Submit a concern about credential recognition

Last updated on September 17, 2024

Share your concerns about the process to recognize professional credentials in B.C.

On this page

Appeal an application decision

If you have an issue with your license application, contact the regulatory authority responsible for licensing in your profession.

File a complaint about unfair decisions, actions or processes

If you encounter unfair credential decisions, actions or processes by a regulatory authority:

  1. Follow their appeal process
  2. If there is no appeal option, you may file a complaint with the BC Ombudsperson

Submit a concern to the Superintendent

If you have concerns about your assessment, contact the regulatory authority responsible for the assessment process. They have established procedures to handle these concerns.

The Superintendent of International Credential Recognition promotes fair, efficient, and transparent assessment processes for international credentials.

  • The Superintendent reviews systemic or general issues about the assessment process for international credentials that affect many people
  • The Superintendent does not address individual issues or licensing decisions

However, you can still share your personal experiences to help us understand broader issues with the international credential recognition process.

To share a concern with the Superintendent, e-mail the Office for International Credential Recognition at