Designation Application

Last updated on September 20, 2024


The BC Employment and Assistance Program for Persons with Disabilities provides disability assistance and supplements to provide greater independence for people with disabilities, including security of income, enhanced well-being, and participation in the community.

To be eligible for disability assistance, a person must meet the criteria for the Persons with Disabilities (PWD) designation and be designated as such by the ministry.  PWD is not a permanent designation and the ministry has the authority to rescind an individual’s designation in exceptional circumstances.




Effective: September 1, 2016

 The purpose of a Person with Disabilities (PWD) designation is for individuals to access assistance or programs under the Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities (EAPWD) Act.  A person may be designated as a Person with Disabilities (PWD) if they have reached 18 years of age and have a severe mental (including a mental disorder) or physical impairment that meets all of the following criteria:

  • in the opinion of a medical practitioner or nurse practitioner, the impairment is likely to continue for at least two years
  • in the opinion of a prescribed professional, the impairment directly and significantly restricts the person’s ability to perform daily living activities either continuously or periodically for extended periods
  • as a result of those restrictions, the person requires an assistive device, the significant help or supervision of another person, or the services of an assistance animal to perform daily living activities

A person may also be designated as a PWD if they have reached 18 years of age and are confirmed to be a member of a prescribed class in accordance with section 2.1 of the EAPWD regulation [see Policy – Persons with Disabilities - Prescribed Class].

Recipients retain the PWD designation whether or not they continue to be financially eligible for disability assistance.  They are not required to apply for the designation on reapplication for assistance. 

The federal government, and each province and territory have their own definition of a person with disabilities.  To be eligible for disability assistance in BC, applicants must be granted designation under the EAPWD Act through the ministry.


Persons with Disabilities Designation - Prescribed Class

Effective: October 5, 2021

The EAPWD Act permits the ministry to designate someone as a Person with Disabilities (PWD), without going through the standard application process, if the person has already been approved for another prescribed government program or benefit.  

The EAPWD regulation prescribes the classes of people who will be able to use this more streamlined process to become designated as a PWD. Those classes are:

  1. People enrolled in BC PharmaCare Plan P (Palliative Care Benefits);
  2. People who have been determined by the Ministry of Children and Family Development to be eligible for the At Home Program – Medical Benefits and Respite (a program which assists family with the costs of caring for a severely disabled child);
  3. People who have been determined by Community Living British Columbia to be eligible to receive its support and services (Developmental Disability or Personal Supports Initiative); and
  4. People determined as disabled by the Government of Canada and eligible for the Canada Pension Plan Disability Benefit or the Canada Pension Plan Post-Retirement Disability Benefit.

A person applying under a prescribed class must complete the Persons with Disabilities Designation Application – Prescribed Class Form (HR3642) [see Forms and Letters]. By submitting this application form, the applicant provides consent to the ministry to verify their eligibility as a member of a prescribed class directly with the specified agency.  If the ministry is unable to confirm a person’s eligibility under a prescribed class directly with the specified agency, the applicant may be asked for written documentation to assist with verification.

A PWD Designation Application – Prescribed Class (HR3642) is provided only to new applicants or recipients of income assistance who intend to apply for disability assistance who have identified themselves as a member of one of the prescribed classes. 

People applying for PWD designation as a member of a prescribed class must still meet all other eligibility requirements (identification, financial, residency, etc.) to be found eligible for disability assistance. 

[For more information on policy and procedures to apply for assistance, see Policy - Persons with Disabilities Designation Application (HR2883) and Related Links – BCEA Application Stage 1 and Stage 2.]


Persons with Disabilities Designation Application (HR2883)

Effective: September 1, 2016

The Persons with Disabilities (PWD) Designation Application (HR2883) is used to collect information pertaining to the applicant’s disability that will allow the ministry to make evidence-based decisions consistent with legislation.  [For a sample HR2883, see Additional Resources.]  The PWD Designation Application (HR2883) has three-parts:

  • Section 1 is client information to be completed by the applicant
  • Section 2 is a Medical Report to be completed by either a medical practitioner or nurse practitioner
  • Section 3 is an Assessor Report to be completed by a medical practitioner, nurse practitioner or other prescribed professional

A PWD Designation Application (HR2883) is provided only to new applicants or recipients of income assistance who intend to apply for disability assistance. 

