A step by step field procedures guide for Level 2 study lake monitoring volunteers.
Please hold off going out if it is raining heavily (i.e. making it difficult to see the Secchi disk accurately), if there is abnormally high boat traffic, or if your safety would be at risk. A clear, calm day would be best.
Refer to the Level 2 program overview page for useful information before and after your sampling event.
Step 1 - Getting to the site
- Upon arrival, note any safety hazards or concerns and adjust plans as needed
- It is important that the predetermined station is located so that the measurements collected can be compared with the water quality data collected by the Ministry. It is recommended to use a GPS or depth sounder.
- Before anchoring, check the lake depth with calibrated rope, tape or depth sounder.
- Record depth to nearest 0.01 meter or establish permanent buoy. If very calm, anchoring may not be necessary.
- Record the date, time, volunteer names, weather, and water conditions (refer to your field sheet).
Step 2 - Lake profile

- Calibrate the YSI (Refer to “How to Calibrate my YSI ProSolo ODO Meter” for step-by-step instructions).
- To get accurate readings, the meter depends on Barometric pressure, which varies daily, so the meter must be calibrated each time you sample.
- Record the percentage (%) Dissolved Oxygen reading at the end of calibration in the field sheet to help us determine whether the YSI probe needs servicing.
- Lower the YSI probe until the probe is submerged just below the surface. Wait at least one minute before reading your results to allow the readings stabilize. Record:
- Temperature (to the nearest 0.01°C)
- Dissolved oxygen (to the nearest 0.01 mg/L)
- Lower the probe to a depth of one meter and repeat, recording the values once they have stabilized.
- Continue to measure and record temperature and dissolved oxygen values at one metre intervals.
- The last measurement will be from a depth one metre above the measured lake bottom (to prevent sediments in sample) or until the probe cable has reached its maximum length.
Step 3 - Secchi depth
- Lower the Secchi disk over the shaded side of the boat. Avoid wearing sunglasses
- Slowly lower the disk until the black and white pattern is no longer visible
- Note the measurement on the tape measure in metres at the waters surface (estimate to the nearest 0.01m). Record this measurement as Distance A
- Pull the disk up until the black and white pattern just appears again and record the measurement on the tape measure at the waters surface as Distance B
- Average the two measurements [ (Distance A + Distance B) / 2 ] = Secchi depth

Step 4 - Check and fill in the remainder of the form
Please fill in the entire form and note any observations while travelling to or while sampling at the site. This may include:
- algae blooms
- surface slicks
- debris
- pollen
- zooplankton
- fish kills
- recent storm or high wind events
- fishing derby
- water skiing competitions, etc.
The data form has space for one site on the same water body. If you need more, please use a separate copy of the data form.
If you need assistance with any of the above steps, please contact us.
Step 5 - Data entry and end of season responsibilities
- After the final sampling event of the season, copy the field data into the standardized digital format provided and submit it electronically to the Ministry within 30 days
- Using the Purolator account number provided, please return sampling equipment to the Ministry for maintenance and storage within 30 days of final sampling event for the season unless otherwise arranged.
Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy
Attn: BC Lakes Stewardship and Monitoring Program
1011-4th Ave, Suite 325
Prince George, BC V2L 3H9
T: (250) 649-2939
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