BCEA Application - Stage 1

Last updated on September 20, 2024


The application process includes two stages.  During the first stage, applicants are assessed as to whether they have already completed a satisfactory work search or are required to complete a work search or if they are exempt from this requirement. Applicants who are not exempt must complete a reasonable work search before their eligibility for assistance can be determined.

All new applicants, and former recipients reapplying for assistance (returning more than six months later), are required to complete or demonstrate that they have completed a satisfactory work search lasting three weeks.

Applicants who are exempt from this initial work search requirement can proceed directly to the Stage 2 of the application process.

Applicants assessed as having an immediate need can proceed directly to the Stage 2 of the application process and will be assessed for hardship assistance while they complete their work search as required.

Applicants who disclose they are fleeing abuse on the application or during the Stage 1 interview are given critical priority [see Related Links – Persons Fleeing Abuse].

Recipients who leave disability assistance as a result of employment income and become eligible for Medical Services Only should continue to submit monthly reports in order for the ministry to re-establish eligibility for disability assistance when:

1.       the client’s income falls below the disability assistance rate; or

2.       the client is eligible for an annual earnings exemption in the new calendar year

[For more information, see Policy - Medical Services Only Clients Requesting Assistance].

This requirement applies to applicants under the Employment and Assistance Regulation and Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Regulation.



Requirements for Stage 1

Effective: January 1, 2020

During Stage 1 of the application process, staff must assess the circumstances of all applicants to determine whether they have already completed a satisfactory work search, or must complete a three-week work search or if they are exempt from this requirement.  Applicants who are not exempt must complete a reasonable work search before they can proceed to Stage 2 of the application process.

All new applicants and former recipients (returning more than six months later) are required to complete a three-week work search [see Related Links – Work Search].

Applicants are assessed as to whether they have already completed a satisfactory work search or are required to complete a work search or if they are exempt from this requirement. If they have not already completed a satisfactory work search, the work search period begins on the day that the applicant submits an application for assistance through My Self Serve (MySS), on their own or with assistance.

If an applicant has a dependent spouse, staff must assess the circumstances of the spouse to determine whether they have already completed a satisfactory work search, or must complete a work search or if they are exempt from this requirement. If only one spouse meets the exemption criteria, the other spouse is required to complete the work search. The family unit cannot proceed to Stage 2 until a reasonable work search is completed.

EXCEPTIONS:  In cases where an applicant or any person in the family unit has an immediate need for food, shelter, or urgent medical attention, the family unit is not required to complete the work search prior to proceeding to Stage 2 of the application process. Family units who have not completed their work search and have been determined to have an immediate need will be assessed for eligibility for hardship assistance. Eligible  family units will be provided with hardship assistance while they complete the three-week work search.

If an eligibility interview cannot be completed in time to meet the immediate need, staff must ensure the applicant’s immediate need is addressed within the same business day [see Related Links – Immediate Needs, Work Search and Immediate Needs – Work Search Required].

In addition, if any member of the family unit has the Persons with Disabilities (PWD) designation at the time of application, the entire family unit is exempt from the work search and must proceed directly to Stage 2 of the application process [see Related Links – Work Search – Exemptions for other reasons that an applicant must be exempt from the work search requirement].


Completing an Application Stage 1

Effective: October 3, 2016

Some applicants may require additional services to apply for assistance (including those completing the Application for Assistance through My Self Serve). The ministry offers alternative methods of service delivery, such as interpreter services and trusted third parties [see Related Links – Individual Case Management].


Aboriginal Self-Identifier

Effective: June 26, 2014

The Application for Assistance includes questions that requests applicants to identify if they are an Aboriginal person who is First Nations, Métis and/or Inuit.  An applicant may identify in more than one category.  If the applicant identifies as a First Nations Aboriginal, the applicant is also asked if they are registered under the Indian Act of Canada (i.e., status or non-status Indian). 

Answering these questions is completely voluntary and does not affect the eligibility decision for income, disability or hardship assistance.  Both the primary applicant and the spouse are asked to answer the questions.

The purpose of these questions is to:

  • refer Aboriginal persons to programs and services better designed to meet their needs
  • create services better designed to meet the needs of Aboriginal persons and respect Aboriginal culture; and
  • to determine how well ministry policies and programs assist Aboriginal persons

Note:   Recipients will be asked to complete the Aboriginal Self-Identifier form (HR3187) at an Eligibility Review if not previously completed.


Medical Services Only Recipients Requesting Assistance

Effective: January 1, 2020

Recipients of Medical Services Only (MSO) who are requesting income assistance, disability assistance or hardship assistance may apply for assistance as follows:

  • If they have not received income assistance in any of the preceding six months, complete an application by using the Eligibility Review process and signing an HR0080R
  • If they have received income assistance in any of the preceding six months, and their case is open, the ministry has discretion to use either the streamlined reapplication process, or where needed, the Eligibility Review process and signing an HR0080R.