Note: The ministry does not have the legislative authority to consider an application for the PWD designation for purposes other than the provision of assistance and programs under the Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Act.  Applicants who want to apply for the PWD Designation to access other programs or benefits should not be provided with a PWD Designation Application (HR2883) unless they also intend to apply for disability assistance.  Collection of personal information in the absence of any intention to apply for assistance under the Act would not be authorized under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

A PWD Designation Application (HR2883) should only be provided where the applicant is financially eligible (meets the income and asset test) or is likely to be financially eligible within 6 months of the date the application is requested, including those who are in the process of transferring assets into a trust or Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) [see Policy - Trusts and RDSPs]. 

If the eligible client or applicant has assets in excess of the PWD limit, the client/applicant must be informed of the trusts program and RDSP exemption and referred to the Disability Assistance and Trust booklet and the Trusts, Committeeships and Structured Settlements: Documentation Guidelines for Clients.  Ministry staff cannot provide legal or investment advice to applicants or clients.  [see Additional Resources]  [For further information on Trusts and RDSPs, see Related Links – Trusts and Assets and Exemptions.]

If an applicant meets the eligibility criteria for income assistance under the Employment and Assistance Act, with the exception that their assets are tested at the PWD level (including assets over the PWD level in the process of being transferred into a trust or RDSP), the applicant may receive income assistance while they are completing their application and awaiting the outcome of their application for PWD designation.  While an applicant is not required to be determined eligible for income assistance before being provided the PWD designation application form, the applicant must first complete the intake process, sign the HR0080 and have an open case (whether in pay or not) before a PWD application can be adjudicated by Health Assistance.

Example 1:  An applicant is applying for disability assistance but has assets over the PWD limit that the applicant is transferring into a non-discretionary trust.  The applicant may be provided a PWD application and may be eligible for income assistance while completing the PWD application and while the trust is being reviewed by the ministry.  If the client is denied the PWD designation, the non-discretionary trust will be considered an asset and the client will not be eligible for further assistance while their assets are over the income assistance limit.  

Example 2:  An applicant is applying for disability assistance but has assets over the PWD limit.  The applicant does not intend to transfer the excess assets into a trust or RDSP.  The applicant may not be provided a PWD application until such a time as their assets are likely to be under the PWD asset limit within 6 months. 

A decision to refuse to provide a PWD Designation Application (HR2883) may be reconsidered.

Applicants may start the Persons with Disabilities (PWD) designation application process six months prior to their 18th birthday to ensure they can be adjudicated for the designation prior to requiring assistance.  [For detailed information, see Policy and Procedures – 17-Year-Old Applicants.]

[For more information, see Procedures – Application Process for the Persons with Disabilities Designation.]

[For a table explaining when to provide a PWD Designation Application, please see Additional Resources – Provision of PWD Application Form.]


Trusts or RDSPs

Effective: July 20, 2011

Eligible clients who receive assets that they intend to transfer into a trust or Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP), or who have a trust that has not yet been reviewed by the ministry, will be provided a PWD application.  For clients applying for PWD designation who have a valid trust or who are transferring assets into trust, in making the decision whether a PWD application is to be provided, it is to be presumed that the trust will provide an exemption for the assets held there.  The client should be provided a PWD application if the client meets all of the following requirements:

  • The client intends to apply for disability assistance
  • The client is likely to be financially eligible (within six months of the date the application is requested) taking into account the presumption that the asset is or will be in a valid trust and will be exempt

The PWD designation decision must be made in response to the client’s application, and will ultimately take into account the ministry’s review of the trust to determine the validity of the trust and whether exempt.

If the eligible client or applicant has assets in excess of the PWD limit, the client/applicant must be informed of the trusts program and RDSP exemption and referred to the Disability Assistance and Trust booklet and the Trusts, Committeeships and Structured Settlements: Documentation Guidelines for Clients [see Additional Resources].  Ministry staff cannot provide legal or investment advice to applicants or recipients.

[For further information on trusts, please see Related Link – Trusts.]


Receiving Income Assistance while Waiting for PWD Designation

Effective: July 20, 2011

Persons who intend to apply for the Persons with Disabilities (PWD) designation and who are in need of financial support may receive income assistance and retain their assets at the higher limits (including assets over the PWD level in the process of being transferred into a trust or Registered Disability Savings Plan) applicable to recipients of disability assistance, until the outcome of their PWD Designation Application.  To qualify for income assistance, these applicants are required to meet all eligibility criteria under the Employment and Assistance (EA) Regulation, with the exception that their assets are to be tested at the higher limits allowed to recipients of disability assistance as noted above.

