Public engagement on international credential recognition

Last updated on September 17, 2024

In 2023, the Province ran an online survey to identify barriers and to gather public feedback on improving the credential recognition process. 

What we heard

In July 2023, the What We Heard: Public Engagement on International Credential Recognition (PDF, 2100KB) report was released. It includes feedback from over 1,450 people surveyed in spring 2023 on how the Province could:

  • Improve the credential recognition process
  • Remove unnecessary barriers to international professional credential recognition

Feedback from participants revealed:

Inconsistent information

“It is so difficult to find the right information. No one is giving the same information”

Insufficient support

“If I was confused about something, there was not a single person I could talk to. I was constantly passed in circles and left to figure it out for myself”

Difficulty registering

“I have not attempted registration owing to the complexity, timelines, and associated costs”

The Province used this feedback to improve the international credential recognition process in B.C. and to guide the development of the International Credential Recognition Act, which came into effect on July 1, 2024.