A step by step field procedures guide for Level 1 study lake monitoring volunteers.
Please hold off going out if it is raining heavily (i.e. making it difficult to see the Secchi disk accurately), if there is abnormally high boat traffic, or if your safety would be at risk. A clear, calm day would be best.
Refer to the Level 1 program overview page for useful information before and after your sampling event.
If you need assistance, please phone BC Lake Stewardship Society at 1-877-BCLAKES (1-877-225-2537) or email info@bclss.org.
Step 1 - Water temperature
- The water temperature reading is conducted in surface water at your lakes predetermined station site.
- Place the thermometer over the side of the boat 0.5 metres below the surface of the water (a line can be attached to the thermometer to facilitate this).
- Wait at least one minute before reading and recording your temperature results.
- The reading should be taken immediately after taking the thermometer out of the water and recorded to the nearest 0.1°C.
Step 2 - Secchi depth
- Lower the Secchi disk over the shaded side of the boat. Avoid wearing sunglasses
- Slowly lower the disk until the black and white pattern is no longer visible
- Note the measurement on the tape measure in metres at the waters surface (estimate to the nearest 0.01m). Record this measurement as Distance A
- Pull the disk up until the black and white pattern just appears again and record the measurement on the tape measure at the waters surface as Distance B
- Average the two measurements [ (Distance A + Distance B) / 2 ] = Secchi depth

Step 3 - Check and fill in the remainder of the form
- Please fill in the entire field form, including information on current weather and surface water conditions, and send it to the BC Lake Stewardship Society office once the sampling season is complete.
- The data form has space for one site on the same water body for the entire season.
- If you need more, please use a separate copy of the data form.
Our program would love to see your photos! Please email us any lake or volunteer themed photos you would be willing to share or have displayed on our website.
Need a copy of this page? Download a PDF version of the Level 1 study field procedures.