Both recipients and applicants are expected to make every effort to collect the information necessary to determine their medical condition and to return the completed PWD Designation Application within a reasonable period of time of approximately three months after receiving a PWD Designation Application.

Recipients who are denied the PWD designation and have either delivered a Request for Reconsideration to the ministry or submitted a Notice of Appeal to the Tribunal, would be eligible for a reconsideration or appeal supplement while awaiting the outcome of the reconsideration or appeal, as applicable [see Related Links – Reconsideration and Appeal]. 

Clients who are found ineligible for the PWD designation are not required to repay income assistance already received, but can retain assets only at or below the asset limits under the EA Regulation [see Related Links – Assets & Exemptions – Asset Limits for Persons Applying for PWD Designation].


17-Year-Old Applicants

Effective: September 1, 2016

A person must meet the PWD designation criteria and financial eligibility criteria under the EAPWD Act, and must be 18 years of age, to receive disability assistance.

Children with disabilities who are likely to be financially eligible for disability assistance when they turn 18, may begin the application process up to six months prior to their 18th birthday.  Starting the application process early will allow children with disabilities sufficient time to schedule appointments with medical practitioners and prescribed professionals, and to have their PWD application completed and adjudicated so they can start receiving disability assistance as soon as they turn 18.

[For instructions for 17-year-old applicants, see Procedures - Application Process for the Persons with Disabilities Designation.]

[For more information on procedures to apply for assistance see Related Links – BCEA Application Stage 1 and Stage 2.]


17-Year-Old Applicants: Youth with an Intellectual Disability

Effective: September 1, 2016

Note: Youth with an Intellectual Disability who are eligible to receive services and supports from either Community Living British Columbia or the Ministry of Children and Family Development’s At Home Program can apply for the Person with Disabilities (PWD) designation as a member of a prescribed class.  [See Policy and Procedures - Persons with Disabilities Designation - Prescribed Class]. 

For individuals who do not meet the prescribed class criteria, specific PWD designation procedures and a consent form have been developed for 17-year-old youth diagnosed with an Intellectual Disability (Intellectual Developmental Disorder) to streamline their transition to disability assistance with the ministry.

Youth with a diagnosis of an Intellectual Disability (or their parent/guardian) may consent to the sharing of relevant portions of their psychological assessments (or psycho-education reports) in order to determine PWD designation eligibility, as an alternative to completing a PWD Designation Application (HR2883). 

If the psychological assessment information submitted does not contain sufficient information to confirm eligibility, the Youth Consent form (HR3183) also gives permission for the ministry to request copies of the client’s psychological assessments or psycho-education reports from the applicant’s School District or, where appropriate, the Ministry for Children and Family Development.

[For instructions, see Procedures –17-Year-Old Applicants: Youth with an Intellectual Disability.]


Ministry of Children and Family Development Clients

Effective: April 4, 2024

Youth with support needs receive programs and services through the Ministry of Children and Family Development until they are 19 years of age.  These individuals may delay applying for PWD designation while they are still eligible for those services. 

These youth may apply for a PWD designation within 6 months of their 19th birthday.  Starting the application process at that time will allow youth with disabilities sufficient time to schedule appointments with medical practitioners and prescribed professionals, and to have their PWD application completed and adjudicated so they can start receiving disability assistance when they turn 19, if determined eligible.

Youth who are:

  • In government care (under the care of the Ministry of Children and Family Development),
  • approved for PWD designation prior to their 19th birthday, and
  • eligible for disability assistance as of their 19th birthday

are eligible to receive the shelter allowance for the full month in which they turn 19, as calculated in Schedule A for any rent owing, and the support allowance pro-rated from the day they turned 19 to the end of that month.

Any payments made by the Ministry of Children and Family Development to the caregiver for service up to the day the person turned 19 are not considered in the calculation of the applicant's assistance.

Note:  Young adults who are supported through Strengthening Abilities and Journeys to Empowerment (SAJE) agreements may begin the PWD designation application 6 months prior to their agreement ending.  Payments received through SAJE should be treated as per the Income Treatment and Exemptions policy.