[For more information, see Related Link – BCEA Streamlined Application (Returning within Six Months)]

Recipients who leave disability assistance as a result of employment income and become eligible for MSO should continue to submit monthly reports in order for the ministry to re-establish eligibility for disability assistance when:

  1. the client’s income falls below the disability assistance rate; or
  2. the client is eligible for an annual earnings exemption in the new calendar year

If a client does not continue to submit monthly reports while they are receiving MSO, they will be required to complete a reapplication.


1) A disability assistance recipient reaches their family unit’s Annual Earnings Exemption limit in August and becomes eligible for MSO for the remainder of the calendar year. The client continues to submit monthly reports to the ministry. In November, the client stops working and their income falls below the disability assistance rate. The ministry re-establishes the client’s financial eligibility and the client returns to disability assistance.

2) A disability assistance recipient reaches their family unit’s Annual Earnings Exemption limit in June and becomes eligible for MSO for the remainder of the calendar year. The client continues to submit monthly reports to the ministry. In March of the following year, the client is eligible for an annual earnings exemption and returns to disability assistance.




Completing an Application Stage 1 

Effective: September 28, 2017 

When Completing an Application for Assistance through My Self Serve

To complete an Application for Assistance documents are required to validate an electronic signature [See Related Links – Identification Requirements – Policy - Identification Required to Validate Electronic Signature].

An applicant is required to register for My Self Serve (MySS) and complete the online Application for Assistance. The steps below can be used to create an application:



Navigate to the MySS Launch Page and create or log into a previous MySS account.



An email confirmation link will be sent to activate a new account. This will enable the applicant to create a 4 digit Personal Identification Number (PIN). This PIN will be an electronic signature when documents are signed in MySS.



Create a BCeID and password and log into MySS.



Navigate to the Service Request section in MySS and begin a new Application for Assistance (Part 2 HR0080).



The Application for Assistance allows for the option to upload documents and save in-progress at any time. A Documentation Checklist summary will be presented at the end of an application showing uploaded and outstanding documents.



When complete, use the previously created 4 digit PIN to sign and submit the Application for Assistance Part 2 (HR0080) which includes the declaration, and the Application for Assistance Part 1 (HR0080B), which includes the rights, responsibilities, and consents.



Review the Application for Assistance, documents and work search. If more information is needed, communicate with the applicant through MySS messaging, phone, email or in person.


Supported Intake - When Completing an Application for Assistance

If an applicant is unable to register for MySS or complete the online Application for Assistance (Part 2 HR0080) (i.e. due to lack of internet access or no SIN), the steps below can be used to create an application:



Upon notification from an applicant, the point of contact will create a Service Request for an assisted application.



An EAW contacts the applicant and enters information on their behalf in the Application for Assistance.



Verbal consent is obtained using the Application for Assistance - Verbal Consent (HR0080A).



A completed Application for Assistance (Part 2 HR0080) is submitted.



A Documentation Checklist summary, listing the outstanding documents required, is provided to the applicant.



Submit required supporting documents in person, by fax or mail.



Attends a local office to sign the Application for Assistance (Part 2 HR0080) and Application for Assistance - Consents (Part 1 HR0080B).

If the applicant is unable to come into the office to sign the consents, the applicant is advised to sign the consents in the presence of a trusted third party (for example, a government agent) that will validate the documents and authenticate the person’s identity.

Note:  In exceptional circumstances when an applicant is unable to reach an EAW/ministry staff or a trusted third party, the ministry may accept witness signatures from members in the following groups:

•           other government staff; or

•           prescribed professionals (see EAPWD Regulation, Section 2(2)).

Note: If the applicant is a 17-year-old applying for the PWD designation, and does not have the capacity or cannot attend the office due to a physical or mental impairment, the parent/guardian may complete and sign the application on the applicant’s behalf. If the applicant is a 17-year-old applying for PWD designation through Youth Transition program, the ministry may accept the package without a witness signature.



Review the Application for Assistance, documents and work search. If more information is needed, communicate with the applicant via phone, email or in person.

Applicant Override Intake - When Completing an Application for Assistance

If an applicant does not have a valid or current email address (or does not wish to use email) but is otherwise capable and able, through MySS, to complete and submit their application they may attend a local BCEA office or Service BC office to complete their application at a ministry kiosk or Service BC CAT terminal.

Point of Contact


Upon notification from an applicant, the point of contact will initiate an Applicant Override application.



Determine if ID can be visually verified.



Complete the support view ID section and provide SR# and PIN(s) (if ID was verified).



Point of contact attaches ID documents to SR.



Direct applicant to kiosk or CAT terminal.



Submit required supporting documents in person, by fax or mail.



