Recycle Batteries (Household)

Last updated on August 9, 2018

What can I recycle?

All consumer single use or rechargeable batteries weighing less than 5 kg each can be recycled. These include batteries used to power cordless tools, mobile and cordless phones, laptop computers, digital cameras, flashlights, watches and other products.

Why should I recycle?

Batteries contain a number of heavy metals and toxic chemicals. By recycling batteries, you divert waste from landfills, help reduce the risk of soil contamination and water pollution, and reduce the need for raw materials to manufacture new products.

What happens to it?

Batteries and cellphones are separated by type and then forwarded for recycling. The recycling facility processes the reusable metals from the batteries and prepares them for use in new products such as batteries, a variety of stainless steel products and cement additives.

Product Stewardship

Visit the Recycling Council of British Columbia (RCBC) for stewardship programs and updates.

Check the B.C. Recycling Handbook for a guide on what can be recycled under B.C.'s Product Stewardship Programs.

Find a Drop off Location

Visit Recycling Council of B.C. or call:

BC Toll-Free: 1-800-667-4321
Lower Mainland: 604-RECYCLE (604-732-9253)

Stewardship Program

Program Website

Annual reports and stewardship plans as provided to the Province are posted for convenience.

Contact information

Recycling Council of BC
BC Toll Free: 1-800-667-4321
Lower Mainland: 1-604-732-9253