Disability Assistance and Supplements

Effective: July 8, 2013

PWD status is effective the first of the month following designation.  A recipient with the Persons with Disabilities designation may be eligible for:

  • higher rates [Rate Tables: Disability Assistance]
  • general health assistance [see Related Links – Health Supplement Summary]
  • earnings exemption [see Related Links – Income Treatment & Exemptions]
  • low-cost annual bus pass [see Related Links – BC Bus Pass Program]

Note: A client must be at least 18 years old to receive disability assistance.


Employability-Related Obligations

Effective: September 1, 2024

The Ministry recognizes that recipients with the Persons with Disabilities designation may have barriers to employment. They are not required to enter into an Employability Plan and are not subject to employability-related obligations. However, the Ministry encourages them to connect to the workforce and community, if they are able, to fully realize their economic and social potential and an annual earnings exemption is available to earn more income. A Voluntary Employability Plan may assist in meeting these goals. (See Related Links- Voluntary Employability Plan, Income Treatment & Exemptions).  


Returning to Assistance

Effective: September 1, 2016

Persons with the Persons with Disabilities (PWD) designation who return to the ministry for disability assistance will be required to complete the same financial application process as all applicants and have an orientation. Persons with the PWD designation at the time of application are exempt from completing the work search.  Once financial eligibility has been established, disability assistance and health supplements can be provided.  [For more information on application for BC Employment and Assistance, see Related Links – BC Employment and Assistance Application Stage 1, Stage 2 and Orientation.]

Persons with the PWD designation in receipt of Medical Services Only coverage as a result of employment income should continue to submit monthly reports in order for the ministry to re-establish eligibility for disability assistance when:

  1. the client’s income falls below the disability assistance rate; or
  2. the client is eligible for an annual earnings exemption in the new calendar year

[For more information, see Related Links- BCEA Application - Stage 1 - Policy - Medical Services Only Clients Requesting Assistance].

Persons with the PWD designation in receipt of Medical Services Only coverage, for reasons other than as a result of employment income, who are requesting disability assistance or hardship assistance will be required to complete a reapplication. [For more information, see Related Links – Eligibility Review.]


Applicants with Indigenous Services Canada PWD Designation Moving Off Reserve

Effective: October 19, 2016

The federal government, and each province and territory have their own definition of a person with disabilities.  To be eligible for disability assistance in BC, applicants must be granted the Persons with Disabilities (PWD) designation under the Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities (EAPWD Act) through the ministry.

An Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) designated PWD recipient who moves off reserve and subsequently applies for assistance with the ministry may not be required to complete a PWD Designation Application (HR2883) form.  With the applicant’s signed consent, the ministry can obtain a copy of the applicant’s ISC PWD Designation Application (SA301) and any related information.  This information will be used to determine if they meet the criteria for the PWD designation through the ministry.

If the ministry is unable to make a decision based on the information in the ISC PWD application form, the applicant will be required to submit a completed ministry PWD application form.


Recipients with PWD Designation Moving On Reserve

Effective: October 19, 2016

The federal government, and each province and territory have their own definition of a person with disabilities.  To be eligible for the on reserve Persons with Disabilities (PWD) designation in BC, all applicants must be granted a designation through Indigenous Services Canada (ISC).

Recipients who have the PWD designation from the ministry before they move on reserve may not be required to complete an ISC PWD Designation Application (SA301) form. With the client’s signed consent, the ministry will forward a copy of their PWD Designation (HR2883)  Application form and any related information directly to ISC. This information will be used to determine if they meet the criteria for PWD through ISC.




Application Process for the Persons with Disabilities Designation

Effective: July 8, 2013

Note: The following procedures do not apply to applicants applying for PWD as a member of a prescribed class, or to 17 ½ to 19 year old applicants with a diagnosis of an Intellectual Disability.  For these clients, see Procedures – Application Process for the Persons with Disabilities Designation under a Prescribed Class or 17-Year-Old Applicants: Process for Youth with an Intellectual Disability.

Step 1: Eligibility to Apply

Determine if the applicant or recipient of income assistance intends to apply for disability assistance.  A PWD Designation Application (HR2883) should not be provided where it is established that the individual has no intention to apply for disability assistance.

A PWD Designation Application (HR2883) should only be provided where the client is financially eligible (meets the income and asset test) or is likely to be financially eligible within 6 months, including eligible clients who are in the process of transferring assets into a trust or Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP).   (Six months is the approximate combined length of time it takes for an individual to complete the PWD Application Form and the ministry to adjudicate the application.)  [For further information, see Related Links – Trusts – Policy – Eligibility and Trusts.]