If applicant was not able to have their identity validated and therefore could not use an electronic signature they will need to complete an HR0080B and provide a manual signature.



Advise applicant of next steps

  • Provide the applicant any relevant brochures
  • Explain process for submitting documents:
    • In person, office drop box
    • Mail
    • Intake fax (1-855- 671-8801)

Answer any additional questions the applicant may have


Completing a Streamlined Application

Effective: January 1, 2020

If a family unit received income assistance or disability assistance in at least one of the preceding six calendar months, and the family unit is applying for assistance by submitting the Monthly Report Form (HR0081), ministry staff may request information and forms in addition to the HR0081.

If a family unit’s composition has changed, follow the established process for adding or removing spouses and dependent children.

If the family unit’s case has closed, follow the established process for re-opening the case. This may require the submission of the EA/EAPWD Review form (HR0080R) or a full re-application (HR0080 and HR0080B), to obtain declarations, consent, and acknowledgement of rights and responsibilities.


Medical Services Only Recipients Requesting Assistance

Effective: September 1, 2016

[For more information, see Related Links – Monthly Reporting Requirements; Eligibility Review.]


Accessing Interpretation Services

Effective: June 26, 2009

For clients with language barriers who are unable to comprehend or communicate through written or spoken English, the ministry can provide access to contracted interpretation services by telephone and, on a case-by-case basis, in person. 

[For information on how to access interpretation services, see Related Links – Individual Case Management.] 


Application for Assistance (Part 1 HR0080B) Form

Effective: July 16, 2018

The collection, use and disclosure of personal information is subject to the provisions of the provincial Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.  The Application for Assistance (Part 1 HR0080B) has been designed to gather the consents needed to administer the BC Employment and Assistance program.

The applicant and dependent spouse (if applicable) are required to complete the Application for Assistance (Part 1 HR0080B) [see Forms and Letters].  The application contains the following information:

  • BC Government’s Responsibilities
  • Privacy
  • Applicant’s Rights and Responsibilities
  • MSP Client Release
  • Applicant’s consent to third party release of information to the ministry
  • Applicant’s Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) consent

When completing the HR0080B with applicants, staff are responsible to fully explain the rights and responsibilities (including reporting requirements) and the consents (including the CRA consent to release taxpayer information to the ministry).


Application for Assistance (Part 2 HR0080) Form

Effective: July 16, 2018

The collection, use and disclosure of personal information is subject to the provisions of the provincial Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.  The Application for Assistance (Part 2 HR0080) has been designed to gather the information needed to administer the BC Employment and Assistance program.

The applicant and dependent spouse (if applicable) are required to complete the Application for Assistance (Part 2 HR0080) [see Forms and Letters].  The application collects the following information:

  • Basic information, including the applicant's name, social insurance number, and birth date.
  • Immediate needs assessment
  • Income and asset information for the family unit
  • Shelter expenses
  • Bank account information
  • Applicant’s declaration that the information provided is accurate
  • Applicant’s acknowledgement that the ministry may verify their information with third parties

Application for Assistance (Verbal Consent HR0080A) Form 

Effective: July 16, 2018

The collection, use and disclosure of personal information is subject to the provisions of the provincial Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. 

The HR0080A is used to collect verbal consent for third party checks during the application process. It is used only when the consents on the Application for Assistance (Part 1 HR0080B) are not available (e.g. pending applicant signature), and permits the ministry to conduct third party checks for a period of five business days. It is valid for all third parties with the exception of Canada Revenue Agency.


Employment and Assistance/Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Review (HR0080R) Form

Effective: July 16, 2018

The HR0080R is used for eligibility reviews, to add a spouse to an existing case, and in some circumstances for a person returning to assistance after a period of Medical Services Only (MSO) or Transitional Health Supplements (THS). It may also be used in some situations after a short period when no payments were issued. The HR0080R includes the information, declaration, and consents that are included in the HR0080 and HR0080B.



Frequently Asked Questions


Question   Does an applicant who wishes to apply for disability assistance have to apply for income assistance before applying for disability assistance?

Answer   No.  Income assistance and disability assistance are administered under two different acts.  An applicant is not required to apply for income assistance prior to applying for disability assistance.  However, an applicant may choose to apply for income assistance and disability assistance at the same time because, if eligible, they may receive income assistance while awaiting the outcome of their PWD designation application.  Applicants who wish to apply for disability assistance (and the PWD designation) but not income assistance are still required to submit the Application for Assistance and to meet all of the eligibility requirements for disability assistance.


Question   Will the ASI information be used in any other way?

Answer   The data will be used to determine the effectiveness of programs and services and to design new programs.

It will be used for research to identify trends and outcomes for Aboriginal persons and to measure progress in closing the socioeconomic gap.

Aboriginal data and personal information collected will not be used to do eligibility-related data matches with any other federal or provincial programs.