Request your personal information

Last updated on June 7, 2024

Last updated: March 30, 2023

You can ask for government records that contain your personal information. Find out how to request personal information for someone else.

There are no fees to make a personal information request.

Provide enough information about yourself to help us search for records.

  • Tell us which ministry or agency holds the records you want
  • Describe the records you're requesting

To receive your records electronically, verify your identity with the BC Services Card Login when you make your request.

Request personal records

If you are unable to submit your request using our online portal, please complete the manual mail in form (PDF 157 KB).

These are some examples of records you can request.

Ministry or agency

Types of records

BC Public Service Agency

  • B.C. government employment records, including payroll and occupational health records

Community Living BC

  • Eligibility records
  • Assessment records
  • Planning records
  • Service provider (agency) records

Ministry of Children and Family Development

  • Child in care records
  • Child protection records
  • Adoption records
  • Foster parent records
  • Daycare subsidy records

If you were a client of the ministry, there are some personal records that you can ask for directly. For example, you do not need to submit a freedom of information request for: 

  • Forms or records you submitted, for example, a form your social worker asked you to complete or a letter from a landlord, doctor or counsellor
  • Copies of letters or other documents that were addressed to you
  • Copies of current Affordable Child Care Benefit records

Contact the program or employee you worked with to find out how you can request your personal records.

Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General

  • BC Corrections Branch records
  • RoadSafetyBC records (e.g. driver fitness file)
  • Crime Victim Assistance Program records

Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction

  • Provincial income assistance records
  • Disability assistance records

If you were a client of the ministry, there are some personal records that you can ask for directly. For example, you do not need to submit a freedom of information request for: 

  • Records you submitted, for example, a pay stub, or a letter from a landlord, doctor or counsellor
  • Copies of letters or other documents that were addressed to you
  • Calculation of benefits records (T5007 information)
  • Cheque history information

Contact the program or employee you worked with to find out how you can request your personal records.

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