Examples of where staff may determine a situation for a client may change within 6 months  include, but are not limited to:

  • individuals on EI or EI medical, whose benefits will expire within that time period
  • individuals whose employment is seasonal or intermittent

Providing a PWD Designation Application within 6 months will allow for a streamlined transition for these individuals.

If the applicant is not currently receiving income assistance, staff must ensure the applicant has first completed the intake process, signed the HR0080 and has an open EA case (whether in pay or not) in order for the PWD application to be adjudicated by Health Assistance. If the client is currently in receipt of income assistance, no additional financial assessment is required.  If the EA case is open and cheque production is off, Health Assistance (HA) will return the SR to the EAW unless there is an explanation as to why the client has applied for PWD and is not eligible for assistance.

[For additional information, see the Provision of PWD Application (HR2883) in Additional Resources.]

If the applicant is not already receiving income assistance and meets the eligibility criteria for income assistance under the EA Act, with the exception that their assets are tested at the PWD level (including assets over the PWD level in the process of being transferred into a trust or RDSP), staff may provide income assistance pending the outcome of the applicant’s application for PWD designation [see Procedures – Providing the Application to Persons Exempted from Asset Limits].

If the eligible client has assets in excess of the PWD limit, staff must inform the client of the trusts program and RDSP exemption and refer the client to the Disability Assistance and Trust booklet and the Trusts, Committeeships and Structured Settlements: Documentation Guidelines for Clients [see Additional Resources].  Note on the EA case the date the client was informed of the trust program and referred to the booklet and guidelines.  [For further information, see Related Links – Trusts.] 

Step 2: Provide the PWD Designation Application (HR2883) to the Client

A PWD Designation Application (HR2883) is not provided if the applicant does not meet the financial eligibility requirements as determined in Step 1. Note:  If a sample application is provided to a client who is not likely to be financially eligible within 6 months, for assistance, it should be printed off the intranet for the client’s information.  This copy has a “sample” watermark on each page. 

Staff must advise the client that they have the right to have this decision reconsidered. 

[For a sample PWD application, see Forms and Letters.]

[For information on when to provide a PWD application, see Additional Resources, Provision of PWD Application (HR2883).]

If a PWD Designation Application (HR2883) is provided, authorized field staff must complete the following procedure:

Point of Contact 1. Review the PWD Designation Application (HR2883) and the application process with the client.  Offer the applicant a Persons with Disabilities brochure [see Additional Resources].
2. Have the client complete Section 1A, Personal Information.
3. Stamp page one with the office stamp and sign the application to validate it for fee payment.  Only applications with the issuing office stamp and signature are validated for payment.  Payments of fees are provided through the Medical Services Plan not the Employment and Assistance Offices (EAO) [see Procedures - Fees for Medical Practitioners and Prescribed Professionals].
4. Advise the client to have the form completed by a medical practitioner or nurse practitioner and/or a prescribed professional, as denoted on the application form.

Advise the client to review the checklist once the application is complete and return by mail to Health Assistance within three months [see Contacts for Staff]

Note: For underage applicants, advise the applicant to return the form as soon as possible to Health Assistance to ensure a determination of the application by the applicant’s 18th birthday.


If the client is receiving IA pending the outcome of the adjudication of their PWD Application, set a due date of three months. In the notes field, note case details and reasons for issuing while pending receipt of PWD application.   

7. Change the PWD status to “Pending Received” until return of completed PWD Application to prevent auto closure of the case.

Step 3: Initial Adjudication

Health Assistance (HA) adjudicates the PWD Designation Application.

*Fast track the adjudication of PWD Designation Application for underage clients.

When a client is approved for the PWD designation:




Sends the decision letter to the client (all documents will be available to the EAO in the system).



PWD status is effective the first of the month following designation.

Note: For underage clients, PWD status is effective on the client’s 18th birthday or the first of the month following designation, whichever comes later.



Provide each new PWD designated client with the “Information to New Persons with Disabilities Designation” template letter (HR3220). This will be attached to the PWD approval letter mailed to the client [see Forms and Letters].

