensatory time off (CTO), are taken based on the length of the scheduled work day
    • This applies if the leave is for a full day (not partial)
  • Leave taken during earned time off (E.T.O.) surplus hours must be requested through a leave request in Time and Leave
  • Annual vacation can be requested for the entire year in Time and Leave
  • The Annual Work Schedule (AWS) BCPSA 100 (XLSX, 142KB) is the only way to record E.T.O. requests for the entire year
    • They can be entered into Time and Leave in a leave request once the E.T.O. has been earned

Regularly scheduled days off (RSDO)

  • RSDOs are included in schedule patterns within the HOW table where there are additional days of rest, other than a standard weekend, built into the schedule
  • The day off is earned by working additional hours throughout the pay period and the employee receives the same day off each pay period or per schedule pattern
  • Earned time off (E.T.O.) is where an employee and their supervisor agree that the employee may take time off using available E.T.O. surplus hours and is recorded through a leave request (similar to how vacation is approved and recorded)
  • Statutory holidays that fall on an employee’s RSDO are typically rescheduled to an adjacent work day
    • If they're considered a 24/7 employee, they're provided with another day off in lieu when a stat holiday occurs that must be scheduled within 60 days of the statutory holiday 
  • When an employee is called in to work on their RSDO, they’re entitled to overtime at double-time rates
  • When an employee is called in to work when taking scheduled leave (E.T.O.), the leave request is cancelled and overtime is not applicable
    • Note: Employees may be called in to work on scheduled earned time off (E.T.O.) only in specific emergency-type circumstances
  • For detailed Time and Leave entry instructions, refer to the Earned Time Off Accumulator Schedule Overview (IDIR restricted)

Scheduling E.T.O. surplus hours

  • Most earned time off (E.T.O.) surplus hours are scheduled when the Annual Work Schedule (AWS) BCPSA 100 (XLSX, 142KB) is completed unless mutually agreed to otherwise
  • Up to 70 surplus hours can be taken with the employee's vacation entitlement, subject to seniority
  • Employees can withhold up to 70 surplus hours and take them during the year for miscellaneous purposes (but they may not be added to vacation selections to increase the 70 permitted hours)

Note: Surplus hours may be taken in increments less than the full work day at the employee's option and are scheduled subject to their supervisor's approval.

Earned time off (E.T.O.) must be scheduled by January 15 following the year it was earned.

All scheduled or rescheduled E.T.O. must be taken by March 31 following the year it was earned.

Exception: Avalanche crews with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure must take their scheduled or rescheduled E.T.O. by August 31 following the year it was earned.

Statutory holidays

Statutory holidays are calculated at 7 hours and are already included in the table schedules.

For employees on a 24/7 schedule, when a statutory holiday falls on a day of rest or on a scheduled work day, Articles 17.3 and 17.4 of the BCGEU Main Agreement (PDF, 2MB) will apply.

For detailed Time and Leave entry instructions around statutory holidays, refer to the Earned Time Off Accumulator Schedule Overview (IDIR restricted).


Leave without pay

  • When an employee is on leave without pay, the earned time off (E.T.O.) bank will need to be adjusted accordingly as E.T.O. is not earned on leaves without pay
  • Leaves without pay must be recorded at seven hours a day for a full day of leave or less for a partial day of leave with available accrued E.T.O., vacation or compensatory time off (CTO) taken for the remainder of the scheduled day
  • Refer to the Earned Time Off Accumulator Schedule Overview (IDIR restricted) for additional information and steps

Short Term Illness and Injury Plan (STIIP)

During the first pay period of illness

  • STIIP is recorded at the actual shift length
  • Employees will need to record their leave requests around any scheduled earned time off (E.T.O.) taken if the absence is occurring across multiple days
  • Employees will continue to be deducted for any scheduled E.T.O. taken, similar to how STIIP occurring around a RSDO in a modified work week schedule during the same pay period

If the STIIP absence is going to exceed or has exceeded one pay period

  • The employee will not accrue earned time off (E.T.O.) and will revert to a 7-hour, 5:2 schedule at the beginning of the second pay period of absence
  • When an employee is on a STIIP absence for longer than one pay period, scheduled E.T.O. is to be displaced by STIIP
  • For detailed instructions on managing the absence in Time and Leave, refer to the Earned Time Off Accumulator Schedule Overview (IDIR restricted)
  • For any questions, please contact AskMyHR (IDIR restricted) by submitting a service request
    • Use the categories My Team or Organization > Leave & Time Off > Sick Leave

Note: Employees who are in MOU 6 work groups and who have opted to work an averaging schedule would default to a seven hour day immediately on the first day of STIIP.


Moving to temporary schedule

ETO component employees who temporarily move to another schedule, such as a temporary appointment or seasonal schedule where E.T.O. is no longer earned, must work with their supervisor to ensure no overpayment of credits or leave taken occurs.

Any over-taken hours will be treated as an overpayment and must be recovered.

Coordinated Operation Response to Emergencies (CORE) Team

  • BC Wildfire Service (BCWS)
  • Emergency Management and Climate Readiness (EMCR)

ETO Component employees who are involved in the BC Public Service Coordinated Operation Response to Emergencies (CORE) Team for BC Wildfire Service (BCWS) or Emergency Management and Climate Readiness (EMCR) must temporarily revert to Schedule One (seven hour 5:2 shift), including periods of Standby.

  • E.T.O. will not be accrued and Time and Leave must be updated accordingly
  • The employee and their base supervisor must ensure no overpayment of credits or leave taken occurs
    • Any over-taken hours will be treated as an overpayment and must be recovered
  • For detailed Time and Leave entry instructions, refer to the Earned Time Off Accumulator Schedule Overview (IDIR restricted)

Adjusting E.T.O. banks for E.T.O. hours not earned

Earned time off (E.T.O.) leave banks will require adjustments in the following circumstances (but not limited to):

  • For longer term STIIP leave taken, beyond one pay period
  • Employee temporarily moves to another schedule, such as a BCWS TEAMS fire suppression/provincial emergency deployment, or an updated period schedule
  • Leave without pay (LWOP) is recorded for a full day where the shift length is usually greater than seven hours

If the employee’s status is changing from full-time to part-time or ‘as and when’ auxiliary, please submit a new schedule request through the Employee Information Forms in the My Time and Pay portal.

To adjust E.T.O. banks, please refer to the Earned Time Off Accumulator Schedule Overview (IDIR restricted).