 When a client is denied the PWD designation, or if a client's designation is rescinded, HA will:

1.    send a decision letter and decision summary to the client to advise the client of the reasons for the denial and the right to reconsideration (all documents will be available to the EAO on the system)

2.    update the PWD status on the SD More Info applet and close the SR

[If the client requests reconsideration, see Related Links – Reconsideration.]


Application Process for the Persons with Disabilities Designation under a Prescribed Class

Effective: September 1, 2016

Disability assistance applicants who are applying for the Persons with Disabilities (PWD) designation as a member of a prescribed class will self-identify as meeting this criteria on the Application for Assistance. This action will trigger the system to automatically forward their service request to the appropriate intake office.  The process below also applies to recipients of income assistance who intend to apply for the PWD designation and identify as meeting the criteria under prescribed class.

The following process is for applying for the PWD designation:



Provide the applicant or recipient with the PWD Designation Application – Prescribed Class (HR3642).

Applicant or Recipient


Complete the HR3642 and return to the office.



Send the completed HR3642 to Health Assistance (HA).



Notify the applicant or recipient of the decision.  If unable to confirm prescribed class, the applicant or recipient will be contacted to provide confirmation of prescribed class or complete the PWD Designation Application (HR2883) [see Procedures - Application Process for the Persons with Disabilities Designation].



Send a copy of the decision letter and Information to New Persons with Disabilities Designation Letter (HR3220), or the decision letter and decision summary if the applicant or recipient is denied, to the applicant.  All documents are available to the EAO on the system. [see Forms and Letters]

 [For information on the process to apply for assistance, including disability assistance, see Related Links – BCEA Application Stage 1 and Stage 2.]


Returning to Assistance

Effective: September 1, 2016

Persons with the Persons with Disabilities (PWD) designation who left disability assistance for reasons other than employment income and reapply for disability assistance are required to complete the same financial application process as all applicants, and have an orientation.  At application they are exempt from completing the work search.  Once financial eligibility is established, disability assistance and health supplements can be provided.  [For more information on application for BC Employment and Assistance, see Related Links – BC Employment and Assistance Application Stage 1, Stage 2 and Orientation.]

Recipients whose disability assistance ended because of employment income and become eligible for Medical Services Only (MSO) can continue to submit their Monthly Report (HR0081) monthly report to re-establish disability assistance when they become financially eligible. [For more information, see Related Links - BCEA Application - Stage 1].

If the Annualized Earnings Exemption (AEE)-MSO client submits monthly stubs and becomes eligible for disability assistance before the new AEE year (March benefit month), staff are to manually reinstate them onto disability assistance.

All other persons with the PWD designation in receipt of MSO who request disability assistance or hardship assistance are required to complete a reapplication [for more information, see Related Links – Eligibility Review].


Providing the Application to Persons Exempted from Asset Limits

Effective: September 1, 2016

An eligible client or client in receipt of income assistance that has applied for or intends to apply for the PWD designation, may retain their assets up to the limits allowable under the Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities (EAPWD) Regulation [see Rate Tables or Additional Resources – Assets]. When a client is exempted from the asset limits and intends to apply for the PWD designation, follow these steps:

  1. Provide the client with a Person with Disabilities (PWD) Designation Application (HR2883) and follow the procedures in Step 2 in the Application Process for the Persons with Disabilities Designation.  [For a sample HR2883, see Forms and Letters]
  2. Provide the client with the “Assets in Excess Pending PWD Designation Application” template letter (HR3259) and inform the client that the completed PWD Designation Application should be returned to Health Assistance Branch within three months [see Forms and Letters].
  3. If the client is receiving IA pending the outcome of the adjudication of their PWD Application, set a due date of two months in the SR and note in the memo field “PWD application submitted by client? If not, send HR3260.” Make notes of the case details and reasons for issuing while pending receipt of PWD application.
  4. If the ministry has not received the PWD Designation Application after two months, ministry staff are to provide the client with the “Assets in Excess Pending PWD Designation Application (60 days)” template letter (HR3260) to request that the completed PWD Designation Application be submitted to the ministry by the specified date [see Forms and Letters] and update the SR due date forward one month.  
  5. If, after the letter has been sent and the application isn’t received within the three months, cancel the SR, set SR resolution to “service abandoned/refused” and update the notes.
    If the client does submit the application after the three-month period, staff are to re-open the SR [see Related Links – Assets & Exemptions – Procedures – Asset Limits for Persons Applying for PWD Designation].

17-Year-Old Applicants: Process for Youth with an Intellectual Disability

Effective: September 1, 2016

Disability assistance applicants who are 17 ½ to 19 years old with a diagnosis of an Intellectual Disability (Intellectual Developmental Disorder) will self-identify as meeting this criteria on the Application for Assistance. This action will trigger the system to automatically forward their service request to the appropriate intake office.

Note: Youth with an Intellectual Disability who are eligible to receive services and supports from either Community Living British Columbia or the Ministry of Children and Family Development’s At Home Program can apply for the Person with Disabilities (PWD) designation as a member of a prescribed class.  [See Policy and Procedures - Persons with Disabilities Designation - Prescribed Class.]

The following process is for applying for the PWD designation:



Submit the psychologist assessment.



Complete the Youth Transition Consent (HR3183) and return to the office.



Send the psychological assessment and completed HR3183 to Health Assistance (HA).



Notify the applicant of the decision.  If unable to confirm criteria, contact the applicant to have them complete the PWD Designation Application (HR2883) [see Procedures - Application Process for the Persons with Disabilities Designation].



Send a copy of the decision letter and Information to New Persons with Disabilities Designation Letter (HR3220), or the decision letter and decision summary if the applicant or recipient is denied, to the applicant.  All documents are available to the EAO on the system [see Forms and Letters].

[For information on the process to apply for assistance, including disability assistance, see Related Links – BCEA Application Stage 1 and Stage 2.]


Applicants with Indigenous Services Canada PWD Designation Moving Off Reserve

Effective: October 19, 2016

Applicants with the Persons with Disabilities (PWD) designation through Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) who leave a reserve and subsequently apply for disability assistance with the ministry will be required to complete the same financial application process as all enquirers, receive an orientation and to demonstrate a reasonable work search.  [For more information on application for BC Employment and Assistance, see Related Links – BC Employment and Assistance Application Stage 1 and Stage 2, Work Search and Orientation.]

However, the applicant may not be required to complete a new PWD Designation Application as their PWD designation information on file with ISC and the British Columbia Aboriginal Network on Disability Society (BCANDS), can be made available for adjudication by Health Assistance (HB). 

To initiate the release of the client’s ISC PWD designation information, the Employment and Assistance Worker (EAW) will complete the following steps:

  1. Have the applicant complete and sign the Consent to Release of Information (HR3125) [see Forms and Letters].
  2. Send completed consent form to BCANDS at the fax number or address noted on the consent form.  When faxing, EAWs must adhere to guidelines concerning transmittal of confidential information. 
  3. Scan and profile a copy of the consent form.
  4. Note that the signed consent form has been completed and sent to BCANDS.

Upon receipt of the completed HR3125, BCANDS will forward a copy of the client’s ISC PWD application and any related information directly to HA within 12 business days. 

HA will complete a review of the ISC PWD information to determine if it is sufficient to proceed with adjudication. 

If HA is unable to make a decision based on the information received, the applicant will be required to submit a completed PWD Designation Application (HR2883) form. 



Recipients with PWD Designation Moving On Reserve

Effective:  October 19, 2016

Recipients who are moving on reserve and have received the Persons with Disabilities (PWD) designation from the ministry may request that their PWD designation information be released to Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) and the British Columbia Aboriginal Network on Disability Society (BCANDS), for the purposes of a file review to confirm their eligibility for the ISC PWD designation. 

Prior to the release of the ministry’s PWD information, the recipient must complete and sign a consent form, (SA320) which is available through their Band Social Development Worker (BSDW).  The consent form must be sent by the BSDW directly to Health Assistance (HA), as HA is responsible for releasing the requested information. 

To initiate the release of the recipient's ministry PWD designation information, the BSDW will complete the following steps:

  1. Have the recipient complete and sign the Consent to Release of Information (SA320). 
  2. Send completed consent form to HAB at the fax number or address noted on the consent form.  When faxing, BSDWs must adhere to guidelines concerning transmittal of confidential information. 
  3. Scan and profile a copy of the consent form and record date sent to HA. 

Upon receipt of the completed consent form, HA will forward a copy of the recipient's PWD designation (HR2883) Application form and any related information directly to BCANDS for a file review within 12 business days. 


When a Review is Required

August 17, 2007

Health Assistance (HA) determines whether or not a review is warranted due to exceptional circumstances (i.e., the ministry has been supplied with inaccurate or new information) and ensures that all criteria are met for the PWD designation. 

When a recipient’s Persons with Disabilities (PWD) designation is approved upon review due to exceptional circumstances, Health Assistance follows these steps:

1.    Send one of the following letters to the recipient, as appropriate:

  • PWD Designation Confirmation - Info provided to EAW (HR0020)
  • PWD Designation Confirmation - Info provided by EAW (HR0021)

2.    Update the recipient’s status on the SD More Info applet in Case, Contacts, SD More Info sub view tab to continue disability assistance.


PWD Designation Rescinded

Effective: August 17, 2007

When a recipient’s Persons with Disabilities (PWD) designation is rescinded, follow these steps:

Health Assistance  1. Send the decision letter to the recipient to advise of the reasons for the rescindment, the effective date of the rescindment, and the right to reconsideration. 
  2 Update the PWD status on the SD More Info applet in Case, Contacts, SD More Info sub view tab.
EAO 3. Assess the recipient for continued eligibility for income assistance prior to the end of the period.
  4. Adjust the EA case if the recipient has other disability-related supplements or if supplier cheques are set up on the case.
  5. Review health case.

[If the client requests reconsideration, see Related Links – Reconsideration.]


Fees for Medical Practitioners and Prescribed Professionals

Effective: September 1, 2016

Fees for medical practitioners completing the PWD Medical Report and the PWD Assessor Reports are paid through the Medical Services Plan (MSP).

Fees for non-medical practitioner prescribed professionals completing the Assessor Report are paid by Health Assistance upon submission of an invoice.  Prescribed professionals complete the Assessor’s Invoice included on the last page of the Designation Application or Review booklets.  The invoice is removed from the booklet and mailed to Health Assistance [see Contacts for Staff].

Medical practitioners or nurse practitioners and other prescribed professionals may call the Health Assistance, at the number included in the Designation Application and Review forms, with any questions regarding completion of the forms and payment of fees.

Authorities and Responsibilities



Effective: August 17, 2007

Employment and Assistance Office (EAO) is responsible for:

  • assessing financial eligibility
  • providing the Persons with Disabilities Designation Application (HR2883) to clients who meet the financial eligibility criteria

Health Assistance (HA) is responsible for:

  • assessing eligibility for the Persons with Disabilities designation
  • recording client status when a designation is approved
  • changing disability assistance client status when a designation is rescinded

Frequently Asked Questions


Question:   What is the difference between a prescribed professional and health professional?

Answer:   A health professional is a person who is authorized under an enactment in British Columbia to practice one of the following professions:

  • medical practitioner
  • registered psychologist or certified school psychologist
  • registered nurse or registered psychiatric nurse
  • occupational therapist
  • physical therapist
  • social worker

Health professionals provide necessary documentation for staff to determine eligibility for certain employment programs and exemptions.

A prescribed professional is a person who is able to assess section 3 of the PWD Designation Application. The definition includes all of the professions listed in the definition of health professional, and also includes chiropractors and nurse practitioners.


Question:  A person applied for Person with Disabilities (PWD) designation and was denied, and was not successful at reconsideration or appeal.  The person has a health condition(s) that interfere with or impede employment.  What options within the ministry are available that may assist this recipient.

Answer:  A recipient who does not qualify for the PWD designation can be provided an application for the Persons with Persistent Multiple Barriers (PPMB) category.

Recipients who qualify for PPMB are those who have: 

  • a health condition that has lasted for at least 1 year and is likely to continue for at least 2 more years OR has a health condition that has occurred frequently in the past year and is likely to continue for at least 2 more years.  This health condition is a barrier that seriously impedes a person’s ability to search for, accept or continue in employment


  • at least one additional barrier that seriously impedes the person from searching for, accepting or continuing in employment.

[For information on eligibility, see Related Links - Persons with Persistent Multiple Barriers.]


Question:   Can a second PWD Designation Application (HR2883) be given to an applicant or recipient who has just been denied the PWD designation?

Answer:   Recipients who have been denied the PWD designation can request a reconsideration within 20 business days of the date that they were advised of the decision.  The reconsideration/appeal process should be used when the recipient wants to provide clarification on information provided in their original application.

A new HR2883 should only be given when the 20 business days have lapsed or there has been a significant change in the recipient’s circumstances, such as a new medical condition has arisen.